
Containers Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Understanding containers thoroughly is vitally important."
"Now pretty much the first thing you're going to want to do when working with Kubernetes is take that application and put it in a container."
"When you talk about instances and containers, Compute Engine instances support a declarative method for launching your application using containers."
"I'm always looking for the simplest solution for running my containers."
"I purchase a set of three wooden containers at a garage sale for three dollars."
"I always appreciate a good grouping of containers and I appreciate terra cotta pots with patina so there's something very wonderful about this combination to me..."
"...there's so many advantages just from the containers and plants being portable."
"...when you grow in containers there is little to no weeding..."
"I think, again, this is a low matin, but...low rent, low rental. I get myself mixed up sometimes. Low rental."
"...it makes gardening so much easier so it's just another great advantage to Growing containers."
"...you're going to be using less water and less fertilizer because the area that you're growing in is super concentrated..."
"...there's so many advantages to doing it so even if you have a food Forest like me you can get so much more out of the space by growing containers..."
"...growing in containers definitely has a lot of advantages..."
"...but they just, they don't go that far down and what that means is you could totally plant it into my favorite type of container of all time just a fabric grow bag or a smart pot."
"Containers are a great way to expand your planting space. But also, if you live in a colder climate, you can bring your figs into an unheated garage or indoors for the winter to protect them or buy one of the cold-hardy types like we have here, Chicago hearty or Brown Turkey."
"Containers are going to save the world."
"Knowing containers and how to work with containers is an absolute must-have skill."
"Our food is going to stay fresh. My old containers were so bad, so bad."
"Use crates and also use a smart pot or hydroponics container because it is well-prone to a lot of drainage."
"Containers are runnable instances of images and are built from those images. They contain everything you need to run an application in an isolated environment like your tools, dependencies, software, and more."
"Edible water bottles... they almost look like little water balloons."
"Docker containers are run in network namespaces, isolating their networking functionality."
"Containers are ephemeral in nature."
"...all this critical functionality of your application can be kept separate in which could be running on a different container or just think of you want to fetch logs okay from your application logs and you want to send those application log to somewhere okay."
"The sidecar containers added by Istio help in implementing deployment strategies like canary, circuit breaking, and observability."
"Storage containers, endless sizes and styles."
"The beautiful thing about containers is that they spin up extremely quickly."
"It can be really easy to get up and running with containers and Kubernetes engine."
"Scaffold is perfect for standardizing and enabling iterative development with containers and Kubernetes."
"Kubernetes only runs containers, so you do need to get your software kind of wrapped up in a container."
"Usually cans or tins of soup, they have these kind of rings on top here."
"Roses in containers need appropriately sized containers for optimal growth, with larger containers preferred."
"I absolutely love boxes, containers, anything that you can neatly store things away."
"With object level replication, I can set up a relationship to replicate specific containers to different regions."
"Fargate, the serverless version of ECS and EKS, is container on demand."
"So, what happens is this Docker machine actually has an Ethernet interface marked as eth0, and whenever a packet would come on this, it should fall on the bridge and from the bridge, it will go to the container."
"An image would be shared across containers. We would see how with a single Ubuntu image, you can run multiple containers of that."
"These two containers can talk but communication across networks is not there because when you want to communicate from bridge to the other bridge, you need a gateway bridge type of thing which is not there with default Docker installation."
"If there's a container, I'm taking it."
"If your application is Vault-aware, authentication and secret retrieval are fully offloaded to the sidecar container."
"Containers are small, lightweight, and fast to move around the cluster."
"Data needs to follow your containers wherever they go."
"The best bit about that is as long as you're not running any containers, there's no bill associated with that as well."
"You take leftovers, that's fine. But you can't roll in with a [__] empty Tupperware."
"Kubernetes allows you to easily scale your applications by running multiple containers and having requests load balance between them automatically."
"A component is essentially just like a little container that has elements inside of it."
"Containers are more transparent than VMs. Even if you're not using containers on your machine, you still are in containers. Your whole machine is a container with no limits."
"The Yandex team was about to build their own container runtime and they came to the conclusion that it would be less work to take this docker project and just use it for the names rather than reimplement that from scratch."
"I have found some other workarounds to increase the number of reusable containers that I have in my kitchen that are a lot cheaper."
"If you really want to take full advantage of containers, go all-in."
"Using a pod allows containers to share networking and storage space, beneficial for service mesh architectures."
"Having some containers that you can grow annuals in is going to help you be able to grow some interesting things each season."
"Docker is a platform that provides the ability to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment called a container."
"All good things start with an agenda. So we'll be talking about giving a containers overview for those of you that aren't familiar with containers or you just have heard about it. We'll be talking about that."
"CI/CD is so important when we start to adopt containers and these microservices architectures."
"We will ship this, I like the containers."
"If you just know how containers work, you don't need to know very much about Kubernetes to deploy really powerful stuff."
