
Physical Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"The incorruptibles demonstrate that the spiritual and the physical worlds are intertwined."
"Underrated, I think a woman's neck, I love a nice neck exposed."
"The battle against U3 is not just a physical confrontation, but a symbolic one."
"Everything that happens in the Physical Realm is a direct result of something that is taking place in the spiritual."
"Almost every quality game gets a physical release and every single game gets a digital release alongside it."
"He gets the physical, he gets the work, he gets the timing, he gets the verbal, he gets the personality."
"You are not just physical; you're actually mental, spiritual, and physical."
"Oh, interesting. So, physically hurting anyone was the line. You’re like, I’m not going past that."
"The physical attributes bear witness to spiritual potentials."
"If you want to improve on the physical level there is something extraordinary there. If you want to develop yourself in the spiritual and in the mind aspect there's also something special over there."
"It's a story that blends the metaphysical with the very physical."
"They're really fantasizing about you in a very impulsive and physical way."
"You are healing your sacral chakra. As you heal emotionally, physical ailments in that area will also improve."
"Phase one is the physical transformation."
"The physical symptoms of anxiety include feeling tense, having difficulty sleeping, feeling edgy, restless, and jumpy."
"If you like physically handling cards and you want to dive into higher-end investing, eBay is your place."
"Sexual intimacy is the deepest and the closest you can physically be with another human."
"Long distance bike touring, especially out in places like this, is as much mental as it is physical."
"That is sweet, right in the top of the lip."
"Crazy how stretches can totally bring out this emotional response in your body, especially the hips."
"I lifted this rock off the back of the dump truck yesterday."
"90% of horse training is mental. 10% is physical. Once you train their mind to be accepting and willing to do what you ask them to do, the task is easy."
"This was the most challenging physical and mental goal I've ever set for myself."
"It's about mental, then physical too, because a lot of it is you pushing through it."
"One foot in the physical, one foot in your essence."
"Exhausted physically and emotionally we all went to bed early."
"To put it very simply for physical awareness, we move outwards to our periphery. For Spiritual awareness, we move the opposite direction inwards, back into the center."
"Show physical tenderness, the power of the human touch."
"Physical security starts to come into play when securing entry points into your environment."
"I think the best way to resolve any problem is to do it the old school way, physical. If you guys can't come to a resolution by communicating, I think you guys should do it physical with the gloves on."
"Resurrection is entirely physical, that seems to be one of the defining features of Resurrection."
"This muscle's contracted too much."
"There's just nothing better than going into a Barnes & Noble physically and looking around."
"Geometry is physical. Geometry is primal."
"I enjoy my work, but it's work to me. I look at it as work, me personally. What I have to do to get something done is physical and emotional to me."
"Every physical action has a spiritual reaction, and every physical action can complement a spiritual action."
"Tough, scary, physical, in-your-face, that was kind of Canadian hockey."
"It's real challenging for your brain and your body."
"It's basically an entire Fallen Hero slash villain Redemption story arc told in 16 minutes without any dialogue purely conveyed through the physical storytelling of both wrestlers and I think that's kind of incredible."
"Spend just as much time on your mental preparation as your gear preparation."
"Physical media still has an upper hand."
"They are being hit with physical Warfare."
"It was a hard run guys this morning, like, we know I'm due on my... well, it was a month ago today I came on my period so I must be due any day now and I just struggled on the run, to be honest."
"The point is not about ignoring the physical but healing from the inside out."
"I felt so gross and disgusting physically."
"Healing also improves physical well-being simultaneously."
"We live in an increasingly digital world and a lot of what you do is digital too right like you share a lot of your work on but really your art is physical."
"Your body isn't changed. Your body is in the process of changing. To a degree, it can change. But no, it's not your physical body that's like Jesus."
"You have three planes of existence that you are operating on at all times: physical, mental, and spiritual."
"I really love a physical book and I don't think that will ever change."
"There's nothing like a physical book and this cover is so cute."
"It's more than 90% mental, the other half is physical."
"It's very physical you can absolutely work up a sweat just trying to hang onto this thing."
"My biggest strength is my actual strength."
"The more aware I am of physical stuff, the less aware or less conscious I am going to be of God."
"Be strong, train your physical strength and exercise your mental strength."
