
Namesake Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"It's literally Lockhart chapter, it's his namesake chapter."
"Why the name Solomon? Does he in any way take after the Solomon of history, being wise and laying down sound judgments?"
"I like Modestas and I wish him all the success."
"Moore's Law is named after Gordon Moore."
"Teddy bears are named after Theodore Roosevelt."
"It's named after the Mayflower, aka the one that the pilgrims came to America on."
"He owned adult bookstores that also had peep shows, he owned a brothel which he named after me."
"Cameron is named after Yan Cameron, a Scottish Highlander who fought in the Texas Revolution."
"Albus Severus Potter, you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all. You were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts."
"I never felt like that was my name. Anytime I meet somebody, I'm Denzel. Oh, like Denzel Washington?"
"The Bonneville was named after the famous Bonneville Salt Flats in Northwestern Utah where many land speed records have been set."
"The car is named after racing car expert Rolf Ulenhaut, who used this special SLR as his company car."
"The famous Count Dracula was named after Vlad the Impaler."
"Rafa, named after the great tennis player Rafael Nadal, King of Clay."
"That's my dad, Chris. They have the same name."
"Ashara is named after a very famous goddess, Aera, a Canaanite goddess called Aera. Aera is one of my favorites."
"Kelly and her boyfriend announced that they were pregnant with baby Josie. I called her up to ask if she was really going to name her baby the same name as mine."
"You were named after a candy i was named after a gangster"
"My name's Ketel. Thank you both for saving my life."
"People gave me grace. I even had a lady named Gracie give me even more grace."
"Barnabas came from the island of Cyprus, his total role was to encourage, that's even what his name means, the son of encouragement."
"I'm not over that he named his kid after Dumbledore and Snape."
"Barnabas, whose name means son of encouragement."
"You're like, they're called Diversity. What were you expecting? The clue's in the name."
"Stan is not an acronym, it's named after Stanislaw Ulam."
"Jarvis Island was named after three people all named Jarvis who discovered the island."
"Georgia was named after British King George II it is the feminine Latin form of George."
"Pomona, California is named in honor of the ancient Roman goddess of fruitful abundance."
"Shout out my former boss Deirdre, uh, great name."
"A namesake is more powerful than most people know."
"Matthew says Jesus' name does mean 'God With Us'."
"I'm his namesake. He is Lincoln, Charles Lincoln Neal the original; I'm the third."
"J-Hope exists to give hope to people."
"Húrin's name... means 'Húrin the Steadfast,' and that name is given to him, almost certainly because of his deeds."
"Behold, the young woman is with child and will bear a son, and she will call his name Emmanuel."
"We named the baby Landon; we hoped he would grow up grounded and steady."
"Yudhisthira means one who can stay calm and steady in the midst of a war."
"Her name is actually Jamais Sans Toi, which means never without you in French."
"I am so thankful for you, Arthur."
"Right, Albus Severus Potter. The bravest man I've ever known."
"I'm in love with an angel, and Deia is her name."
"It is a name that was foretold and heavenly bestowed upon the Christ child."
"It's amazing, I've heard of a number of proud parents of newborns in the last year who have named their kids Brock."
"I named these after all of my aunts and my great aunts on my dad's side of the family."
"Azula is named after her grandfather, Fire Lord Azulon."
"I owe the moon spirit my life; that's why my mother named me Yue, for the moon."
"Amadeus means 'loved by God'. The name suits her; Kurisu is Amadeus."
"One of the cast members being named Kirby just makes me happy and feels like some karmic justice for Jack Kirby."
"Goliath, we named you well. It seems you are as good a soldier as the Philistine giant who fought David."
"Is he not rightly called Jacob? For he has supplanted me twice."
"The teddy bear is named after Teddy Roosevelt."
"Pavlova is a meringue-based dessert named after the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova."
"Olivia, she's here," I shouted the words.
"A child is born, a human baby, his name is Mighty God."
"I ended up naming my only son after him too, Memphis Aldean."
"One of the best at mimicry is the aptly named mimic octopus."
"Leo congratulates him and goes on to ask questions about the child, Elvis' niece named Eline, who's named after him."
"Melchizedek is Malik Zadak which is the King of Righteousness."
"My dad made me after a baseball player before I was born. I was named after Mickey Cochrane, and that's what I was raised to be: a baseball player."
"You know you believe in dreams when you name your kid after Michael Jordan."
"The parents named the girl after Scarlett O'Hara— their favorite heroine from the movie 'Gone with the Wind'."
"Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall."
"Amina, an Arabic name meaning 'most precious,' and to Amina Scott's loved ones, that's exactly what she was."
"Nimrod his name actually means the rebel."
"New Zealand's capital is named Wellington, named after Arthur Wellesley."
"I now have 15 copies of it and I have plans to name my daughter Alice."
"My middle name is my father's middle name."
"He was named John Winston after Winston Churchill."
"You named your granddaughter after Memphis? That's amazing!"
"The society is named after Eugene Francois Vidocq, a Frenchman that lived from 1775 to 1852."
"The purpose being the christening of the Marquess and Marchioness's daughter, and you know in return, they called the daughter Victoria. Isn't that a lovely touch?"
"The sweet and spicy sauce is very good, that's exactly what his namesake says."
"The Nebuchadnezzar, great name as well, it's got some real historical meaning."
"You have a redeemer and his name is Jesus."
"The name Bow and Tee actually comes from the owners of O'Polly and Bo+Tee who actually adopted two children in Cambodia, and they were called Bow and Tee."
"Eleanor, when I grow up, I'm gonna name my daughter after you."
"Divine Theodore, Theodore, gift of God, yeah."
"It's no accident that her name is Blanca... always trying to do things on the straight and narrow."
"Virginia Dale, it is just as beautiful as the name would imply."