
Muscles Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"Underrated, the old, you know the obliques, you know when a guy's got those little muscles right on the rib that's underrated."
"I call this to get out of bed exercise, because these are the muscles that roll you out of bed in the morning."
"Important muscles for using nunchucks, one of the main ones is actually your wrist for the more intricate movements."
"Muscles serve two really important purposes: the first is a metabolic purpose, the second is a structural purpose."
"These anterior SCM muscles are a big thing because it can really make a huge difference to get you feeling better."
"Your body is a series of muscles that are stacked on top of each other in layers."
"We're depending on muscles to hold our head up and to keep our gaze upright."
"It's a great way to promote relaxation and those knots."
"Muscles don't know what exercise we are performing or what load is on the bar, all they experience is tension and stress."
"They can tackle your pain where it starts in your nerves and in your muscles."
"Working on these patterns of movement really stimulate all of those muscle groups together."
"So within 90 minutes after the end of the meal use your muscles a little bit and really it can be super simple."
"You hate to go through a workout and be like I just felt my quads I didn't feel my butt now we got it."
"Accessory muscles involved dynamically might see more growth compared with those used isometrically."
"Increased acidity is produced in trigger points."
"If I have more muscles, will I age more slowly? As a general rule, yes."
"A grown-up person uses around 200 muscles to make just one step."
"Feel this in your hamstring and your inner thighs."
"This way we're going to get the contraction of your hip flexors and the contraction of the glutes and the hamstrings."
"You're going to feel a ton of fire in the hip and across the glutes."
"Most of those muscles come up and attach onto the front of the spine."
"A lot of people don't know there's a lot of muscle in the back of your arms."
"In fact braces that stabilize joints actually helped muscles move better and strengthen them so and braces are generally not tight enough to stop muscles from moving so the concept that braces make muscles weak is not actually true."
"...the calves are made up of two main muscles: the Soleus, which is a single joint muscle, and the gastrocnemius, which is a two joint muscle."
"Starting to get it up, this one's great for our hamstrings, our glutes, quadriceps as well as our shoulders."
"This one is working your upper back but also your core, lower back, abs."
"When you first start sitting in good posture, you might say, 'This is harder, this feels more uncomfortable.' Yes, those muscles have atrophied, we have to retrain them."
"They train their muscles how to suffer at the most extreme levels and keep those muscles firing."
"No amount of shaking does any because your muscles are stars, right?"
"It's the Pan Am smile, where you only use your jaw muscles. If you want to have a great smile, you need to use the orbicularis oculi muscle, which is in other words, the eyes."
"Last few seconds on this one, you might be filling this in the quads."
"Just like that right there, we utilize all the muscles correctly that we should and I thought it'd look pretty good so they're real."
"Your hamstrings are such an important muscle... to function day to day properly."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, who's got the muscles?"
"I made some joke about muscles and he flexed his arms... I did not know you were that ripped, David Green."
"How to trigger the butt muscles for growth, how to grow your butt and not your thighs."
"One of the most important muscles in the body is your glutes and of course they look amazing."
"Supporting muscle groups: triceps and shoulders are crucial for stability and lockout."
"Big muscles don't produce stability, they produce force."
"Alpha One receptors on hair follicle muscles lead to piloerection."
"When we're pulling down... we're actually really engaging those lat muscles, the muscles that are in the shoulder and the scapula."
"You have to lift heavy to get stronger."
"The key here is focusing on strengthening the middle of the back so we can hold our scaps into place and use the proper muscles."
"We really have activated a lot of the core muscles there now."
"You want to know how to have muscles? Exercise. You have to pick up heavy things and put them down. You have to do push-ups, pull-ups, whatever it takes to actually put weight bearing on the muscles."
"The way you create muscles is through exercise. My muscles came from exercise. My diet didn't change, the exercise did."
"Really helping to switch on those small stabilizing muscles."
"Use those hamstrings and glutes to pull the weights up."
"Nice work, love a good slider workout, really forces the muscles to stay working."
"You should be using your glutes, your hamstrings, your stomach."
"Effortless weightless movement, the muscles contracting and releasing at just the right times to make the flow as smooth as possible."
"This, these are muscles that even for now, you can probably just refer to them as the extension muscles."
