
Viewing Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"It's certainly something that I recommend watching."
"There is plenty of pretty [ __ ] amazing things to watch."
"Buffalo '66 is a total gem that deserves to be watched."
"For those of you that are watching clearly you're already you're already doing that so kudos to you keep going."
"It's the way the viewer customizes their experience of watching your game by choosing a faction."
"The biggest pro is at least people could see it whenever they want, that's the dream."
"It's a very, very good pay-per-view that should be on your watch list."
"Watching the thing at that point was kind of mind-blowing."
"Definitely worth a watch if you haven't yet."
"Speaking of franchises Halloween the Halloween franchise I've never seen all of them in fact I've only seen the first one and the newest Trilogy."
"You definitely don't have to re-watch any of them to watch this one."
"I had to fucking watch that thing."
"To be able to really truly appreciate it for all that it is, you're going to want to watch the original series."
"Should you watch it? Yeah, it's worth it."
"Thank you so much for watching this, was quite the adventure."
"If you do not have your 3D glasses on yet, now is a great time to put them on."
"Now we're gonna watch this movie together."
"She gave me an assignment to go watch Plastic Wars."
"But it's definitely worth watching at least once!"
"One thing to know is that we're copying it because this isn't actually on your website you can do this to any website and it doesn't affect a website it just affects how you are viewing the website."
"The setting is the main thing I consider when choosing which version to watch."
"I hope you enjoyed it, thank you for watching."
"If you are still watching, you are a trooper!"
"It feels really damn good, man. Now we can watch these things on a weekly basis and, uh, yeah."
"Let's watch this. Oh, I'm excited. Here we go."
"I actually am, 'cause Katie hasn't seen it, so we will."
"You're gonna have to watch it. That's the thing. So far, none of the characters have said anything particularly questionable."
"If you haven't seen it, you should watch it."
"You don't need a Google account to view a report."
"Hopefully if you haven't started seeing it, you'll go back and watch it."
"...a dark area is a must for viewing these things."
"I highly recommend watching the uncut versions."
"It was extraordinary. It was absolutely essential view."
"It's required viewing, as opposed to required reading. So you see why I used to study the day of a test when we were in school? That's completely different, man. That's not even the same."
"And for those of you who are new to this channel, if you'd like the videos on his channel and would like to see more please subscribe and thank you for viewing."
"I have just for the sake of watching in the context, I've seen so many Clips in that movie in the last three weeks, it's unbelievable."
"Please do watch the special, 'Mom Love.'"
"Alaska Airlines is offering the same promotion, only they'll be removing all the plane's doors for better viewing."
"For me, sitting in my family room with my family and watching it... that to me is a celebration."
"Don't forget to go and watch Nick, Tom, and Kieran's videos."
"Just give movies more shots if you don't like it the first time, maybe you're just in a bad-ass mood or, you know, you're too drunk or not drunk enough or whatever, but yeah, it's definitely worth revisiting movies that you don't like the first time."
"I really I'm just gonna start this, I'm gonna watch my show."
"If you haven't done yourself the favor yet, watch wwb."
"El Chapo wasn't as fun, I would recommend watching Pablo stuff too."
"I think if people watch that a couple of times, it'll make a great difference."
"I'm going to encourage everybody listening to this if you haven't already, go out of your way to see this match."
"Whatever your persuasion, it's well worth the time to see."
"Endings are very often glossed over, ignored, and skipped."
"Television should be viewed in a softly lighted room for a good clear reception."
"In 17 months our property has had just one viewing."
"Nonetheless, a great philosophical movie and one you should definitely make time for."
"...you really should just go all in and watch the original series in its entirety."
"It was truly a fun season to watch as it aired."
"We went for the viewing and the family eventually told us that their elderly mother had passed away there peacefully in the annex, and they just needed to get away from the feeling of her."
"If you guys like, I said, if you guys have never seen that one definitely must watch."
"They should, and they should watch 'Mindhunter' on Netflix and they should watch Shoot Your Shot."
"It's like you're watching with two of your favorite cinepals from the internet."
"You need to see these things in person, whether it's in our studio or in our virtual studios."
"Theater from the ancient Greek theatron, the most dramatic of the Transformers, it means a place of viewing."
"Viewing galleries are much cooler looking, much more effective viewing vents."
"I'm excited about this. I have not seen this, just so you know. I watch them for the first time here with you."
"I do recommend you watching them in full for yourself."
"If you've never seen it, I highly recommend you watch it."
"Well, look guys, we had a lot of fun watching this. We had a good time."
"The impressive 300-inch max screen gives you a large-scale viewing experience, making your personalized home theater a reality."
"I suggest watching it with another person."
"I'm so glad we're doing this, I'm so glad we're watching this."
"It may not be perfect, but... it's definitely required viewing."
"I'm happy we're getting to see it."
"How'd you rate as the queen of essential viewing?"
"I haven't watched this in a long time either, so you know, maybe some of this will surprise me a little bit."
"We appreciate everybody that's viewing."
"I will watch the champions going forward whenever they're potentially on a screen that is in front of me."
"It's a completely new way to view just your memories."
"I feel like I've already spent a weekend watching this."
"It's like a once in a lifetime viewing opportunity."
"It is really entertaining to watch."
"The only reason we watch is to be entertained."
"We are back from the viewing now, and the house was so nice."
"It's such an incredible experience watching this."
"Betamax transforms the act of watching television into the art of watching television."
"There are a lot of safe ways to view and experience the eclipse."
"That will be appointment viewing."
"I'm going to be late, just watch it without me."
"It's a fantastic viewing experience."
"It's so easy to set up in the garden in a matter of minutes and then give them a spectacular view through the Nikon eyepiece."
"I watched this video probably about five times now."
"We're all gonna watch the show together and we really encourage all of you to watch as well."
"Don't watch this on an empty stomach, you've been warned."
"Now overall, very entertaining to watch."
"For 4K, the optimum viewing is sitting at least one and a half times the height of the image."
"Simple things can help you see more, like rotating your diagonal to where the eyepiece is comfortable."
"The best thing that you can do to improve your view of the moon, the planets, and even brighter deep sky objects is a binoviewer."
"We've committed one of the biggest sins when it comes to anime by not watching all of these Classics."
"It's a one viewing competition; it's very fun to watch."
"It's so great, and so again, if you want to watch it."
"Impact just does its thing and Impact is always really easy to watch."
"It's been really, really good to watch."
"We're trying to tell you where you're going to get your most viewing experience, your best viewing experience."