
Prophet Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"If the Prophet sallallaahu send them would be which etc then the plan here is this you have a problem with a prophet being accosted with black magic and he was healed."
"People started worshiping the prophet, not what he told them to do."
"The story of the Prophet picks up right from where Jesus left off."
"When it comes to the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam indeed he suffered in every way and he had a share of every prophet's suffering before him."
"Akhenaten, rather than being an aberration, was something of a prophet of the future shift from polytheism to monotheism."
"Our prophet was described in the Quran to be the most merciful to all of mankind."
"We're following our religion, the footsteps of our prophet."
"God says that I'm a prophet to the nations. God says that I will mother, be a spiritual mother to many people. God says that He's called me to preach the Gospel. God says I'm good enough."
"There is no example better than the example of the Prophet."
"You don't look for the perfect Church you don't look for the church that make no mistakes in its past you look for the church that has the keys the prophet because we need a prophet."
"The Prophet spoke for God to the people."
"The Prophet actually has the greatest amount of authority."
"The Prophet was the mouthpiece of Yahweh, the kingmaker, king breaker."
"Rather than diviners and mediums, Yahweh will raise up for you a prophet."
"The Prophet actually stood in the divine counsel and heard the Word of God."
"The Prophet speaks only the word that he's heard."
"In the Prophet's role, he's like an ambassador carrying a message from one royal to another."
"The Prophet is the leader of every single Ummah."
"I would love to pray to Allah, 'Ya Allah, send another Prophet so that we can be with him.' But there is no room for another Prophet except Isa."
"Joseph Smith claimed to have heard from God and to be communicating with God, and at its base, that is the definition of a prophet."
"The religion was perfected with the coming of the Prophet."
"A prophet comes by putting himself aside and trying to make himself into a conduit."
"One of the most beautiful answers the prophet ever gave is when he was asked which food he liked the best."
"Does it make sense that the prophet copied these sources?"
"Joseph Smith was behaving like a full-blown prophet."
"He was a prosecutor. He was a classic prophet. He was a prosecutor of those who did evil."
"He was everything an Old Testament prophet was. He was everything John the Baptist was, who was the greatest prophet, and far more. He was a prosecutor of sinners, and He rendered them guilty."
"...rare are the inscriptions which can be clearly linked to a historical figure around the life of the prophet Muhammad."
"I believe the Prophet Joseph Smith was a prophet because he talked like a prophet, he taught like a prophet, he lived and died like a prophet."
"It really does point to the fact that the person who claims to speak for God knows how powerful it is to do so and is going to use that power."
"Regarding temperament, a prophet tends to be off the scale in terms of conscientiousness and openness with a level of creativity that surpasses almost anybody on the planet."
"How did the prophet sallallahu himself deal with his difficulties? That's the question, because he is the best of all of creation and human."
"A prophet is never accepted in his hometown."
"The Prophet's greatest accomplishment was the people he cultivated, not grand structures. Invest in people, not just buildings."
"The final and the last messenger of Almighty Allah is the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."
"It would be a prophet in My Religion."
"No prophet can operate without a serious prayer and fasting life. If not, you become carnal and become a false prophet."
"A Muslim is someone who follows the prophets of their time."
"The prophet's mission is to create the reality of and when you do that you really have, you truly have, Subhan Allah."
"I do believe that you're a prophet in the sense that you're a voice of God today for today's generation."
"The prophet of the earth is for everyone."
"Jesus didn't just show up out of nowhere and say 'hey believe me I'm a prophet of God'."
"I am a prophet, yes I have a 12th-grade education on Earth but I have a 20-year education in heaven."
"We listen to a prophet’s voice and hear the Savior too."
"Jesus turns out to be a sort of universal prophet."
"He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet receives a prophet's reward."
"Receive a prophet in the name of a prophet and you'll get a prophet's reward."
"The Prophet's birth illuminated the horizons and everything glowed."
