
Wear Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"Guitars are tools and they are going to develop a patina of use that's how it's supposed to work."
"He's absent mindedly tapped away on that exact same spot so many times that he's worn the paint off his truck."
"So much so that since it was installed in 1989, they've been rubbed and cradled by so many tourists that they're now the shiniest part of the entire animal."
"They just became more and more worn and beautiful the more I wore them."
"Perhaps no style looks just cooler with a ton of honest wear."
"This lifter was just grinding into this lobe, metal to metal."
"My point again is that a shifter, if you have a falling out of gear problem, you have physical wear between these teeth and the slider, maybe this groove here where the fork fits in is opened up, spread open."
"But I'm overall very impressed with the wear of the whole look."
"Styling over shopping and ultimately to get more wear out of the lesser worn pieces in my wardrobe."
"I think the interplay here is kind of fascinating in that the fastest lubricants end up also being the lowest wearing lubricants."
"I do find that I have a few marks on the interior already without treating this bag particularly badly at all."
"...your first coat on there it just wants to fall off."
"In my experience, these will probably last you probably five to ten uses on somebody's clothes before they start to really wear down and you need a new pair."
"That's some impressive wear for something with basically no load on it."
"It's suede, it should look a bit like it's loved and it's worn and it's messed up."
"Your running rigging is constantly being used, exposed to the sun and the salty environment, and these lines do eventually wear."
"The potential for contamination of the cloth was amazing, but also the potential for wear, because if it is as I believe, 2000 years old, things get worn out."
"A man will rust out quicker than he will wear out." - The Colonel
"...it's going to be something that gets the wear that it deserves."
"I fell in love with it, I wore this little thing out."
"So, a T-shirt that costs $10 feels cheap in the moment but, if it's only worn once, you've paid $10 per wear..."
"Life doesn't stop but it needs love to wear."
"The screen does seem to be very durable and I've also been very impressed that it really hasn't even started to show wear."
"Original front struts wearing the tires a little bit they're well and truly flogged."
"If you're going to do this with this amount of wear do it properly."
"That's one I've been using. This one, yeah, it's been used profusely."
"These cars also go through brake pads like it's their job."
"This one is super super comfortable to wear."
"When you see a guitar with all this kind of wear on it that means it was fun to play."
"He said you've never seen that much more wear in a governor before."
"I know you keep some of them for comfy stuff but I know the comfy stuff you wear is like what you're wearing now, not your stuff when you're going out, stuff is different."
"Oil analysis is very good at detecting very slow wear events."
"You're gonna get a good 10 hours of wear out of this one."
"Coins with full details and minimal wear tend to command higher prices."
"Where offsets are used to adjust the position of the tool to compensate for wear."
"That's beautiful. It's a shame that it's a bit worn, but it's still beautiful."
"Wear your safety glasses when you do this."
"They should be worn or they should be loved and not treated as trophies."
"It's late in the race here, your front brake pads are starting to wear down, getting too much rear brake, wheel hop and down she goes."
"This thing's rugged, it's broken in, broken in now."
"Holes, holes, falling apart at the bottom here."
"It's a bit tired in places I guess, but the overall impression is stunning."
"It's not the best finish world some people do really like the black oxide because after it starts to wear somewhat they end up getting that patina that nice antiquing looking for Tina to the firearm and some people really like that."
"I love that it actually has this gold tone to it even though it's worn off a bit."
"Only God or woman can wear it with impunity."
"There's something kind of magical that happens where that guitar or very few guitars become so worn into you as a player."
"It ain't the years, it's the miles."
"I kind of like the idea of having this look as if the book has been opened and flipped several times."
"The more I wear it, the better it gets."
"Who's walked down there and how many people must have worn those away over time? It's crazy."
"He's lost his nose... it's been kissed away."
"The corners will look like this when your Neverfull will be used, and it still looks beautiful."
"She's worn in all the right places that kind of accentuates her grumpiness."
"You can't replicate the fade of this; this was genuine wear and washing."
"It's a good sign that both sides are nice and even wear."
"It's a very kind of battered and worn combat weary ship; it's been through a lot."
"You've seen better days, haven't you, old friend?"
"I'm extremely happy with the way that looks... this is beautiful wear right here."
"I love the look of worn wood, especially along the edge."
"I love the wear on that though, it's gorgeous."
"I would rather have the ring rotating and the soft shackle being abraded, which is the symmetrical configuration."
"The wear on it is incredible; I'm obsessed with this."
"Our skid plates definitely got some love under here, look at this, few new scrapes."
"A Bible that's falling apart is a good indication of a life that isn't."
"Your own wear and tear, it's proof that you have been wearing your bracelet, which should make you really happy."
"This is a tick on the tight side, but that's okay because it'll actually wear in and put us exactly where we need to be."
"Through the course of its history, it's going to take a few dinks and dings along the way."
"It gives it a story and usually that scratch or that dent or that ding... tells a story about the watch and where it's been."
"This car is worn but it is not beat."
"The paint on the front bumper has seen better days, but the wheels sure are fly."
"I love that we're knitters and we live in kind of a chilly place, and we get a good chance to wear everything we knit."
"It's better to have fewer pairs, because the fewer pairs you have, the more you wear them, the more you can get these really nice fades that are kind of the whole point for many people of wearing Japanese jeans."
"The dock, worn from the whims of the seasons, reached out into the serene tableau, pointing towards the heart of the lake."
"This feels like a temple, and the pot should be worn, like the steps of the temple."
"What happens on these is the starter just wears out."
"If you're changing a bearing or two, you may as well do the whole lot so they wear evenly."
"I can't wait for the hardware to get scratches, I can't wait for it to get that character."
"I think that this bag will wear a little bit better in the long run."
"The main thing in terms of wear and tear on the outside is that the canvas can wrinkle, as you can see here, and that's just normal wear and tear of the leather."
"Wear your shoes, folks. They don't last forever, neither do we."
"It's gonna see some wear and tear, and I kind of like that because I'm using it."
"Surface imperfections tell us a story of where something's been and how that something has been used."
"This top tells a story, the finish tells a story."
"Carved steps led down into pitch, their centers worn down by centuries of passing feet."
"I love having cotton suits. As you wear it in, it develops this kind of patina."
"It's got a lot of wear and tear on it, but for a race bike that I raced for almost 10 years, it's done really well."
"I just loved seeing the wear of the traveler's notebook with my brown one because it just made me realize that it kind of shows my passion for journaling."
"I've been wearing them for seven months and that's why they're so worn in, but they're so comfy."
"I've worn this so much, it's possibly one of my favorite Bettys."
"I just cannot wait to wear these out."
"I'm pretty happy with how everything wore."
"It feels like it could be Christmassy without being Christmassy, so like longevity in wear, which we love."
"It seems to get better the more that you wear it throughout the day."
"That's kind of unbelievable; it is very long wearing."
"We've been wearing this stuff for like the past year and a half."
"The more you wear them, the more character you give it."
"It's the kind of shades that I wear every day."
"I do think it's really great to be able to wear your clothes until they're threadbare."