
Riding Quotes

There are 602 quotes

"Riding through dawn is always my favorite experience."
"You are very, very comfortable when you're riding this motorcycle."
"The throttle connection's nice... I feel in complete control of this motorcycle."
"It is just such a blast to ride man, a really fun motorcycle."
"Safer and will just make you feel so much more confident riding."
"As cool as I feel, I am pretty damn uncomfortable riding this thing."
"If it was a sunny day and I had nothing to do, the first thing I'd want to do is go for a ride."
"The truth is, this skill is vital for you to progress as a rider."
"interesting riding and a strong faultless Style"
"It's a more intuitive riding experience."
"I've always been more of a Trail Rider than a trick writer."
"I think the main draw, the key ingredient that brings people back every single year for 83 years is the incredible riding around the whole Sturgis area."
"That torque sensor just gives it a more natural riding feel."
"I just ride with a battery pack, I don't ride with a dynamo."
"Matteo Jorgenson about to win Paris-Nice, impressive riding also as the best young rider."
"Riding is the best medicine. Once I get in the zone and I'm riding and I'm seeing some of this beautiful scenery, I actually kind of forget about it."
"Imagine being able to ride around centuries of History."
"Pumping as a skill unlocks so many possibilities in your riding."
"Here in the Northwest, the winter time is one of our favorite times of the year to ride."
"Is it fun to ride? I'm having an absolute hoot... Yes, it is awesome fun to ride."
"I think just the change made fun, made riding fun again for me."
"Riding days like this, weather's perfect, clear skies."
"Amazing, I mean, this is what we live for, you know, riding days like this, weather's perfect, clear skies."
"...it's a move towards simple riding towards riding for the love of it..."
"You can do short rides, slow rides, windy roads."
"If you're worried about social media ruining your riding, you're riding for the wrong reasons."
"Riding all day, especially when you can start in the dark, has some fascination. I think it's a little bit like a special vacation and adventure at the same time."
"You can salvage a run, and that's what she did. That's professional riding."
"Overall, I'm really impressed with these lights as you can tell. I hope you've seen something on the GoPro what they're like. Really, really good. Excellent lights for riding on at night on the S1000RR. Nice one."
"It feels really good... I have an absolute riot ripping this thing through a curvy road."
"It feels very small... and this kind of riding around town, I think, is what it's especially good at because it's just so kind of approachable and unintimidating."
"It's literally a blizzard outside, sorry for not filming as much riding."
"If you want to learn how to ride correctly, this is something I wish I would have known decades ago."
"The bike wants to stay upright, so the more you can do to allow the bike to stay in that upright position, the better it's going to be for you as a rider."
"You need to work on clutch control. We're talking about working your clutch and your throttle in unison. If you find yourself stalling out a lot, you probably don't have very good clutch control."
"Ohio got all cute today it was 75° F so I had to get out and ride."
"It feels like freedom when you're riding. That's very important to me."
"It's extremely fun to ride and ultimately, that's what matters, right?"
"All you want to do is find a twisty set of roads and just go back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. Super enjoyable."
"It's so easy to ride. It's predictable. The power is there right when you need it."
"You are more stretched out and those big days in the saddle are just a lot easier."
"It opens up intermediate trails to be ridden in a different way."
"So one thing after another. So here's the first thing: I've been a daily rider since 2008."
"Riding with the right tire pressure gives you the most confidence."
"So whilst you're riding we're going to be swinging the wind around you and that gets us better data."
"Knee pain and issues can cause some serious discomfort to your riding and even bring it to a stop for a considerable amount of time."
"Deserts are just ultimate for adventure riding."
"It's meant to be fun and it starts off fun, that's why we all start riding."
"He's so nice, so rewarding to ride, I'd say."
"Everything in riding is done through feel."
"Sport mode, if you're an experienced rider, is probably going to be the mode that you're going to stay in."
"A really really good example of somebody riding that awake of the Renaissance period."
"Keep the rubber side down and may the spokes be with you."
"For what you described... this kind of bike or this category in my opinion is way better than the FE 501 for a daily commute and also BDR type riding."
"If you're a beginner Rider, you should be riding and learning how to ride better."
"That was clean as you can come, and both guys were riding hard."
"I've gone through the changes from sports bikes to now riding a 2019 tiger 800 xrt nice bike."
"The riding in this part of the country is almost as good as the local moonshine."
"It's just an A+ riding position. You could literally ride this eight hours or more and get off and feel refreshed at the end."
"Two real hours of riding, doing what these things were meant to do."
"Get on my back. You're a rider, aren't you?"
"This 750 watt motor here in the front gives us plenty of power to ride around."
"It's so much fun to ride a small CC motorcycle, I know online everybody's always like 'oh you need to go bigger CC, you need more power', but you really need to take into consideration where you're riding."
"...on roads like these, sweepy B roads, it's just an absolute joy to ride."
"Life's better when you're riding."
"A confident rider is a safe rider."
"I cannot emphasize enough how much I love riding this bike."