"There is so much going on when it comes to muscular anatomy."
"Muscles are fuller than this morning. My arms are definitely bigger from them just filling up with glycogen like the carbs and the salt and the water."
"External intercostal muscles raise the ribs, increasing the diameter of the chest wall."
"The muscles in real time are telling us where we are in space."
"I'm talking rippling muscles underneath its short fur."
"Herrings law tells us that the yoke muscles get the same amount of innervation."
"Active flexibility is the process of using your muscles to find flexibility rather than pushing into it."
"This one, you're stretching out the quads and the hip flexors."
"People from beginners to experts love this back exercise. It targets the subscapularis and lisus Dory muscles."
"Voluntary muscles are controlled consciously, while involuntary muscles are controlled automatically by the nervous system."
"You still need the antagonist muscle groups that oppose your pressing musculature balanced; you can't forget them or you won't be as efficient as you could be."
"That is using all every single muscle that I can't see in my body, which is incredible for improving posture."
"Skeletal muscle is involved with voluntary movement."
"Muscles work like little hearts, like pumps that help to move blood around the body."
"The muscles that I'm moving to convey my expressions are the muscles of facial expression."
"We have over 600 muscles and 200 bones in our body."
"More than flexibility, what we want is to encourage the muscles to relax, let go of their tension, toxins, and stress."
"The quadriceps... four muscles that all connect into one head."
"The muscles have to adapt so quickly, and that's one of the things that really surprised me."
"This Hulk has an amazing amount of muscles, I do like the design of the hair, and the way they did the tongue sticking out like that is A plus."
"You're gonna build muscles, you're gonna build technique."
"The muscles of the head and suprahyoid muscles are derived from the pharyngeal arches."
"Really think about activating those back muscles."
"Your muscles act like a sponge; it absorbs the impact from the training."
"I'm talking about looking at the deltoid and seeing all three muscles in perfect symmetry."
"This is not about height; this is about muscle under tension."
"The greater tubercle out here, supraspinatus and infraspinatus, remember those rotator cuff muscles, those come over and attach here."
"Muscle tissue is responsible for allowing us to move."
"Muscles are remarkably cooperative things. If you give them half a chance, they'll respond."
"Scalings are a group of muscles in your neck, and they help you breathe."
"This is a great way to train those muscles to start firing because you're cueing through your nervous system."
"Perform stretches that target the major muscle tendon units."
"Regular crawling taps into a lot of muscles and definitely is a precursor exercise for walking."
"It's your calf muscles and the muscles around your ankle that take a long time to get back."
"We really do try to do at least one MRI to take a look at what your muscles look like from that perspective."
"If we can have this capability with pneumatic muscles, that would be really practical and useful."
"The Cossack squat is terrific for targeting your quads, your hip adductors, your glutes, and your hamstrings."
"First and foremost, we're going to talk about the muscles in the body."
"Strengthen the muscles around your hip and your legs."
"Joints are inherently extremely strong; it's the muscles that surround them that become weak."
"Muscle activity influences bone density."
"Fascia is like the Saran Wrap of your muscles."
"I flex my elbow by tensing the muscles of the upper arm."
"Doing these reps right also targets your muscles a little bit better."
"The erector spinae muscles... they cause your spine to be erect, upright."
"The stretches we're going to be doing is going to be a combination of static and dynamic, always using our muscles either the muscle that we're trying to stretch or the antagonist muscle of the one that we're trying to stretch."
"Working all the little proprioceptors in our muscles all the way up the line to help keep ourselves stable."
"This is an opportunity or an invitation to want to learn a little bit more about these muscles."
"The primary motor cortex is the voluntary control of skeletal muscles."
"We have muscles attached to that skeleton, normally in pairs, and what those muscles do is they squeeze and they release."
"Think of every muscle as gaining strength with the flexibility."
"It's not just a leg exercise; it's the entire body. There's over 200 muscles working at once."
"When we do extension at the elbow, the tricep is the prime mover."
"Hydration is so important. Your muscles are about 70% water."
"You have a huge host of muscles from splenius capitis, splenius cervicis, the rotatores, levator scapulae, trapezius all through here."
"I am here today to teach you to draw muscles."
"Big muscles are stupid, they are obedient but they are stupid."