
Pancakes Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"If you feed these to anyone, these are, you know, some of the best-tasting pancakes you can have."
"It's like a pancake, even softer, melt in your mouth."
"Cooking calms me down, especially making pancakes."
"Pancakes beat waffles in every way, shape, and form."
"Pancakes over waffles, I don't care what anyone says."
"Who wants pancakes? Pancakes! Pancakes!"
"These are the best pancakes in Washington DC."
"Look how fluffy these pancakes are looking."
"These pancakes going to get a 10 out of 10."
"I didn't think pancakes would be that big of a deal I told but they are and I'm very glad for it."
"We're mixing up some eggless pancakes."
"I got blueberry bacon pancakes. Bacon, bacon pancakes."
"I made them some pancakes and the strange uneasiness eventually faded away."
"They're kind of like cloud pancakes to me. Maybe that's what I should call them, cloud pancakes."
"The first pancake printer. Oooh, that thing goes slow, dude."
"If you know how to make pancakes, you'll always survive."
"I love pancakes, they're one of the best things to exist on this earth."
"Not only is it a great cause, but it combines three of my favorite things-- family, community, and pancakes."
"Japanese pancakes are the fluffiest pancakes ever."
"The Carousel Pancake House is built around an old Carousel Ride, and their massive Dutch pancakes definitely compensate for that. It's such a fun setting to eat these gorgeous pancakes in."
"I hope that every day is a Pancake Day."
"Every bit of me wants pancakes right now."
"I probably should go order some pancake mix."
"This is why you travel, you get to experience pancakes on this level."
"Perfect for pancakes perfect for baking if you don't want to add like sugar like brown sugar or something take it for which wheel but this stuff is twelve dollars for organic maple syrup."
"There are zero Mushu pancak gosh, we have to make the pancakes, this is crazy."
"Crunchiness is of the utmost importance to me and pancakes are no exception."
"American-style pancake, light fluffy, and absolutely delicious."
"Saguaro not only gave us the gift of travel but she gave us the gift of pancake"
"Nothing beats homemade pancakes with homemade maple syrup."
"My mouth was watering, I was like, oh my God I need pancakes."
"It's a little pancake maker, so you call it a mini pancake maker."
"I'm having a good day, woke up fairly early, have myself some chocolate chocolate chip pancakes my girlfriend made me for breakfast and now I'm streaming. What's up, buddy?"
"Pancakes are just not good. Everyone loves them but they're dry and I get so happy when I see a waffle or French toast. But maybe it's just me."
"Making pancakes is a piece of cake."
"Make your own pancakes and waffles. This will at least save you twenty dollars going through the drive-through."
"Pancakes, really my favorite thing ever."
"Probably the best pancakes I've ever had in my entire life."
"...he loves IHOP yes no Adam you guys feel like I'm so obsessed with that place every birthday we have to go to IHOP what it's the simple things it's the simple thing so it's not I love IHOP it's the pancakes you can have all you can eat"
"Christmas pancakes love pancakes together, it's a dream, it's an absolute dream."
"I love pancakes so freaking much."
"If you're looking for a great vegan pancake recipe, this one is fantastic."
"Pancakes are the comfort food of the world. They just make you feel good."
"Unlimited pancakes, just leave it like that, all you can eat."
"This is where it's at, milk on tap, unlimited pancakes."
"It's officially time to try the pancakes."
"This is the best pancake I've had from a 17 year old."
"I love pancakes. They were delicious."
"Can you give me some blueberry pancakes?"
"Well, I think I'm a pretty good pancake maker. Yeah, I can-- yeah, I can make pancakes. I can make good pancakes."
"By popular request, we're making pancakes again, yay!"
"The next tip is all about pancakes for supper."
"For those of you that are just curious to see what my favorite pancake recipe is, this is it. I've been making it since I was a teenager."
"Potato pancakes are just outstanding."
"A pancake is simply a canvas, the real magic comes with what's added."
"I didn't feel like cooking breakfast today, so I ran inside there, got myself some pancakes."
"I never met anybody who hates pancakes, delicious type of food, one of the best in the world."
"Well, I hope you enjoy making all of those recipes and I hope you'll come back next time when we're doing a program all about how to make pancakes and marmalade."
"I used to love pancakes as a kid, got protein pancakes, does that count?"
"Keep making those bacon pancakes."
"Catch 'em while they're hot. Flip it up, flip it back. Flip it on the pancake stack."
"The internet told me if you want fluffy pancakes, leave lumps in the batter."
"If you fancy some good old pancakes, the BBC good foods recipe for American pancakes is the one."
"Super fluffy, buttery pancakes. These are my very best pancakes."
"If you need a pancake recipe, this is your go-to. I promise you will not be disappointed."
"Hey, this morning we're going to make pancakes for you."
"Best pancake flavor would be alright chocolate buttons with mini marshmallows and some strawberries."
"As soon as you step in, can you like smell the fresh smell of pancakes? So good."
"World famous pancakes that please everyone."
"Pancakes are perfect, they're so good, they're so chewy and ooey and gooey and then Nutella on them, just fabulous."
"The trick to pancakes is bacon grease."
"No pancakes are really good, and so on their chocolate chips."
"That is probably the best pancake I've ever eaten in my life."
"That's why they're so light and fluffy."
"These protein pancakes are so freaking delicious, they do not taste like protein."
"They're not the best looking pancakes, but honestly, they still smell bomb and delicious."
"You can't have peas on pancakes; you have to have chocolate or maple syrup."
"These pancakes are looking as good as they smell."
"I'd rather a massive bowl of pancakes than a massive bowl of ice cream."
"Japan is famous for their super fluffy pancakes."
"Once our pancake has been successfully rolled out, we are ready to head over to the stove to cook this."
"I love pancakes that much, God, I love them."
"I'm not even the biggest fan of pancakes but I think these are delicious, make sure you guys try it out, they're really good."
"These are the best pancakes I've ever eaten."
"I hope you have all had yourself some dee-licious pancakes today."
"Chocolate chip banana pancakes for breakfast."
"Pancakes taste good regardless of how artistic they look."
"Let's make pancakes. It's 2:00 in the morning. So what? That's a very good point."
"Good morning, today we are having pancakes."
"If you buy the book, I'll make you pancakes."
"Mickey Mouse pancakes, my mom used to make these for me all the time when I was a kid."
"Opinion on waffles? Better than pancakes."
"I'm making these cinnamon smell pancakes I made a few times recently, they're so good."
"Japanese pancakes, oh those are great."
"The thought of pancakes is always a happy thought."
"New favorite homemade pancake recipe."
"Who doesn't love a good old stack of fluffy pancakes in the morning?"
"I love waffles, they're so much better than pancakes."
"The Daily Fix is best known for their pandan pancakes."
"Who needs a chocolate waffle when you have a chocolate pancake?"
"Those look amazing too; feel comment down below which one of these pancakes was your favorite."
"Are you guys team mini pancake or big pancake?"
"I've been craving pancakes for the longest time."
"You don't want to over mix your batter, it's okay if there's some lumps, that's gonna help your pancakes get nice and fluffy."
"These pancakes are light, they are fluffy, they are absolutely simply amazing."
"I love pancakes, but I especially love them when they're nice and light and fluffy."
"I'm gonna show you all how to make banana pancakes."
"I actually love making pancakes, I just find it so satisfying."
"These pancakes cook up super fluffy and delicious, you would never know that they are from a mix."