
Type S Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"You gotta sacrifice some practicality if you want the performance of the Type S."
"There are three main types of light: point, directional, and spotlight."
"There are two types of electricity: DC or direct current, and AC or alternating current."
"Different types of augmented reality: marker-based, markerless, etc."
"Gally it's really cool guys whereas Gardevoir is a psychic and fairy type, Gallade is psychic and fighting type."
"Motorcyclists are very different; there are cruiser boys, sport bike Chaz, off-road Gatekeepers, and ADV dads."
"The bonus material can be divided up into three types."
"The key to take away with generics is when you want to create a function or a type where some piece of data inside of it could be multiple different types but during the entire iteration of that type or function you want it to be the same thing."
"There's also different degrees of maid cafes."
"The types of credit that you have impact your score."
"Aristotle talks about different kinds of friendship and there's friendship of pleasure which is where you just like doing the same stuff"
"Types of headaches: Migraine, hypertension, stress."
"Functional programming: Types are not classes. They're more like sets."
"Functional programming allows building new types from smaller types."
"Routers come in two different types: fixed base and plunge base."
"Fire and ghost. That one is definitely my favorite out of the three."
"There's three different types of RVs."
"Abandoning the Quran is of different types."
"Types are an excellent way to express constraints and constrain ourselves in programming."
"Types provide a safety net for program maintenance."
"Types catch errors early, providing immediate and informative feedback."
"Types make programs correct from the start."
"Types should be precise, sound, and simple."
"Existential types express uncertainty about specific type parameters."
"Now we're going to see how many types of migrations are available in Office 365."
"In primary brain injury, this describes the injury which occurs at the time of the trauma, and it may include concussions, brain contusions and lacerations, and also intracranial hematomas."
"...immutable types are trivially independent."
"There are two different types of kidney disease, one is called acute kidney failure which is AKF, and the other one is chronic kidney disease which is CKD."
"Abuse is not just physical; it can be verbal, emotional, sexual, economic, and spiritual."
"Low percentages, different types."
"There are three kinds of fathers: physical, spiritual, and heavenly."
"Limited slip differentials come in various types, including helical, clutch type, and viscous."
"You have kind of five types: fresh, cooked, smoked cooked, dried, and semi-dried."
"Cores come in various sizes and two basic types: ferite and metallic ribbon."
"Types are great, they can help us to catch bugs before they become a problem."
"There's different types of glasses that you're supposed to have for beer."
"We can create our own types using a struct."
"Expressive static types help us achieve correctness, clarity, and performance."
"So you're going to have braided line, you're going to have fluorocarbon, you're going to have monofilament, and then there's actually one that's called copolymer which is an interesting one."
"Different data source types perform differently."
"Rust has three kinds of struct types: struct with named fields, tuple-like struct, and unit-like struct."
"Just as with other types of Undead, ghouls come in a variety of types. One of the most common are the Ghasts, particularly strong humanoids or those who were already gluttons or cannibals in life, often become Ghasts."
"Data types include constants and variables, such as character, string, byte, int, float, date/time, boolean, array, and vector."
"Additive and subtractive rhyme, you get something like free bleach."
"You now know the four different types of vaccines: Live attenuated, killed (aka inactivated), subunit, and toxoid."
"The fact that you understand evidence and just what is it, you know, there's circumstantial evidence, there's direct evidence, there's indirect evidence."
"Not all Scotch whisky is the same, and the different types you can buy depend not only upon how the whisky is made but the region from which it originates will also characterize the nature of the spirit."
"Abuse is... verbally abused me, mentally [__], physically."
"This is awesome! Static types for domain modeling—they're almost as awesome as a cat on a unicorn."
"It's better if you treat JavaScript as if you were a typed language."
"All classes are divided into three types: martial, domestic, and supportive."
"Types are not a restriction, they're a way to be expressive."
"Water filters fall into basically five categories."
"It's important that we understand why we would go for different types of specifications."
"Now there's three kinds of neutrinos we find: electron, muon, and tau, all flying blind."
"Motorcycles today aren't just one-size-fits-all, we've got a wide variety of types to choose from."
"We're going to install three, which is 3JS, it's going to install types for us, which is really handy."
"There are three main types of distortion: harmonic distortion, intermodulated distortion, multi-tone distortion."
"Anesthesia is general, regional, or local."
"Metals bond to nonmetals ionically; that's ionic bonding. Nonmetals bond covalently. Finally, metals bond to themselves metallically."
"Functions are types; they're first class types."
"Venus love is platonic love; Neptunian love is unconditional love."
"There are just two kinds of guys in the world, right guys and wrong guys."
