
Polishing Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Our body adjusts its set point higher to survive periods of famine."
"Copper is beautiful... it's easy to forget that copper can also look like this when it's polished."
"The intended end result of this whole process is to make a finished game that's so polished and so natural that it's impossible to imagine the amount of work that got it there."
"This is seeming much more polished than it was before and a much better experience as we're getting closer to the final release."
"The peculiarity of these cups is that they can polish the surface quickly and qualitatively while not erasing for a long time."
"You got to take a diamond out the rough and polish it up."
"Color grading tools are essential for a polished look."
"The compound will very quickly remove the scratches left by 1200 grit sandpaper, allowing it to come to a full polish."
"We're launching polishers right, we're speaking to the DIY enthusiast out there, but also someone who does this for a living."
"I want to buff this for 20 minutes straight."
"To polish a tile, when you become you, Zen becomes Zen."
"It almost makes you forget the fact that this is a big stinking turd, but unlike most turds, I'm convinced this one can actually be polished."
"Daddy Pig is polishing the car so well he can see his face in it."
"So, how does the polishing part work? You have three different compounds, yeah?"
"Adding vocal production is a really, really, really good way to take a song from just sounding like a demo all the way up to a full radio-ready polished production."
"Not only does it enhance gloss, defect removal isn't its highest thing cuz don't forget this is a finishing finishing polish."
"The Vitaros had a full machine polish and even if I do say so myself, it is looking incredible."
"The smaller the pad, the more aggressive the cut."
"Polishing any longer than three to four minutes... you're perhaps not really working efficiently."
"if you're planning on doing a paint correction to your vehicle maybe you want to polish out scratches and swirls this would be the first step that you want to take in order to achieve the results that you're looking for."
"...you're going to have your side chain in here, you've got your effects and your distortions in here, and you can get a mix on this thing sounding incredibly polished."
"...absolutely pops out once you've polished it."
"So they had, an extra six months to polish this turd or fix, they had seen the experience happened of the Cat's movie come out and everyone be horrified at the nightmare of seeing actors be cat people."
"Polishing a couple of scenes can really build up your confidence."
"You cannot polish a turd. I mean, you can polish a turd, but it's still a turd."
"If you sit there and you put it on speed six and you lean on that thing in one spot, of course you're gonna do damage. But just keep the polisher moving, play around, have some fun, and you'll be pretty surprised at the results you can get."
"Once you have that, let's burnish."
"So yes, even the least aggressive polish in the world can in fact remove the coarser sanding marks but should be there all day doing it, so it's not an effective polish to use in that scenario."
"...but once you get to a certain point both 3D and Sonics do overtake it in terms of cut, so you'd be much better off doing two very quick polishing cycles with finesse while you could just do one longer polishing set with the other two."
"It's almost like a feel for it. You almost feel like if you need to go to the Pate Deluxe or if you can put on more of the Mirror Gloss and just kind of add more and more."
"It's cool, that's how you have to do that for agates for production I think, to get it done fast and get that type of polish."
"I get great polish on my pebbles."
"It just needs a little more polishing."
"What is absolutely insane with Kikuchi is the hand-done black polishing of the case and hands."
"Cutting, buffing, and polishing was the key to unlocking this car's actually good finish."
"You can start seeing my reflection."
"Every gemstone really wants to be polished in a specific way using a specific type of polishing media and a polishing pad."
"Long story short, every gemstone really wants to be polished in a specific way."
"Things get polished because they're loved, and every second you spend on preparation will show up in your final result."
"I find a stone and take it home and polish it and hope it shines."
"Imagine how glossy it's going to be when we actually polish it and put on a higher quality coating."
"The process of polishing is basically the process of putting finer and finer scratches into a surface until you can't tell there are scratches there anymore."
"Polish it up and then buff it, and you will get a finish that just is gorgeous, it looks like a glass finish."
"I'm going to go over how to actually polish the feed ramp and do a process that's called ramping the barrel."
"It is amazing if you wipe a little water on it you can kind of get a feel for how to look when it's polished."
"So that head can be finished down, so it comes down to three millimeters and is polished at that height."
"I enjoy using these microfiber cloths. I think they're such a good polishing tool and they get things really, really clean."
"After lots of sanding and sanding and sanding and polishing, look at that, that's a beauty."
"I love this product... it's like polishing, it makes your skin feel really smooth."