"But how? Why would the prophet of God bribe you with strings?"
"Restore my horn. You were becoming a prophet, your eyes in the spirit were being opened, but you began to lose your horn."
"Elijah's name Echoes through Bible History and stands as an outstanding figure among the prophets of ancient Israel."
"Our prophet bears the right name, he was of the right lineage, he was in reality anointed, he did the right works, he taught the right doctrines, and he died the violent death anticipated by the traditions."
"The measure of a prophet is by generations, not by celebration."
"The prophet's goal is not an in-tune ear but an in-tune heart."
"The prophet is not there to back your vision, your ministry, your call, your church. The prophet is most often there to pull you into a choice, a decision-making."
"No prophet of Allah would see injustice and just stand there and watch it. They'd either with their heart be unhappy or with their tongue they'd be unhappy or in some cases they defend those people with whatever it took at that moment."
"You want to be a prophet for me? Then you have to know what's real and what's fake."
If he shrinks back, "My soul has no pleasure in him," says the prophet.
"The Prophet said, 'The nearest of all creatures to God are those with the best character.'"
"Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him is not the father of any of you but he is the prophet of almighty God. He is the Seal of the prophets."
"The prophet is also a marginal figure in the good sense, you know? It's like an ontological structure. It's a structure of reality. And that, like, the prophet is also a marginal figure in the good sense, you know?"
"This is simply my best synth yet and well worthy of the Prophet name."
"The Messenger of Allah is the seal of prophets, sealing prophethood."
"Who is greater, a prophet or God? God."
"It requires some measure of authority for a prophet to stand up to a king."
"The office of a prophet is not something I do; it's something I am."
"A prophet or prophetess is not something you do; it's something you are."
"How did a man that existed 1400 years ago come with the perfect way of life?"
"You see that the people would follow the prophet of their time, which is exactly what some Muslims do."
"They're called 'minor' in terms of, perhaps, the length of their books... But as we will see, Amos is anything but minor, in his message and his importance to us."
"There was no person in the world more beloved to me than Rasulullah."
"One of the greatest revivals in Jewish history happened under a young prophet by the name of Samuel."
"The spirit of a prophet is subject to the prophet, he knows how to work his spirit."
"The prophet (SAWS) hates division."
"That's usually associated with Zaid because the Prophet (peace be upon him) had taken him as a son."
"He's a king, he's a priest, he's a prophet."
"Bob Marley is like a legend, a prophet for the new generation of today."
"We don't judge the prophet but we have the right and the responsibility to judge what comes."
"He was no more than a man, but he was no less than a prophet."
"A prophet's role is not always to come and just pat us on the back and say oh you're doing wonderful."
"Abusive men existed during the time of the prophet. What was the prophet's solution to the problem?"
"The Bravery of the Prophet saws is tested when the unexpected comes."
"Generally, the evidence is the Prophet used to clean his plate and he used to lick his fingers."
"Nathan is the classic example of a prophet who serves as the conscience of the king."
"No prophet is accepted in his hometown."
"The laughter of the Prophet was nothing but a joyful smile."
"The greatest exegesis of the Quran is the person of the prophet."
"No prophet is without honor except among his own people."
"I ask peace and blessings upon the beloved prophet."
"The prophet's mannerism was the Quran."
"We evaluate a prophet by the fruits that come from them."
"Samuel was held in great esteem as the prophet of God."
"Follow the prophet; he knows the way."
"I call him 'a Prophet and a Madman' but people just see the prophet and I think that if you don't realize your prophet is also mad, you're gonna end up in trouble."
"In Jannah is the Messenger of Allah, so if you have the companionship of the Prophet, what more do you want?"
"The knowledge of the companions of the Prophet peace be upon him was far superior."
"We should increase in studying the prophet's Seerah, studying who he was and his virtues."
"The prophet and the bard of democracy."
"Zoroaster... was an ancient Iranian prophet who founded what is now known as Zoroastrianism."
