
Dryness Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"The cotton is bone-dry, that's how I know that temp control is working."
"Your ends are not subjected to the elements, the ends are the driest part of your hair."
"The air is almost as dry as it would be in a hot desert."
"I wash my hands so much, and I get dry, cracky hands all the time, but not anymore."
"I've got really dry hands like all the time so hand cream... it's nice to be moisturized."
"I felt very dry, like I'm like, okay, what else?"
"The Great Plains... it's one of the driest parts of the country."
"This has no fat content, virtually no flavor content. If you overcook this by a whisper, it's going to cook up really, really dry."
"The name of the game is combating dryness."
"My lips are dryer than a bloody sandman's bum hole."
"I kind of like that. Anyway, like I said, when your lips are dry as mine, then it's lunar beauty time."
"My humor tends to be a bit dry and sardonic. Right. Whatever. But dry is all you need to say. It's putting a gun to your head conversationally."
"Gravity sucks up here and it's dry as [ __ ]."
"I feel like I need some lip balm...my lips are still so dry."
"Dry hair is always going to dry out fast and leave no moisture behind and no shine."
"Lae'zel is so dry and mean that a lot of the things that she says are hilarious even though you know that she did not mean them as jokes. And honestly, that does make them funnier."
"I feel like the bottom just feels so dry."
"That's a little dry, yes, a little bit."
"Just putting on a little hydrating face mask as I was saying earlier in the day, my skin has just been like super dry lately."
"What people might not understand is things dry out super fast here at Windrock."
"They're in such dry material, they don't retain the moisture."
"It's unbelievable how dramatic pumpkin plants get when they are just even a little bit dry in their soil."
"My skin feels dry, you have to hydrate."
"I am the water ghost of harobi Hall, and dryness is a quality entirely beyond my wildest hope."
"It's still dry in here, which is pretty cool."
"I'm so thirsty my lips are so dry."
"She can barely pay for Chapstick, her lips are dry as hell."
"This turkey is dry enough to choke a camel."
"The drier the tea bag the better."
"It's much easier to be cold and dry than it is to be cold and wet."
"The cider is dry, and that simply is a measure of the sugar amount in there."
"Make sure you bring some type of lip something, chapstick or something similar, because it does get pretty dry up there."
"Make sure that your dry suit is bone dry inside and out between dives."
"You're nervous, aren't you?" "No, my mouth is dry."
"Dry and dehydrated skin are not the same."
"A dry skin is more of a skin type that often one will have throughout their lifetime."
"If you have very dry skin, go with a moisturizing cream as opposed to a moisturizing lotion."
"Bone dry inside, so these things have turned out great."
"Keep that run dry and the chickens will just be so much happier and healthier."
"In the northern Rhône, you're really talking about Viognier from a few regions, Marsanne and Roussanne. Viognier is a very aromatic grape... it just has this very aromatic profile of apricots and peach, maybe a little bit of honey characteristics, but it's a very dry wine."
"Allow the soil to dry out a little bit in between watering."
"Success! No water, not even on my side."
"So that's why I wanted to always make sure I throw only dry wood into the fireplace."
"Warmth is created by dryness; a wet foot is a cold foot."
"This enormous multitude was drenched, but after the great miracle, everyone felt comfortable and found his garments quite dry."
"We're going to have a dry half today."
"My comfort and safety rely on my sleeping bag and my clothing that's inside my pack being dry when I get to camp."
"Winter is super dry, sucks the moisture out of your skin."
"These older homes... they dry out fairly quickly, which is why these systems work."
"My soul thirsts for you, my flesh yearns for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water."
"They are thicker and heavier than lotions and are extra effective at treating dry skin and problem areas."
"These are considered the very best dry wines of Germany."
"The August sun promised a dry afternoon in Aguascalientes, Mexico."
"I'm also sorry for being so dry, I just really need help right now."
"Keeping your home dry is the best way to prevent high levels of mold."
"It'll be the driest, smoothest ride you've ever been in."
"By keeping the moisture in that bottom five and ten percent zone, make sure that the rest of the media stays dry."
"Everything is dry and it has a really nice effect now."
"Reality: how much to water? I like to water approaching dryness when the top of the plant is dry, the pot is a little bit lighter."
"I've been looking for a good combination of body care because my skin around this time of the year gets super dry."
"It's a boiling hot day today, and it's as dry as a bone."
"Feels so good to get in here and know that everything is going to stay dry."
"Escape to Red Lobster because life on land is dry."
"If your skin feels as dry as a desert, Curel lotion can heal it better."
"Both low and high porosity hair struggle with dryness because one is not accepting the moisture and one is not retaining the moisture."
"It's very, very balancing for my dry skin."
"Never brush your hair when it's dry."
"However dry rhetoric is, it can be that much more useful to you."
"So far, I have to report that the tent is dry; I'm super impressed."
"The warm paraffin mask is used for hydrating dry skin."
"How is your food, sir? My fish is very dry. Yes, we had to take him out of the water."
"Just make sure it's 100% completely dry."
"Water only when the soil is completely dry through."
"If your hair is quite dry at the minute or you want something like a really good condition, I really recommend this."
"It's important to have dry firewood, especially when you're trying to evaporate maple syrup or heat your home."
"This excessive dryness caused the hair to crack and split like your skin or nail does when you deprive it of moisture."
"The moisture is 6.4%, so we're nice and dry, just cruising along."
"The drier that you can keep your plants, the better."
"Ceramides are the most abundant lipid in the stratum corneum and they become deficient in dry skin."
"I just like dry ground, you know. I don't know, is that freakish? Is that odd? I just prefer dry ground."
"Winter's not the rainy season for us, winter's our dry season."
"The best product if you have dry, crispy, brittle, damaged hair."
"My skin has been extra dry lately, so I've been loving this because I feel like it is almost like moisturizer and SPF in one."
"If your skin is really dry and your Skin's barrier is really impaired, you need to listen to your skin."
"I've been going through body butter so fast lately because again now that fall's here my skin is just so dry."
"When the season changes from Summer to Fall like now, the skin gets very dry."
"The air conditioning... it dries out your skin."
"It's really important to look after your skin when you go on long flights because it really can dry them out."
"The air on airplanes is very very dry."
"It's suitable for dry skin and can be used year-round."
"Vitamin E heaven for my dry skin."
"Anything that's going to cure my dry skin and make my skin not as dry as the Sahara, I'm willing to try out."
"Naturally curly hair is a lot drier than straight and wavy textures."