
Copper Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Copper will rise and become the dominant and most important element in modern times."
"Copper is beautiful... it's easy to forget that copper can also look like this when it's polished."
"One thing that is very clear in these accounts is that copper can be detected by the careful observation of the surrounding environment..."
"Copper is one of those bets that you need to be making over the next five and ten years."
"Add a little copper before a bed to your diet."
"I was looking for copper and found gold."
"The world is going to need as much copper in the next 10 years... as it needed when China was doing its huge infrastructure buildup."
"Take all that away and leave behind any lead, copper, maybe silver and gold."
"That is a huge piece of copper, but it is actually the top piece of a lantern."
"Copper recycling is a crucial process with a rich history dating back to the early 1920s."
"I see some copper for sure in the form of malachite there and look at this some Azurite on some of those definitely two uh oxides of copper in there."
"Flint imitations of copper daggers were made in Western Europe between 3,000 and 2,500 BC."
"That's kind of what I want, the new copper. The newest one that's so pretty."
"This is copper and at the moment we're seeing trade news headlines on a day-to-day basis."
"Just make sure that your copper has been lined or realigned because you definitely don't want just to use the straight up copper."
"Copper is the next big metal in mining. You can quote me on that."
"Very, very nice little copper mine I have here. Someday it might be a real copper mine."
"Copper is the number of protons in the nucleus because that means there's also 29 electrons surrounding that nucleus."
"Copper produces these beautiful colors mainly blues and greens."
"Copper is one of the few metals that actually occur in nature directly as a usable metal."
"Copper is a really good conductor of not just electricity but heat."
"...Copper being the best conductor of the naturally occurring metals, it's a very good conductor of electricity and heat."
"Copper pipes naturally resist rust, making them often used in pneumatic systems."
"One of the main reasons why some people like copper a lot is because of the electrification of the world."
"Copper aids iron absorption, is an antioxidant, and plays a role in blood clotting."
"Copper also plays a major role in immune system function."
"Copper aids in bone mineralization; your bone is this matrix and a lot of minerals go into bone mineralization, copper being a very important one."
"Copper being very important as a free radical quencher can help your body deal with oxidative stress."
"Copper is very important for collagen formation so that the collagen is elastic and strong."
"Copper is an incredibly important metal; it's in all of our electrical wires because it has such good electrical conductivity."
"That copper tape, only one fifth the cost of the copper tubing."
"It's painted on a copper support and his pictures almost shimmer with this brilliance."
"Count copper among the marvels we seldom celebrate, but have helped advance the march of our technology."
"The copper isn't in fact perfect, it's messy."
"Holy smokes, that's fantastic, beautiful copper root tile."
"What we're seeing now for commodities like copper, for example, is the beginning of a very steep growth curve."
"These are solid copper handset rivets, which are about the most impossible to break."
"This kind of electroplating is pretty common, where you use these kind of reactions to get your copper to plate as copper solid onto something."
"The real ground state electron configuration for copper that's an exception to the rules is Argon 4s1 3d10."
"Copper helps iron bind to transferrin and is also going to be part of an antioxidant system in our body."
"Copper is something that is very powerful especially in the area of spirituality."
"Using a copper cup helps to kill bacteria, it stimulates your brain function, it regulates the functioning of your thyroid gland."
"The advantage of a copper wire pair is when you lose power, it's the one thing that still works."
"As old as copper and brass are, they are still used today for a very wide variety of applications."
"Copper dissipates heat really well."
"Copper is an excellent electrical conductor."
"This is the only one I've ever seen in Copper finish."
"You can now see our copper has these darker spots which is quite nice."
"In a solid copper, velocity is king."
"They learned that they could mix copper with the glaze and produce a brilliant red glaze."
"Edison's invention of the light bulb would lead to the need for vast amounts of copper that conduct electricity."
"The correct ground state electronic configuration for copper as an exception is Argon 4s1 3d10."
"Spiders and many other organisms have hemocyanin, which contains copper, making the blood blue."
"This is turning into some big copper extravaganza."
"We've probably used a copper wire which has a very very low resistance."
"Cyprus was a very important source of copper in the Bronze Age."
"The island of Cyprus and its concentration of copper originated on the floor of the ancient Mediterranean Sea."
"We will use the material copper, set the thermal conductivity to 401 watts per meter per degree Celsius."
"Thanks to the global quest for Net Zero carbon emissions, copper has been pushed into the spotlight."
"With the demand for copper soaring in California during the Civil War, San Francisco investors were keen on Arizona prospects."
"We expect in a conservative case for the globe to consume as much copper in the forthcoming 22 years as has been produced and consumed by all of humanity throughout all of history."
"Copper has several desirable properties; it has good electrical conductivity and is very ductile."
"Silver is the most conductive; it's five percent more conductive than copper."
"Copper is 100% recyclable and very good for the environment."
"Copper cabling is cheap and easy to create."
"The color changing on the copper is just [__] beautiful."
"I really enjoy decorating with copper during the fall season."
"I already own this copper sign, I love it so much."
"I am obsessed with copper for fall."
"It's just so pretty on the back there, you can see where the copper has been driven through the handle."