"There are two main camps that people fall into in the credit card game: team cashback and team travel."
"Give your functions a type that doesn't lie."
"I didn't realize this, but the four different types of leverage... Labor, Capital, Code, and Audience."
"There are three types of muscular tissue: smooth, skeletal, and cardiac."
"There are three types of people in the world that you're in relationship with: those who are desirable, those who are difficult, and those who are dangerous."
"The category of types and functions plays an important role in programming."
"Every allocator aware type will explicitly have an initializer in all constructors."
"C++ is a language that is all about types more so than basically anything else."
"Vons, Dale's, Toros, Panetelas, and Churchills are all types of cigars."
"There are two kinds of people in the market today: DIYers and 'do it for me'."
"The threat of war takes three forms: general nuclear war, conventional war, and guerrilla or unconventional war."
"Poliovirus has types 1, 2, and 3, and there's no crossover immunity from one to the other."
"Well hello and welcome to this English lesson about types of conversations."
"Let's talk about union types because these are essentially things you would use in scenarios where it's not always one type."
"We have cultivated three kinds of intelligence: principally verbal intelligence, mnemonic intelligence, which is memory, and computational intelligence."
"It's kind of the equivalent of putting a type system onto your language."
"Common relationships that you'll see in data modeling are one-to-many, many-to-many, and referenced relationships."
"The code itself will tell you so much about what it does just by looking at the types and reasoning about it using the tools that FP brings to the table."
"Pretty much only use them for literal types."
"You have to be one of these four coaches: a disciplinarian, a yeller, a technician, or a recruiter, a go-getter."
"There are three major types [of dark spots] and they need different ways of treatment."
"I didn't want to hard code a specific type associated with this, I want the user to be able to create matrices corresponding to any particular data type."
"There are two types of icebergs: the big, mean ones that sink ships, and the other ones, tabular icebergs."
"There are three kinds of shadow: one, there's shadow that happens away from the light; two, shadow from being above; and three, cast shadow, drop shadow."
"There is a type of democracy, there is a certain type."
"Types are programs, that's what they are by nature."
"There are four different types of strength: maximal strength, explosive strength, strength endurance, and relative strength."
"Types give you a lot of built-in refactoring power... the type system will guide you through the process of changing the rest of it in a way that is sometimes shockingly effective."
"Programming in Go is not primarily about the types and the type hierarchy."
"You can have basically two types of docking: you can have a protein-ligand docking... or you can have a protein-protein docking."
"Exploratory, explanatory, and operational - the three types of data visualizations that blend into each other."
"There's actually four major different types of lighting out there, and some of them do way better at very specific applications than others."
"This moisturizer will work for any type of skin; it doesn't matter if you have oily, dry, or combination skin."
"In C programming, every variable must have a type."
"We've invented a brand new type and types are very important in programming because they signal to us what is it that this variable is trying to represent."
"There are two types of supervised problems: regression problem and classification."
"Complex is a parametric type, you can have a complex number that has essentially elements of any real type."
"The golden rule for performance is no abstract types inside this declaration; they need to be concrete."
"All numeric types are just going to be user-defined."
"Types clarify; they describe more precisely the nature of the data coming into the function and out of it."
"Data can be either qualitative or quantitative."
"Stratus, Cirrus, Cumulus, and Nimbus are all types of clouds."
"It is quite possible to take any two arbitrary types and add them together and get yet another type."
"Understand the types of storage and when would you use each type."
"There are two kinds of sorrow: worldly sorrow and godly sorrow."
"The two types of self-talk you're most likely familiar with are instructional self-talk, like talking yourself through a task, and motivational self-talk, like telling yourself 'I can do this'."
"TypeScript provides an optional type system for JavaScript code."
"You need to understand your data types."
"A delegate is a type that describes a method signature."
"The types they extracted will have no holes in it, so you can declare new variables using those types directly, and the types will be dictated by the compiler automatically."
"The thing is here, the reason why NSString has a pointer asterisk in front of it and NSInteger does not, is because NSInteger is considered a primitive type in Objective-C."
"The rich type system that Rust offers us gives us the ability to actually catch a bunch of potential issues at compile time."
"I think Jeff has a type, Andy Cohen has a type, I think a lot of people have a type."
"It's a good programming style to start by writing down your type."
"Headaches are very complex, and there are at least three main different kinds of headaches: tension headaches, cluster headaches, and migraines."
"Functional programming is you tend to use types as executable documentation."
"They're not just something that gets in the way; they're something that actually documents what you're doing."
"The purpose with types is largely documentation for the humans who read the programs and for the tools that inspect the program."
"Haskell is a statically typed language."