"Docker is for building and running single containers, whereas Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform."
"Containers provide that consistency for you."
"You can also use sidecar containers for logs and have persistent data volumes."
"For me, a software system is made up of a number of containers."
"Docker allows IT organizations to really easily create, deploy, and run applications as what are called Docker containers."
"I love these containers at Dollar Tree carries; they're called action containers and they link up with each other."
"Containers are light enough that now more and more will start to actually run containers within our development environment."
"The ability to run containers within a development environment because they're lightweight enough means that we're much more likely to do so."
"Now that we have a better understanding of the motivation and history of containers and virtualization technologies, I think it's useful to do a bit of a technology deep dive."
"It's this concept of a union mount file system that makes containers practical."
"While namespaces and c groups are sort of what make containers possible, it's this concept of a union mount file system that makes containers practical."
"We'll explore why containers exist, the problems they solve, and the underlying Linux kernel features that make Docker and containers possible."
"Growing in containers is really easy."
"Let's create a task definition and assign a container to it."
"Volumes are like an outside storage that the container can actually utilize in order for it to store all of the required information inside of it."
"I think being able to have that developer loop where I can actually debug my running containers is actually really important."
"Docker is a container technology that you can use to set up Qdrant locally on your machine."
"The overlay network allows containers to see each other as if they're on that same Layer 2 network."
"As far as AI containers concerned, it does not know it's actually running on an overlay."
"If they create containers, those containers are essentially folders."
"Docker is a course that will help you get a good understanding of the importance of containers and the role of Docker in the cloud native computing world."
"I've been working with containers since 2014. But before that, I spent most of my career as a .NET consultant."
"There is a more universal performance benefit running an application within a container versus running it in a virtual machine."
"As our application demand grows, we can just spin up more and more containers by increasing the number of replicas."
"Docker actually has a nice feature that allows us to make it easy to talk between containers."
"One of the main reasons that we like to use containers is for application consistency and application delivery."
"Containers are like self-deployed, sort of self-contained, hence the name."
"It's almost like a zip file, if you will, but it's a bit more complicated than that."
"Signs are looking good that we'll be able to use rootless containers in our own containers very soon."
"Deploying things with containers is really nice because you'll be building these images and then you'll be pushing the containers up to different service providers."
"Kubernetes is a collection of one or more containers stitched together as a workload."
"Mounting a volume solves the static issue and updates are reflected in containers."
"It helps you run containers at scale."
"Containers are an instance of an image; people often use the terminology interchangeably, but they are actually different."
"We're now entering the age of microservices and containers."
"Resource management is core technology, very relevant today, especially in container world."
"The benefit of this distribution using containers for packages is that it can not only run Ubuntu applications... but it can also run applications designed for other distros."
"I love to store my seed beads in these super stacking containers."
"We've tried to make containers a core primitive much the way people think about VMs."
"From a security resiliency standpoint, containers are very easy to utilize and helpful because they don't take a long time to rebuild if one breaks."
"By packaging up your training code with the dependencies and the configurations, you will get machine learning environments which are lightweight, portable, scalable, and consistent with containers."
"Containers are pretty simple; they work in a lot of ways very similar to VMs."
"OpenShift is the most complete, production-ready container platform out there."
"It's very lightweight, and you'll see when we start spinning up Linux containers how quickly we can create a Linux container."
"This is our opportunity to kind of step back and do a more gentle introduction to containers."
"Pods are kind of the basic unit in Kubernetes and that's really the environment for your container."
"If you're using containers, make sure they have drainage; you always want containers to drain."
"Now, me personally, it took me way too long to start using containers, and now that I do, I can't imagine not using containers."
"The world is going to move towards containers, the world is already embraced Linux."
"The private cloud we believe the standard for that should be OpenShift and should be containers."
"The point of containers is not containers, the point of containers is to abstract away the infrastructure."
"I think definitely Dev containers."
"What a container allows you to do is run kind of like a mini operating system with all of your application's dependencies."
"Containers are perfect for deploying network services."
"We're interested in using containers again as a unit of software delivery."
"The whole point is to use containers as a reusable software component."
"Now we're able to standardize around this box, this container."
"The nice thing about containers and swarm is they're designed around the modularity and being able to replace them very easily."
"Test containers is a testing library that basically allows you to start Docker containers within your unit test or integration tests."
"Security and containers but my goal here is just to give some buddies points, some recommendations that we need to keep in mind while working with containers."
"Kubernetes builds on 15 years of experience running containers at Google."
"We're trying to make it easier for Java developers to get their code running on a container."
"The idea behind containers... is that you can split up your applications into small, scalable files."
"The idea of a container is that you have a similar sort of setup, but rather than having the entire stack of the operating system below each little virtual machine, we're just going to share that as well."
"Kubernetes is really powerful technology... it allows you to easily create clusters of containers."