"This is my favorite sort of riding, just enjoying it, being able to have a conversation with somebody, absorbing the surroundings."
"I really do enjoy just getting out on the road and riding constantly for sort of 15, 20 minutes at a time. It's very therapeutic."
"That gave me the chance twice a day to stick a helmet on and ride out to the desert."
"It's a very comfortable little bike."
"It's beautifully dampened and you can still feel the bumps."
"It's a lot lighter than the t120, it's easier to ride."
"For adventure riding enthusiasts, there is no better way to leave the stresses of everyday life behind and escape into an epic Safari Adventure."
"The ride ethic just made it really, really fun to be on, whether you were on dirt, sand, or pavement."
"All in all, a great day of riding, probably one of the most epic days of riding that we've ever done."
"I was able to analyze how long I rode for and what his performance was like."
"Every time you ride, you're writing to create athleticism."
"Oh my goodness, dude, who would have thought with a family of six, we could all be out here riding."
"Riding is not a science, it's an art form."
"You can ride any motorcycle regardless of how high it is."
"It's got everything you need for fast riding."
"The seat is extremely comfortable. I've been in the saddle for an hour plus at a time with no issue."
"...you can actually do a little bit more coasting if you will on the two-stroke than you can on the four-stroke because of that lack of engine braking."
"It's super easy to ride, a very friendly intuitive weapon."
"It's not about what you ride, it's about the ride itself."
"I love riding stuff that I don't think I'll like because it can broaden your horizons as a rider."
"It's got a nice riding feel about it."
"The riding experience here is great."
"...looking to the vanishing point will help you no matter what road you're on. You'll always be able to guide your motorcycle through if you're looking to the vanishing point."
"...combine contrasting colors on your motorcycle with a quality defensive riding style to make sure you're safe on the road."
"...you're a lot more nimble and you're a lot smaller than a car is, which means that you have the ability to choose where you want to go a little bit faster. Now this allows you to constantly be making progress through traffic."
"Riding is very therapeutic...clears your mind, gets you in a flow...nice to be able to get out there, get away..."
"The ride quality is absolutely amazing. I'm enjoying this."
"It's so smooth isn't it? It's absolutely initial impression straight out of the day or ridiculous riding position compared to anything that I ride normally."
"...when you ride this bike, you've got a grin on your face, it just makes you feel good..."
"Braking is a safety critical part of the operation of riding a motorcycle so it's very important we get it right."
"We must always be smooth and progressive, we must never be harsh or aggressive in the way that we brake."
"Gears are for going, brakes are for slowing."
"One of our greatest assets at speed control though is fine use of the throttle."
"Making bad decisions doesn't make you a bad rider, period."
"Ride safely, but remember to have fun, of course."
"The shifting, the highway riding, the kind of sport riding or having fun with it, the tires, the easy simple service, the accessibility of parts, the comfort, and the price, these are all big pros for me."
"Speed itself is a byproduct of skill."
"Everybody rides safe and have a good day."
"It's a perfect option for new riders."
"Over these last years helping the other riders and doing this side of it, I get far more gratification and sense of reward now helping the other riders than I ever did succeeding in my own career."
"Riding is supposed to be relaxing. It's supposed to be a time where you can enjoy yourself, enjoy the views, not feel stressed out."
"Protect the hearing you have or protect the hearing that you've got left and ride with earplugs."
"When you constantly hear that wind rushing through your helmet, it's surprising how much fatigue is added to a longer ride."
"It feels electric smooth, like incredibly smooth. Riding position is fantastic, see how it feels standing up, feels quite small standing up, like I think the bars could definitely be higher for me, a little bit higher so I might get some rises."
"There's certain times when you hop on a motorcycle and it just makes you feel a certain way."
"It's a wonderful day to be riding a brand new BMW 1300 GS in Spain."
"You must not compromise your safety for any advantage for any reason when it comes to road positioning."
"You should always be in the correct position at the correct speed in the correct gear at the correct time."
"A thinking rider should be a safe rider because they're constantly evaluating, questioning, investigating, what's going on. Their brain is active."
"He doesn't feel like he's gonna crash it every time he gets on it, which is better."
"...you always want to be looking forward planning your next move and giving yourself time to anticipate what's gonna happen that way you're gonna stay under more control and it's gonna help you just be a better rider in general."
"This bike feels like it's made for riding."
"This is my favorite type of riding, this is proper, proper fun."
"I think I rode well, I was smooth, it was controlled, and I didn't take unnecessary risks."
"I'm riding for the experience, for what it's like to ride, how it feels, how it makes me feel."
"I absolutely love how forgiving these bikes are. You truly can ride it without a hundred percent focus because they will get you through your mistakes."
"Regardless of whether you do any of that, well I do hope that you do, is that you ride safe and you stay well."
"I cannot believe how sexy it feels to ride, but it is a joy, just joyful to ride."
"I kind of made it like my internal mission to inspire other riders, to inspire women, short riders, men, even."
"Women bring more compassion and camaraderie to a riding experience."
