
Grandchildren Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Grandchildren are better than children. Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children."
"I've got two granddaughters, and they're the joy of my life."
"Holy crap, so many available grandchildren just everywhere."
"The little things that give me Joy, man, is being around my grandkids."
"Grandchildren are the crown of your parents."
"I'm actually now looking at how I generate wealth for my grandchildren to inherit."
"She met her grandchildren, and they were even more beautiful than in their photographs."
"My priority now is my grandchildren."
"Home is where your grandchildren expect to be born. That's home."
"One of Spike's greatest pleasures in later life was the arrival of grandchildren."
"I stopped allowing Danny's parents to see the boys two years after Danny died. Do you have any intention of letting them see their grandchildren again? I do."
"When I see the grandchildren and when I see all this around me, I feel as if I'm very, very rich and very happy with it all."
"As long as you take pictures of my grandchildren you can go anywhere and photograph anything."
"Barry's father expresses his desire to see his grandchildren."
"The five minutes is always me with my three kids and twelve grandchildren... every time that happens, it's the most joyous time and I want to do it again."
"And also, your-- are these your grandchildren? Yes."
"Daughters come home, bringing lovely granddaughter Tilly."
"One of the things he told me was how much you enjoy spending time with your grandchildren."
"I want to set up an education fund of $1,000 for each of your six grandchildren."
"What a great spot, what a great family, all these grandchildren."
"I love them I mean you know it's like when that happens it's not about you anymore you know you don't want to go out spend a hundred grand on so no no I got two grandsons now you know Lamia let me get ready for them it's it's their time they're wonderful."
"Delighting in the company of four grandchildren."
"What's important is family, grandchildren."
"When I'm with my grandkids, that's a great feeling."
"I'm very close to her now, I'm very close to her children, my grandchildren."
"The Lord has blessed me with two children, and now three grandchildren."
"We love our grandchildren too; we plan to help out with the kids."
"She had developed a great yearning to set eyes on her three grandchildren."
"Grandchildren are the best thing in the entire world."
"I've got 11 grandchildren now, one's 20, Jake, and the youngest have got two at five, so they're great."
"Look, I brought your favorite apple pie, dear grandchildren."
"I hope our grandchildren will be a lot better."
"We really would like to have one mainly for our grandchildren; it would just be a fun experience for them."
"I've got three grandsons, so I'm going to give them the money."
"We have the cutest little grandson... and we're definitely gonna go down there a lot and see them."
"It's my children. I would tell you my children, my grandchildren. I get so much joy from that."
"I want to be the first one to see my grandkids."
"Grandbabies are a special kind of gift."
"This is such a beautiful way for him to save that and pass it on to his grandchildren."
"I love each and every one of my grandchildren."
"If you girls and boys haven't had grandbabies, it's Heaven."
"I'm turning that all into peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for my grandkids because they love them."
"Grandchildren are better than children, why? Because they go home."
"I couldn't have asked for a better father of my grandchildren."
"Grandchildren are indeed adorable."
"Those grandkids are the light of our lives."
"My father has 22 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren."
"I've gained two grandchildren in the last two weeks."
"Congratulations, it's fun to have the grandkids around."
"We're grandparents again; our two sons have had babies in the last two weeks."
"We are so blessed to have the best granddaughter."
"I'm always happy when they bring the grandchildren over to visit."
"Her real pride and joy would have been her grandkids."
"I decided I was going to knit each of my grandchildren the same sweater."
"I'm so happy to be surrounded by my grandchildren."
"Getting to see our adorable grandchildren every day is the best thing ever."
"Grandchildren are the crown of the aged."
"These grandkids, I mean, they just... the love, right? There's nothing like it, man."
"Do you love your grandchildren? Of course, I love my grandchildren a lot."
"A lot has been written on how to leave it to your grandkids, but not much really has been written or talked about as to whether it's a good idea."
"My grandkids love Halloween, so I try to mix in a little bit of Halloween out here as well, not just the fall."
"We got four grandkids, and they keep us kind of busy."
"That little boy has got my heart, oh my gosh, he is the most adorable little thing."
"Song Yusheng and his wife want to be good to our two grandchildren."