
Insistence Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"I don't care, disable, stop, nope, no go away please."
"Just because you're stubborn and insistent doesn't mean you actually want it, just means I'm refusing to let it go."
"I know what I saw. You cannot tell me I saw anything different from what I saw."
"Despite her promise to leave and only register there, she demands the ability to at least look around."
"I mean no harm friend but I sort of have to insist on you going back to your table."
"He has to start, bro, facts, come on."
"You don't need the gloves... okay, and the gloves too."
"He moves to leave but insists on seeing vaen one last time."
"No no no no no, no no no no that's ten."
"I'm gonna ask you one more time and then I'm gonna do it again put your hand inside this thing or I'm gonna do it again please."
"I told them both to leave while she tried to appear around me and into the house."
"Stop trying to make fetch happen, she don't see it for you."
"One more shirt, one more shirt, one more sure."
"Insisted on the order's innocence."
"The truth is the truth is the truth."
"Just give us the million. Just give it to us. Don't be an [__]."
"This is the only way, the only way."
"You're stupid, Danny. Danny, let me tell you this. Danny, let me tell you. Let me explain this for you, okay?"
"Saitama insisted that she calmed down first."
"Let me go. Let me go. Look, let me go."
"The fact that they have amazing food they've been feed overfeeding me exactly everywhere I go they're like oh this is food this is that please eat is so good you can't say no."
"I've been seeing it in the comments like, 'I'm not gonna tell you again, okay? You need to watch The Matrix exactly!'"
"That is an order," Strand insisted.
"Hey, hey, I could fix that. I can fix that. No, leave it. I can fix that. I fixed it. Then problems off."
"You should have just let me perform."
"'They needed to find them,' Rosita insisted."
"I will definitely be insisting on therapy."
"Insist and settle for nothing less. Transformation in any and every area of your life on your terms or better."
"He insisted that I play the part."
"You better hit that damn table too."
"I will not take no for an answer when you are coming home son."
"Hear me and rejoice. Come on, come on. What do you mean no?"
"That is the only name I answer to," Markham insisted.
"Do it, do it, come on, come on man, do it now, kill me."
"You gotta buy it, I just don't wanna talk about it no more."
"You will not be able to keep it to yourself," he insisted.
"Please leave here, please leave here, get out."
"I pretty much had to force him to take that photo. I was just like, 'Look, I haven't got one photo of you with the fish.'"
"Trust me. I am an earnest. I must have an explicit answer. My passion is so fervent, that it will no longer bear, the pretty trifling because of your sex."
"IM Bukhari insisted on knowing who studied from whom."
"This franchise needs to be done uh-huh it just no no more just stop you can you can't you're going to try and tell the same story a fourth time just stop just stop you can tell."
"No, I need you to come with me now."
"It's not finished," Sylvia insisted.
"You've overstayed your welcome. It's time for you to go now."
"This is not negotiable, Honey Lou."
"You're not leaving. No, uh, you're not."
"Come on man, get to the phone records."
"You won't take no for an answer, will you? You know I can't, Luke."
"I need that thing like and they're like okay like they like kind of like dude don't even [ __ ] don't even get me started."
"She even got on her knees and tried to convince me."
"I just want to eat my food but carries like no no you haven't done the clamp and I know seabass the chicken please I just food."
"He refused to proceed forward without an attorney present."
"Clear the whole world, whole world, Claire!"
"Keep it. No, no, no, no, no. You keep it. Thank you."
"If you're not going out without giving me that memory card."
"This is going in right here, there's no way I'm ending with one point."
"They keep throwing them out there."
"You'd be crazy if you don't [insist on a sea trial]."
"Get in, get in, get in, please, please."
"You're coming with me, that's final. Got it, Ochako?"
"I'm trying to get your ass out of here."
"That car will be a minter, you hear me? That car will be in pristine condition, Brian, pristine!"
"Tell me that's not pretty. Say it. Say it's not pretty. You can't say it. You cannot say it. It's beautiful."
"I insisted that she come with me to see this most glorious thing."
"You better find a way to get that piano on the stage. I don't care if you have to pick it up and bring it in here, you better put it on the stage."
"I must be heard, or I shall be heard."
"Antonio is convinced and goes to reconcile with her but he refuses to listen to her and insists to hear the whole story from Miranda."
"I'm just sweaty," she said. "That's not it," he said, insistent, his hands roving over her.
"I want you to smile all the time, I don't care what you're doing."
"Don't get me started on the gravy, you cannot give up on the gravy."
"I love him, do you understand that or not? I love him."
"We absolutely insist on enjoying life."
"There needs to be pizza. There needs to be pizza."
"We absolutely insist on being happy."
"I must insist you pay close attention to this lesson."
"For Revival, you must not only believe in the possibility, you must insist on it."
"Because if pink balloons are important to you, you just gotta have them."
"Pay that man, pay that man his money."
"We must insist on full access to disc recovered."
"We are insisting that there should be no disruptions of humanitarian assistance flows."
"I'm always banging on about verisimilitude, the quality of something being real."
"Be honest. I won't ask you again, but just tell me the truth."
"You can't not try the buffalo wings."
"I want the facts, ma'am, just give me the facts."
"Fran insists that teacher take a bath with him."
"I insist that you tell him the truth."
"Take the dollar, we insist, you deserve it."
"I want you to know the actual facts."
"You must see her, sister; she's the most beautiful I've ever seen," said Fry in a determined tone.
"And I insist, I really insist on living love no matter what."
"We have to go back, we have to go back."
"Don't turn off the lights, don't you dare turn off the lights," she would scream."
"There's no way you're going to skip celebrating my birthday this year."
"You know how often friends staying together works out. It's just... Rhoda, I don't care, it's only going to be for a couple of days. I insist."
"You hear me?" Lock said. "Just say yes."
"Only it's happening right now, you see," insisted Zaphod feverishly.
"You must take the sword; it is your destiny," insisted Ariak.
"My wife insisted I get some rest."
"Always insist on personal appearance."
"I want the truth, not for them, for me."
"Roxanna insists that her missing daughter would not suddenly vanish without a trace from her own beloved children."
"I've got too much help already, but I really think you need me," she insisted.
"I'm more than willing to help pay for your trip Pam and I won't take no for an answer."
"Shut the door. I will not ask for a fourth time."
"Don't you dare stop eating," Rissa said, her voice sharp. "You show up hungry for Thanksgiving."
"I'm afraid I must insist on the barbecue."
"I just want you to listen to what I'm saying to you."
"If you do not think that you have annoyed God with the things that you're asking him for, then you have not prayed like Jesus teaches us to pray."
"Look, you're coming with me if I have to drag you there, all right?"
"Nobody ought to be forced to fly without my parachutes."
"Ren refused, insisting on carrying her due to her injured foot."
"No, really, goodbye. No, you gotta go, goodbye. Okay, bye."
"If you don't drink water, don't talk to me, okay? Because you must drink your water at all times."
"Eat it and take your medicines, please."
"Don't ever say no to my grandma's food because I don't care if you've eaten, you have to eat it."
"Tell me everything, tell me everything, tell me everything."
"President Trump was adamant that President Zelensky himself had to clear things up and do it in public."