
Wife Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The perfect wife in this context is not only sophisticated and witty but she's also vulnerable, resilient, composed in the face of conflict."
"The tree man and the relationship with his lovely wife."
"I'd like to propose a toast to the best wife ever."
"In Italian culture, the wife is 'above all others'—she’s the Madonna incarnate."
"The ideal wife is one her husband can consult with and who gives good advice."
"The ideal wife is someone her husband feels at peace with."
"I'm the husband to a beautiful inside and out wife."
"I give my wife the benefit of the doubt, I know my wife ain't crazy, she knows how jealous I am."
"The most beautiful thing about being single is that I have no idea where my wife is."
"I was his wife, but Peter Still insisted."
"I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what I used to be, full of love and joy, kissing every person she meets because everyone is so good and will do her no harm. And that terrifies me."
"They want to have kids with you, start a family with you, and have you in their life as their wife."
"This fragrance smells like a wife. She could be the one, and she could be my wife one day."
"If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead who would that be? That's easy, my wife."
"I have a wonderful wife who has been with me for 17 years. She's been very, very, very supportive."
"I'll be a good wife to Colin, he'll be a good father."
"My wife Barbara summed it up best earlier this evening. She said to me, she said, 'Really, I think that's where my wife talks.'"
"My wife makes songs. So I know she loves me 'cause they come straight from her heart."
"I would be honored to call you my wife, my real wife."
"I just think she does so much to try to be a great wife, and she deserves a lot of credit."
"The most manly is apathy towards your wife. Being incapable of being affected by a woman is as manly as it gets."
"Being able to sit down with a cup of tea with my wife in a kind of calm relaxed way even if YouTube is watching is a blessing."
"I was the best mommy in the whole world and the best wife in the whole world."
"I need you to realize that your wife was created by God to make you happy."
"Admire your spouse, admire your wife."
"I wanted to love my wife even before I knew her."
"You're the future Demon King, and I'm your wife."
"My wife, truly the best long-term decision for a brighter future I ever made."
"I've been blessed in my life. I have a wonderful wife and two daughters who make me proud every single day."
"It just proves what I already know: my wife is a beautiful woman."
"If a wife ain't happy, the life ain't happy at home, you know."
"You're a wonderful mother, you're a wonderful neighbor, you're a wonderful wife."
"His wife came wa, he was on video wilding out."
"This is like a top six or seven favorite movie of my wife's like ever since I knew her oh really six or seven absolutely loves this movie."
"You can be a submissive wife, a nurturing mom, and still ambitious."
"I am not a housewife, I am a wife. That's a small part of my identity."
"In your relationship with your wife, work towards an increasing spiritual unity."
"A husband's role is to believe in his wife, to speak destiny into her."
"An excellent wife is a rare find, far more precious than jewels."
"The excellent wife works with willing hands for her husband and family."
"I want to give a huge shout out to my wonderful wife Laurie for working the camera today and just like always guys I'll see you on the next road."
"It's all about the people. I'm the lucky one that gets to take it across the line. But, you know, I can't thank Emma enough, my wife. She's just been so amazing through this whole season."
"A good wife contains so many persons in herself."
"A man is to value his wife like fine china."
"I just love my wife, man. She's everything to me."
"I love her with everything that is in me; she's not only my wife, she's my friend."
"I don't think there's a greater blessing in life a man could have than a wonderful and loving wife."
"Who can find a wife of noble character? She is far more precious than jewels."
"Happy birthday to my lovely wife Madeline. Alright, hope you're having a great day."
"That's what my wife would call a productivity win."
"My wife was so important, especially growing up."
"I will protect my wife from people trying to talk down to her."
"She was a perfect wife, an outstanding mother."
"She's the most incredible wife, she's the most incredible mother."
"It's almost like Amane's experiencing what it's like to have a wife."
"I renew my commitment to you as your wife."
"She was a wife, a very big comfort at the same time, and she maintained the home in a very beautiful way."
"You're the best wife ever, you know that?"
"The life of a wife is precious today as it was in the time of Krishna."