
Web Standards Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Semantic HTML: exploring why it's important and easy solutions to follow."
"One thing that we're gonna get into in just a bit is called the new HTML5 semantic elements which are very important."
"Welcome! This will still be rendered properly by the browser."
"Welcome to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 crash course."
"Language of the page should be programmatically determined at the top."
"Name, role, and value should be programmatically determined."
"Flexbox was created for small-scale layouts, and there's another standard called grids which is geared more towards larger scale stuff."
"I want to raise the awareness of it so that the browsers outside of Firefox actually maybe people can start showing an interest in them."
"This is why you want semantic HTML."
"Web Authentication is a recent standard of the World Wide Web Consortium and mainly targets two-factor authentication for web applications."
"Progressive web apps are just normal web apps, but they leverage a few additional modern web standards to give the app a more native app-like feel."
"HTML has always been about semantics."
"Web components are the native component model for the web platform."
"CSS3 is supported by almost every single browser."
"The logic behind an H1 is to be the most important content on the page."
"If you master WordPress, you're building with a platform that's the standard for blogs and business websites."
"HTML has been around for some time now and humans have constantly been changing it, have been improving it."
"We can fix HTTP so that you guys don't have to worry about it, and in fact, that is what HTTP 2 is all about."
"Don't change heading levels to change sizes or styling; only style the tag with a class to make it look the way you want it to."
"WCAG 2.1 is what you need to know about the most recent accessibility standards."
"Templates. Shadow DOM. Let's talk about custom elements."
"It's very much already for a few years now— it seems to be what people like to think of as a lingua franca, a language that— just by its privileged place in the browser, everyone has to know some JavaScript and some HTML5."
"If you write a webpage that complies with the HTML standard, then any browser made by anyone that can read the HTML standard can view your web page."
"It's using all of the latest HTML5 features. It's using WebGL."
"All of the hard work that we've put into making ChromeVox works really well on Ajax content, making it support W3C standards, such as ARIA and HTML5."
"A REST API adheres to the REST rules."
"The web becomes interoperable with custom elements."
"Web components are a new set of W3C standards that extend a native component model in the web platform itself."
"The main element lets you indicate which portion of your HTML is the main content of the site."
"Edge functions actually use Dino under the hood... it follows the web standard as closely as possible."
"We've been working on a new web standard that gives you control over the network stack in the browser."
"We can use all the same cool APIs that the native developers are using, but we can use them through web standards."
"I work on the Chrome team doing developer relations, talking about HTML5."
"This right here is an HTML5 document. It's valid HTML."
"Basically taking the mess that is JavaScript on a web browser and then completely standardizes that up to the latest version of the JavaScript ECMAScript standard."
"HTML5 and Friends—that's what matters, that we have the technology we can use it."
"That's Blazer WebAssembly. Now we can use some of the more modern web standards in our Blazer WebAssembly app to make it even more native-like."
"We do need to pay attention to the web content accessibility guidelines."
"We think proprietary APIs are bad for the Web."
"We're trying to finish up WebRTC 1.0, basically get to a very stable baseline of functionality that all developers can say, 'Here's what you can expect across browsers.'"
"Web components are now a standard part of the web platform that you can use in any app that you're making today."
"Next time somebody tells you that browsers just have to implement whatever standards W3C springs on them, now you know better."
"With web components, we can finally realize the full value of web components which is going web native."
"When you're building to web standard primitives, when you're building close to the platform, standardization becomes trivial, it becomes the default."
"It's well understood that an HTTP 200 response means OK, the request worked."
"As standards evolve, more features are provided by the native browsers which led to a great improvement of the performance."