
Fog Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Fog manifests itself in many different ways... it obscures your sights, changes your perceptions, and it also has this feature where you can always kind of see above it and below it but never through it."
"I've got a brand new shirt in the shop: 'Things Live in the Fog'. Celebrate the survivors of the fog with this brand new design."
"The fog isn't the dangerous thing that they're telling us; the fog is what's saving us."
"The fog is helping us not hurting when the fog first rolled in it seemed like the typical Washington State fog that we all have to deal with annoying but just another part of life especially in my small town."
"It's cold, really freezing in the fog."
"The fog was denser than he had anticipated, making it impossible to see even a few meters ahead."
"In the early years, ghost town was the one and only scare zone at the haunt, and just as it does today, fog filled the streets and monsters loomed in the shadows."
"The medication was something that I needed him to do because there was a fog there."
"What you're feeling right now, it's just a temporary fog."
"There are six main types of fog, however, we'll only be discussing the four types that are going to show up on your knowledge test."
"It is now full of black fog and zombies."
"Apparently at nighttime the lake gets covered with fog and when it's at its most thickest that's when it's most scariest."
"There's something mysterious and magical about fog, she thinks."
"This fog is slowly lifting over the forest over there. You can almost see the mountain, but my god, you guys, it's so beautiful around here."
"We had zero wind typically when you have fog there is no wind."
"Reduce speed and be cautious in heavy fog or smoke."
"I've always loved how light diffuses through the fog."
"Oh my gosh, there's just something about fog and bright lights on it. So cool."
"This fog is pretty spooky, eh? I'm not scared."
"Fog is the holy grail for landscape photographers, a mysterious veil rendering everything in a cinematic soup of low visibility."
"The fog was so dense you couldn't shine a light through it."
"You wake up about eight o'clock in the morning, and I see a pretty dense fog rising up from the field."
"It's a beautiful snow-capped mountains up there, it's very foggy, incredible."
"Switch off your fog lights if visibility is more than 100 m."
"It's so mysterious and foggy and quiet, you can barely see a hundred feet up the road. It's really cool."
"The fog began to lift, and as I looked in the rearview mirror, Silverpine disappeared into the mist along with the phantom hitchhiker who had once called it home."
"What is it about fog that is so beautiful? Like snow, it brings its own mood, its own quietness."
"What is it about fog that is so beautiful?"
"It's truly dark out, there's a fog with beams of light from the street lights reflecting off of it."
"It's bright and early this morning, it's really foggy, but the weather so far has stayed pretty calm."
"By using fog you can kind of hide and push things and it's a great way to also help visually guide the player's eyes."
"The fog had thickened, and the boat seemed suspended in a pearly whiteness."
"The secret to creating a foggy atmosphere is value."
"When you're wanting a painting to look foggy, you use colors that are just a slightly different value than the one that is behind it."
"The fog walker's grotesque silhouette appeared in the haze, oddly fluid, composed of the fog itself."
"What is the name for a cloud that touches the ground? Fog."
"It looked almost endless, the area ahead of me was blurred and obscured by the thick fog hanging in the air like stone-cold smoke."
"The white fog gently stroked my skin, leaving light goosebumps all over me."
"We ran blindly along that path of fog, which became thicker and thicker as we ran."
"So now instead of the kind of uniform density, we have some interesting pockets or like concentrated areas of fog."
"What I really like with this method is that we can really have artistic control over the fog."
"Fog is nothing more than a cloud in contact with the ground."
"Always listen for the emergency fog broadcast; by the time you see it with your own eyes, it'll be too late."
"The fog was so thick that it resembled undissolved fresh blood spreading westward without apparent boundaries."
"Wow, look how foggy this is. We're literally in the clouds."
"The importance of fog here... fog is gonna be the main nourisher, the main source of moisture."
"The water was all but invisible, a formidable wall of ghastly mist and rolling fog reaching ethereal fingers over the wooden railing."
"The fog is not simply vapor; it lives."
"Once you get closer to the fog, plant diversity just increases."
"It's quite eerie when I woke up this morning, there was lots of fog rolling through and you couldn't really see that far ahead of you."
"It's so easy to put fog where it gets tricky is just finding the balance."
"The forest has a perpetual yet almost paranormal thick fog."
"I have never been out in the desert before and seen a big bank of fog like that before. That is surreal."
"There was all this lovely fog hanging around in this valley."
"That's eerie how that fog rolls in like that."
"That fog is so thick over there, but wow, look at that sunrise."