
Mermaid Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Secretly filmed by a drone whizzing over an undisclosed pond in the US: To think we've spent centuries hearing about mermaid sightings only to think they are myths and here is one of them effortlessly swimming."
"How hard can it be to find a mermaid after all?"
"I couldn't be a mermaid, I don't have that kind of upper body strength."
"Mermaid? Yes. What does that entail? So, I swim in aquariums and I swim to the tank and weigh the kids. I also do kids' parties and photos."
"What did I have to tell him? A little mermaid flopped up on deck and told him the whole story."
"This mermaid just spoke to me and said, 'care for the water and teach people about her that she's real.'"
"So, you want to play like a mermaid?"
"Wow, you're such a brave mermaid."
"Among those magical creatures, there was a mermaid possessing a wonderfully beautiful iridescent tail, living in the river."
"Nothing is more beautiful than her iridescent tail."
"A boy mermaid. He got a tail and swam in the giant tank with other mermaids at the aquarium."
"Footage of Ren's transformation into a mermaid was broadcast on television, viewers who saw the footage recognized Ren sitting to the side."
"You know she's an actual mermaid, she's certified."
"It's like an underwater disco mermaid party in here. It's freaking awesome!"
"A mermaid has not an immortal soul, nor can she obtain one."
"The mermaid snatched the gold away, letting out an ear-piercing scream and disappearing back into the depths of the pond."
"You may be wondering why does she have feet if she's a mermaid?"
"Yes, I'm a mermaid. My home is both the land and the sea, and I love ocean creatures and land people too."
"With her beautiful thin and flowing hair, the mermaid amazed the audience. It seemed so real that many thought it was an actual mermaid that the government was actually hiding."
"The baby looked so convincing as a mermaid that people everywhere started to believe the man had discovered a real-life mermaid baby in the sea."
"I love it like it's real life mermaid jewelry. It's amazing."
"The little mermaid did not feel the hand of death in the bright sunlight overhead."
"Once upon a time in a magnificent Kingdom at the bottom of the ocean there lived a beautiful mermaid princess named Jade."
"She's part human and part fish, like a mermaid."
"The opportunity to meet a living mermaid is a rare treat."
"For me, what it means to be a mermaid is bringing everybody's imagination to life."
"She's a mermaid that flies around... flies, I guess she flies, so she fly or does she swim? She flies or swims around in space."
"I imagine that if a mermaid had a trinket box, this is what it would look like."
"Mermaid wanted to fly far with Unicorn, beyond even the tallest trees in the forest."
"You want that contrast to be a little bit more dramatic so you can actually see the details on the mermaid's tail."
"A magical glowing moon that completes the magicalness of this mermaid painting."
"The whole thing was a hoax and the famous Fiji mermaid is thought to have been made in Japan around 1810."
"It's the call of the mermaid, the most enchanting creature in the sea."
"Deep sea explorer discovery 125: The mermaid. Anatomy: part girl, part fish. Habitat: Coral garden."
"A mermaid is an aquatic creature with the head and upper body of a female human and the tail of a fish."
"The legend of the mermaid originated in ancient Assyria just shy of three thousand years ago."
"It's a mermaid, it's beautiful, look at that."
"I'm talking underwater, I'm breathing underwater, I'm a mermaid too!"
"I wanted to live out my mermaid dream."
"Anything is possible for a mermaid princess."
"I'm gonna teach you how to be a mermaid."
"The monofin is an integral part of the mermaid experience, especially when it comes to swimming."
"Floating in the sea on the deserted island with a real mermaid."
"It's giving me very aquamarine vibes, which I'm kind of obsessed with, and I'm fulfilling my childhood dream to be a mermaid."
"Your hair is really pretty, Stella. You look like a mermaid."
"I feel like a mermaid in this, flap flap."
"When we come back, we're going to talk to the mermaid."
"Thanks, mermaid, I'll make you a mermaid really soon."
"I'm just like a mermaid now, no problem, baby."
"I love when a mermaid is mystical and slightly strange and doesn't quite fit in the world."
"A mermaid steals your moral soul."
"Shine like a mermaid with six times more shine."
"I had a very long dream where I was a mermaid."
"The majestic mermaid goes on the hunt to find her fishy friends."
"Look how gorgeous this is, it looks like scales, I guess it's like a mermaid-y kind of thing, not really into mermaids, but into this, I love it."
"Wow, I look perfect, so what am I ready to be a mermaid?"
"I am a dedicated... I am meant to be a mermaid."
"It's life, all she wanted for her birthday was Barbie, she loves Barbie everything and she also loves mermaid."
"This is my dream, to be a mermaid on the front of a palette that I curated."
"My dream is finding a mermaid purse."
"It looks very wet, it looks very dewy, not metallic but just like you're a mermaid fresh out the water."
"Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful mermaid in a deep dark ocean."