
Overlap Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"We always try and overlap each section that I do so that we don't miss anything."
"This end needs to be real thorough always try and overlap each section that I do so that we don't miss anything."
"Fun is expressive. A lot of these topics are going to overlap a little bit here because Commander's one of the strongest suits of Commander is the fact that you can deeply express yourself through the game."
"There were two big, somewhat overlapping debates going on in philosophy."
"Girls will have um dudes in their life right up until the point where your relationship begins and oftentimes there's a little bit of an overlap as well."
"That's what I love dude, the overlap between the stuff, the fact that we could be working towards our battle paths."
"Concurrent training recognizes the overlap between different aspects of fitness."
"Arkham Asylum actually shares a lot of overlap with Batman: The Animated Series."
"There is a degree of overlap between the mast cell story so as I said I'm open to other theories."
"This generation that we're in, it's kind of like an overlap between the older generation and then their children right now that God is focusing on."
"Create overlap, create the illusion of complexity."
"God's space and our space overlap and interlock, and the Temple is the place where it happens."
"It's really fun to see where our style overlaps."
"When a mathematician talks to me, most of the time I cannot understand. But amazing thing is that between what they talk about and what we talk about, there's a region of overlap."
"It's cool to see that there's an overlap there between footy and and and soccer as well."
"It's worth saying that there's tremendous overlap between intimate partner abuse and child abuse."
"Overlap is a thing, but too much can have negative effects on performance."
"So what do you then do when culture overlaps with religion?"
"I think philosophy and physics there's a certain kind of philosophy in a certain kind of physics that really, really overlap that are almost indistinguishable from each other."
"Benefits start to overlap among cards."
"I know everyone gets scared of overlapping. I want to talk about when it's okay, why it's okay, and how to do it safely."
"There's some overlap, maybe not chaotic, but it's beautiful and appealing."
"So the writers could overlap there somewhat too."
"Now all of the letters overlap from left to right."
"Orthogonal signals and return currents don't overlap."
"We have the brain data and we have the cognitive data and we have almost no overlap."
"Quantum physics and Vedanta overlap very well."
"You'd be surprised how much of an overlap there is between gaming computers and editing computers."
"What brushes to use for what types of projects and what purposes can overlap."
"Sometimes you only have a certain amount of time to do the things that you do have to do and sometimes they overlap."
"It's proving that those alternate realities exist, and they can overlap."
"What if clusters overlap? How do we deal with some of these? Apparently, it looks like Gaussian mixture model works very well in these type of scenarios."
"It's often in those overlaps, those sweet spots, that miracles happen."
"I absolutely love how that looks when you overlap it."
"I've always wondered if that's why there is just so much overlap in a Venn diagram of horror fans, sci-fi fans, and people who identify as nerds."
"Watches and cars in general have a lot of overlap; if you like mechanical things in general, you'll probably like mechanical watches."
"Kind of do an overlap, anything is possible."
"There's really a Venn diagram of security frameworks that there's probably between 20 and 80 percent overlap depending on the framework."
"I think everything is overlapping constantly."
"Maximizing our overlaps... creates something that's a lot more visually appealing."
"Consciousness, emotion, sapience, and intelligence overlap in some way to form sentience."
"Your collage will look better if you overlap things a lot more than you think you would."
"The shadows overlap for all of those axes, we know that the two shapes have collided."
"For each sense, I will construct a sense bag and a context bag and measure the overlap."
"So here's where things get interesting and where we can actually overlap things on top of each other."
"Autism and being trans do not have a causal relationship. But they do overlap in interesting ways."
"The cosmological overlap of heaven and earth and the great Sabbath, the eschatological overlap of past, present, and future."
"When the two overlap, creativity does really flourish."
"It's really nice that we have a month of overlap during this move."
"If the distance between the two circles is less than the sum of their radii, then the circles are overlapping."
"Overlap means more data, and more data is always a good thing."
"Overlap is really important because photogrammetry software can only reconstruct what is common in multiple images."
"Faith and reason do in fact overlap."
"Our lives have circled each other, and now our Venn diagram has finally overlapped."
"I like making the sketches kind of overlap one another; I think this looks really neat."
"A lot of the beauty and magic comes when things start to overlap."
"Find the areas where different roles overlap and build towards that."
"Has a novel overlapped with our reality, or is reality turning into the novel?"
"The Israelite culture largely overlapped with and derived from Canaanite culture."
"The cost of benefit, meaning not only money but the amount of time that it takes to achieve a result."
"The biggest and the strongest people overlap in the vast majority of cases."
"Summer and fall are my two favorite seasons, and the fact that they overlap for the first like 2-3 weeks of September literally makes me the happiest person alive."