"It just is super friendly to ride man. I can't get away from that fact on this bike."
"The weight is just so down low. It's just so nice to ride, easy to ride, really."
"This bike demands very little of you if you're an experienced rider so you can just focus on riding and not worry about other stuff."
"Words can't describe how fun that test ride was."
"I think I've got a pretty good kit right now that I take with me whether it's a day ride or a multi-day ride."
"Never drink when you ride. Think safety. You never know what you're gonna run into."
"Just focus on your skills as a rider. Developing your skills as a rider, as opposed to focusing on speed alone."
"It's actually very, very easy to ride."
"When I'm out on a motorcycle, I never think about those things. It's just like me and the machine."
"Yes, if we use defensive riding techniques we can prevent the most common accident scenarios, but not all of them."
"It's dead flat, nice and smooth, so hopefully, hopefully, we can get out in the morning and utilize the full day's riding."
"It just makes you feel good to ride it."
"It's almost as if the bike itself is able to intuitively assess your emotional needs when you're riding."
"This track really is a riders' track."
"My butt actually feels pretty darn comfortable."
"Get out here and enjoy it, man. It's always a good day for a motorcycle ride, isn't it?"
"We don't care what you ride. We don't care where you ride it. We care how you ride it."
"It's a really characterful, lovely thing to ride."
"It's a wonderful bike to ride in the countryside."
"The bike is cool and when you're riding it, you feel like a boss."
"Adventure riding, we used to poke fun at adventure riders too when we were riding the little dirt bikes, but man, it's just one of those things you've got to try it before you knock it."
"I definitely recommend you test ride one."
"I don't ever ride without full gear."
"I just want to ride this thing, not make it perfect."
"A testament to a leap ahead in innovation, style, riding dynamics, safety, and above all, the spirit of the modern rider."
"The Maverick is relaxed, fun to ride, and confidence-inspiring."
"I'm gonna ride the heck out of it."
"It's all about riding, having fun."
"Ride safe, and have a wonderful day!"
"I feel perfectly stable at these slow speeds."
"It's the most unique riding experience I've had in a long time."
"Ride in a manner that you can control."
"There is nothing more enjoyable than just riding in a relaxed safe manner, feeling the wind on your face and the sun on your back."
"It's your riding technique which matters."
"The sun on your face when you're riding is something completely different, it's such a good experience."
"The experience of riding one of these 450s is almost like gliding across the road."
"Riding with him was an absolute pleasure."
"Make sure you go out there and ride safe."
"It is an insanely fun motorcycle to ride whether you're trying to carve up twisties or taking on a technical hill climb."
"It's a fantastic motorcycle if you want to take it around on the street, ride it on your favorite twisty roads, and occasionally hit up your local track and have some fun with the bike as well."
"It's gonna be so much fun, we got a whole group of guys out here riding today."
"I hope it helps you ride safe out there."
"'You just do it, no matter what. That second guessing in-ride is a dangerous one. I do not recommend it.'"
"This is a good option over maybe a dirt bike if you're just getting into riding."
"If you are out there riding, please be safe, be kind to one another."
"Life's too short to be looking at your speedo on your rev counter and saying should I be doing that or should I be doing that. Life is far too short, just get on the bike and bloody ride it."
"It allows you to ride this bike with utter confidence in any situation."
"If it's built right, you can ride it."
"Traveling tall, man, like wow, it was just such a nice event."
"The one thing we all had in common, even though it was the very first time we met each other, is that we love to ride."
"It's a real riding experience every time I pull this bike out the garage and go out on it."
"This thing is fun as hell to ride."
"I've had a grin from ear to ear the whole time I've been on it."
"I've ridden with this jacket on in very hot conditions... it almost feels like you're wearing a mesh jacket."
"The bike is so easy to forget about when you're riding; it's so fantastically balanced."
"Everybody notices when you're confident, and if you're a confident rider, trust me, everybody notices it."
"This provides me a sensation while riding and an experience that is incredibly visceral and mechanical."
"It is just absolutely awesome and has just brought a whole new excitement to riding for me."
"The general ergonomics of the bike are very, very good... it's just a lovely position, it's not exhausting to ride in any respect at all."
"If you're riding, please ride carefully, and I'll see you soon."
"This is one of my favorite things, if not my favorite thing ever, riding upriver on an early fall morning."
"Every time I ride, I learn something new."
"It feels amazing; the weight isn't an issue, you sit up on the travel. I love it for all riding."
"At the end of the day, only you can judge whether you want to continue riding or not."
"Beautiful riding as they go through the esses."
"I feel quite safe in it, and I think it looks great when you're riding on a retro bike."
"This is a superb display of riding."
"Adventure riding has been life-changing for me."
"I've finally got someone to ride with, how cool is that."
"I don't care who you are, where you come from, whether you're into riding or not, that's just mother nature at her finest."
"This bike is basically brand new and I cannot wait to get on it and actually ride it."
"Riding for me is a full embodied experience... it's that feeling of freedom."
"It's super intuitive, it's super low effort, and that means you can ride longer."