
Spreading Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Wildfire's reputation is literally spreading like a wildfire."
"Freedom flew as a hashtag and as an idea is spreading."
"The religion of love was being spread not only by people fleeing the Roman army but by people serving."
"Together, we can spread God's words and reach more people in spiritual need."
"I want to spread the correct word."
"This is the month of teaching people. And the Messenger (peace be upon him) says, convey from me even if it's a single verse."
"Spread the truth in your environment."
"We just want to spread the word of love, of laughter, of entertainment, of happiness, of fertility, whatever it is, we want to just share it with the world."
"Soon word of mouth spread like wildfire."
"We're spreading good vibes. Don't let everybody know."
"Donate at the link below and let's get spreading around the world peace."
"This revolt, like, you know, Katniss was the spark and now like the rebellion has been catching fire, like, it has been spreading and growing, yeah."
"Isn't it God's will that we do not keep this good news only to ourselves, but deliver it to many people?"
"I'm trying to spread the love, you heard? Look, DK say spread the love."
"You're spreading love among others."
"If you don't spread your beliefs to the people around you, you might not make it through Armageddon."
"Once you get that word of mouth, you can't stop it, right? What's happening, we're spreading it right now."
"Such words have no truth, but they can spread like fire on dry ground."
"Remember love is contagious, spread it."
"We are all ministers of Jesus, through us, to reach the world."
"Once you've had an encounter with love, the beauty of it is that it has to be spread."
"The radical movement spreads as traveling preachers show up in remote towns and convert followers."
"She believed it was time to start spreading the great gospel."
"If we don't open our mouths and speak about Jesus to a broken world, no one else is."
"We are here to actually spread God's name, the good will of God's name, not to spread Sikhi."
"Spread peace, you know, to mankind."
"Christians are like fertilizer. We're only good when you spread out."
"Spread this video as an eagle spreads its wings, aggressively and very often."
"Tell a friend to tell a friend and tell a friend man let's just go and and and just pick this movement up."
"The more connections you limit, the easier it is to spread the ignorance around, right?"
"The gospel which has come to you as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing."
"All the children of Zion should preach to our neighbors acquaintances friends family members at workplaces and at school let us share this blessed and beautiful news to everyone."
"John was carrying a torch of the pure love of the Gospel of Jesus and it has now reached the ends of the Earth."
"Let's spread the love. Yeah, let's spread the love."
"And when that happens, the word of God keeps on spreading; and the number keeps on multiplying."
"Spread kindness like wildflowers."
"Spread love in this universe, in this world."
"So Paul starts talking to these guys about Jesus Christ... And that begins to spread like wildfire, and the gospel is just... and Paul learns of it. He learns that these people are hearing the gospel and coming to faith in Jesus."
"Let's Start Spreading positivity."
"It's all about spreading positivity."
"Spread the word because the world will be a little bit better place with this knowledge about our evolution and history."
"They spread really good, I will link the homes in living down in my description."
"Love is a kind of spreading thing."
"Appreciate guys like you out there sort of spreading the gospel of comic books."
"From one saved soul to the next, goodness spreads on and on."
"Teach yourself peace. Pass it on."
"The panic spreading amongst them like wind through the trees."
"Goodness will be planted. Goodness will be spread."
"Instead, his followers are going to take this message to the four corners of the earth."
"Let's spread this Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ like never before."
"Also, share this, comment, and like it to spread it out into the world and get this information out there to people who need it, but don't know it's there."
"It's going to spread. This gospel, this power, this anointing, this fire is not made to stay in a building."
"Spread this positive energy man because that's all we got in the world man."
"The universe knows... this person is about to spread a whole bunch of joy to everyone's life."
"As long as the word's being spread in a positive manner."
"The Word of God kept on spreading. The number of disciples continued to increase greatly."
"They went everywhere preaching the word."
"Grace to you is an incredible Ministry spreading the word of God around the world."
"We're just trying to spread The Rare Breed gospel."
"Let's take the gospel of grace to every corner of the earth."
"It's like a contagious disease... it spreads from the perpetrator to the victim."
"Okay, let's spread that all the way around like we spread that love."
"I wish positivity was more spread in that world."
"Their defiance was spreading like a virus from one timeline to the next," Political Officer Talyax stated.
"We should be doing everything we can as people who enjoy it to extend it and spread it to as many other people as possible while we can."
"I will spread love and kindness wherever I go."
"He started using the Holy Name, and it spread like wildfire for the love of our Lord's name."
"Let's spread these cards out just like..."
"God is a missionary God; He has always been about sending people in order to spread the blessing."
"We're just trying to spread positivity here."
"I'm trying to spread a good message to the world."
"We just need to keep spreading that kind of happiness."
"I spread to those with open hearts and open minds."
"Peace and love is all I spread now."
"Spreading the word is something that's obviously dear to my heart."
"We need to take what we've learned and spread it not just throughout Equestria but to the rest of the world too."
"It's our favorite thing, spreading that joy."
"Metastasizing means that abnormal cells start spreading throughout the body."
"As always, remember to spread the love."