"...the Prophet is the most truthful of all those who speak the truth."
"Not just that he was a prophet, but that he was a real human being too."
"The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was a mercy to mankind."
"We view him as a prophet as well."
"Allah wanted to give the status to our prophet of martyrdom."
"Oh Allah, grant us the company of your messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in the hereafter."
"Verily he was true to what he promised, and he was a messenger and a prophet."
"The humanity of the Prophet, we should not be embarrassed by it; there's nothing awkward, in reality, it makes him the perfect role model because he is human."
"The year of Sorrow, the prophet described it as the most tragic and traumatizing part of his life."
"The prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is a great role model, a perfect role model for all times."
"If Muhammad was just a normal guy, how come he came with this perfect stylish of the Quran so eloquent?"
"Zoroastrianism is a revealed religion based on the teachings of its prophet, Zarathustra."
"He got excited, he's you know rushed over to the prophet and said, 'Can you tell me something good please?'"
"Muslims do not worship Jesus... nor do they consider him divine, but they do believe that he was a prophet or messenger of God and he is called the Messiah in the Quran."
"Prophets are people who perceive some dysfunction in the status quo and they push back."
"As Muslims, we believe he's one of the mightiest Messengers, he's a prophet of God, he's a messiah."
"Our life and the source of our power is the nazar of Prophet ﷺ."
"This is the Prophet always elevating people."
"We have never sent a prophet except that he speaks the language of his people."
"We look to the life of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam as a means of trying to inspire us and to give us solutions."
"This is not the face of a liar; this is the face of a Nabi of Allah."
"The heart of the Prophet saws was made so powerful."
"The prophet saws didn't just see something, he also understood it."
"Follow the best example of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam."
"A prophet fleeing from his home and his friends, a prophet wanted by the military authorities."
"Nobody ever came to Elijah with a problem and was turned away."
"I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country."
"The one whom the Prophet declared that he loved her the most."
"The conquest of Mecca truly is the climax of the series of the prophet."
"After our pause and break for a few weeks, we're now resuming our series of the prophet."
"The Umayyad family were long-standing opponents of the Prophet."
"A prophet is not without honour save in his own land."
"The prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam had exceptional emotional intelligence."
"I'm on a journey as we discuss the life of Prophet Alayhi Salaam."
"Surely Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet."
"The Prophet salallahu alayhe wa salam was a flexitarian, the bulk of the diet is vegan or vegetarian, but there is a consumption of meat, however, the consumption of meat is very, very little."
"We are grateful for a prophet of God, whom we dearly love and sustain."
"This is a story of the most persistent prophet that there ever was."
"Elijah's life exemplifies unwavering faith in God."
"The prophet was a walking Quran; he was the explanation of the Quran so it could be tangible for us."
"How blessed we are to have a living prophet today!"
"The Prophet Elijah experienced a dramatic departure from this world when he was taken up into heaven in a whirlwind."
"It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and the character of the great prophets of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for the mighty prophet, one of the great messages of the Supreme Lord."
"He testified boldly about Joseph Smith being a prophet of God; he testified boldly about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon."
"I seek forgiveness for the sake of God and the state of the Prophet."
"Mohammed begins to spread the word of Allah until he conquers Mecca and declares the Kaaba a shrine to Allah."
"It's just great to summarize classic Prophet panel, intuitive dedicated layout, dual effects, excellent build quality, and a great great analog polysynth."
"Even the Prophet said that he would enter Jannah with the mercy of Allah, not the actions."
"That then keeps unlocking, unlocking, unlocking until Prophet ﷺ is happy with their hearing, inshaAllah."
"You develop an attachment to the Prophet Sallam in Madinah that you just can't develop anywhere else."
"He's not just a prophet... he was and is the son of the Living God."
"Peace and salutations upon the Messenger of Allah, the prophet Muhammad, who Allah sent as a mercy to all."
"She started to recognize the baraka of the prophet."