"I can't feel my legs from my feet."
"That was a match in which two guys legitimately beat the everliving [__] out of each other."
"Well, that was definitely physical damage."
"Matter is the stuff out of which you're made like the physical tangible stuff you the table the planet stuff like that right so atoms electrons protons and neutrons."
"Our physical comedy is as good as our vocal comedy."
"It's incredible how one is physical, the other spiritual."
"The spiritual world is more real than the physical."
"The spiritual world is in control of the physical."
"Because something is physical, nothing must be physical, especially if you define it as the absence of something."
"Do something that challenges you physically and mentally every day."
"I shouldn't have to buy a physical book to also get it digitally."
"Physical and sexual boundaries are necessary."
"...our physical functioning is a reflection of our underlying health."
"Motherhood is natural. It's physical. It takes pain and suffering and joy to give birth."
"Bird had an unparalleled understanding of the game of basketball, both as a physical contest and as a mental competition."
"Character is a bigger deal breaker than anything physical on this list."
"I felt a tingle all over my body."
"You could see the potential he had because he was such a physical presence as well."
"Trauma can be physical or it can be psychological."
"Human effort is one thing; it's connected with the flesh. Spiritual effort is another; it's connected with the spirit."
"That was hot, sexy. She's got a great body, she's showing her abs."
"We do not like to get physical. And that is the first time I have ever had to use self-defense."
"The physical is a test for the spiritual. You may be serving physically, but in the spiritual, you will be receiving."
"Self-care really doesn't have to be candles and bubble baths and face masks although that is also a part of it there is the physical element of it time giving yourself time is self-care."
"My ankles are killing, my heels hurting"
"It's not just a spiritual deliverance, it is because of the spiritual deliverance we have physical deliverance for our mortal bodies."
"We love a connection, we like to meet physically in places and spaces on the planet."
"It felt like everything stretched from my neck all through my shoulders."
"It radiates up into my shoulders like a wire up in here."
"He deals with the spiritual need before he deals with the physical need."
"One of the most prominent traits of the draugr was their extraordinary physical strength."
"What's interesting about Rhodiola is you see it help with not just psychological stress but actually like physical stress as well."
"It's a challenging workout for athletes mentally and physically."
"Physical training and cognitive training should go hand in hand."
"It's a very difficult thing to do mentally, more than physically."
"This game breaks you down mentally and physically."
"You got to work on yourself mentally as much as you do physically."
"I think the project that he did with currency is super cool and such a great encapsulation of what do we value more, the digital or the physical."
"In order to be the greatest or amongst the greatest of all time, you both have to have it between the ears, the neck up, but you also have to have it from the neck down."
"It not only improves physical abilities but also increases spiritual strength."
"Physical formats may take up space in your house, but at least you're guaranteed to have the content for the rest of your life."
"Our physical bodies hunger for the physical... our spirit or soul hungers for the spiritual."
"Remember to consider your physical as well as your mental health."
"Everything influences everything; there is nothing that you do in the mental that does not have some kind of influence in your physical."
"This is just as much a mental challenge as a physical challenge."
"When we're stressed out, we tend to store tension in our body."
"My physical appearance started to develop better, more aesthetic."
"That physical connection that we have is just as strong as our emotional connection."
"I've got 260-pound bags of flaxseed I've got to get to the car."
"Things that are physical can and are influenced by things that are invisible."
"The spiritual world is like unto the phenomenal world; they are the exact counterpoint of each other."
"Physical conversation felt joyful."
"You're not just training the muscle, you're training the mind right now."
"Door hangers are something tangible, something that doesn't get lost in email."
"Practice is as much of an intellectual endeavor as it is a physical one."
"Your body keeps a physical memory of all your experiences."
"What I like about antique stores is it's basically like eBay but in person."
"You'll heal from a physical wound a lot faster than you will from any emotional wounds."
"Grab underneath the thighs and round the back, chin to chest, oh that feels really good."
"I just love having physical memories with people."
"What happens when the digital starts to cross over into the physical?"
"We have to secure both the physical and the virtual."
"The physical capabilities are left intact, as well as the spiritual health, which is of course the entire point."
"You're protected spiritually and physically."
"That's looking after your mental and physical health right there."