
Guitar Solo Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"One of the greatest solos in fucking metal history."
"Snake Eater from Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater just because of how it starts as a dramatic orchestral track before kicking into the awesome electric guitar solo."
"He's going into Angus's solo with a wicked air guitar."
"All the exercises I showed you in this video are actually part of one guitar solo that I wrote for this video."
"The guitar solo features some pretty hairy string bends going on."
"Gilmour's guitar solo contains one of the greatest guitar solos of all time."
"Love everything about it, the Dave Mustaine guitar solo in that one is freaking killer."
"It's got this very beautiful melodic solo that Richie Blackmore was known to do. I think it's one of his best."
"...this is none more evident than the guitar solo on 'Bohemian Rhapsody,' possibly Queen's defining track and, come to think of it, probably one of the most famous pieces of recorded music of all time."
"And then that synthesized guitar solo on the last minute and a half of that song. He just lets it run and it's devastating. Absolutely majestic."
"David Gilmore's guitar solo just perfect."
"25 or 6 to 4 is one of the best songs of this entire era. Not only is it a great song, it's an uptempo song, but it also has one of the best guitar solos of the entire era."
"he's one of the few that I would happily listen to play a 20 minute long guitar solo"
"So my number five, from the Yes album, 'Yours Is No Disgrace' by Steve Howe. That solo to me is just so iconic. Sometimes you wonder if he's actually from planet Earth or if he's not from the planet of Sun Hilo."
"Jimmy Page, the freaking double neck guitar. Like, this guitar solo, you can't really argue it being number one. Everyone, guitar player, non-guitar player, knows that this song exists."
"So there you go guys, that's absolutely everything you ever needed to know about how to play the solo from 18 and life."
"'In Any Tongue' might be the most interesting lyrical song, an anti-war song at that, complete with another classic Gilmore solo."
"Larry Carlton does the guitar solo on the song and it's probably his best work with Steely Dan."
"We love a really good guitar solo especially an electric guitar and although we have a major and up-tempo song here there's a lot of customary bluesy elements and diving deeper and deeper into that richness we have these flat seventh chords and the syncopated rhythm number two."
"I'm so grateful that this song has that guitar solo section because it really allows us to see how intoxicating the calculated movement is and how romantic it can be but it's also spine tingling and it's a little bit chilly."
"It's nice key to soloing, it's really really cool, nice and bluesy."
"Eddie Van Halen did the guitar solo in Michael Jackson’s 'Beat It.'"
"This is quite possibly the greatest guitar solo in all of rock history."
"I'm convinced that the guitar solo at the beginning of this album opens up a portal to a different dimension."
"Rock bottom by UFO, it's just a great heavy tune and it has just one of my favorite Schenker solos of all time."
"For me, I love guitar solos when it's a really good solo over a slow part; ballad guitar solos are like my favorite thing in the world."
"Sometimes the guitar solo has to really sing a part."
"The guitar solo on that song is absolutely perfect."
"His guitar solo on 'Something' is so elegantly graceful."
"So we have made it to the star of the show, Slash's guitar solo."
"Machine gun, one of the greatest guitar solos of all time."
"The solo was was like the domination solo I think was the best heavy solo I've heard from time."
"So even if you're just a young shred-eye knight on your way, you'll be able to master the solo."
"It is a masterclass in rock and roll or rockabilly guitar and it also contains one of the great guitar solos of all time."
"It just culminates in this great guitar solo in the middle."
"I'm actually gonna teach you the beginning of the solo."
"The solo in 'Firth of Fifth' is arguably the greatest prog rock guitar solo by anybody."
"It's probably his best solo, it's just so beautifully it builds beautifully."
"You can take the two lessons now and play them back to back, and you have this really nice extended guitar solo."
"This is such a fun song, it's got a killer solo."
"All rock and roll tapes have to have at least one kickass guitar solo."
"Fito Pradas' tasteful tapping and fresh phrasing on 'Weight' by White Lion made it one of my favorite guitar solos of the hair metal era."
"If you don't hear some really terrifying stuff, do check out his solo on 'Lonely Nights' by White Lion—that thing is a beast."
"They did 'Let's Go Crazy' and the guitarist nailed the guitar solo."