
Calcium Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Finally, it comes from green plants... if a woman wants calcium then she should have big plates of broccoli and kale."
"What are the signs and symptoms that a patient has too much calcium in their blood? Well, this patient is going to be extremely weak."
"Calcium aids in the absorption of other nutrients to the plant."
"Having really good calcium in your soil means that once you harvest your vegetables, they'll rot less quickly."
"What we're making is WSC, water-soluble calcium."
"It's important to have really bioavailable calcium for your plants."
"Once vegetables start producing fruit, more calcium is required in the plant to do that properly."
"There's even some talk that it changes the taste slightly and makes your vegetables more appetizing."
"Vitamin D plays a lot of important roles in the body, especially when it comes to calcium homeostasis."
"The best source of calcium is low oxalate dark green leafy vegetables. All dark green leafy vegetables, with the exception of beet greens, spinach, and Swiss chard, are the best sources of calcium."
"The calcium from green leafy vegetables is typically higher, brussel sprouts double that of cow's milk."
"Calcium makes the bones hard, just think calcium makes the bowels hard too."
"If you're getting off dairy, tahini has the most calcium pound for pound of anything."
"Selena doubts thinking that there must not have been any proactive Dukes before calcium."
"Milk is a unique source of calcium."
"The evidence for dairy calcium and then specific food sources of like cheese, milk, and total dairy as even a food group is all in relation to colorectal cancer associated with a lower risk."
"If you're choosing to remove dairy, you do need to think about what you're replacing it with, emphasizing calcium, vitamin D, and fermented foods."
"So, when you see calcium on a heart scan, it just represents old disease."
"The most important interactions are that it increases calcium uptake and it lowers vitamin A, magnesium, and potassium."
"...every time we ate a steak our body would pull calcium from our bones, bit by bit, and over time this could lead to osteoporosis."
"Option D is correct here because, in immobilized clients, calcium may shift from the bones and accumulate in the extracellular fluid."
"Calcium is important for bone health, especially for plant-based athletes."
"The next food that you must give your snail almost three times a week four times a week two times a week depending on the situation on the ground is the calcium feed."
"Decreased calcium content affects muscle contractility by impacting the sarcoplasmic reticulum."
"50% of calcium is free floating and can cause symptoms."
"Calcium in a contractile state but you know contracted this effect is caused by direct effect of calcium to initiate the cardiac contractile process."
"Available calcium is a direct or indirect fix to almost everything."
"Vitamin D helps the calcium that you eat through your diet or through a supplement to get into your bones to keep them strong and hard."
"The more calcium you have in the cell, the more efficient it is at burning fat."
"Calcium metabolism is a giant big deal. It's not widely known but it's super important."
"There is a correlation between the amount of calcium in the coronary arteries and the risk of dying."
"Calcium is found in cheese, yogurt, milk, green leafy vegetables, soybeans, tofu, nuts, bread, and fish bones you can eat with the fish, like sardines."
"Vitamin D and calcium go hand in hand."
"It is absolutely possible to get enough calcium without cow's milk but you do need to be conscious about your choices."
"By having Vitamin D, it produces a chemical called calcitriol which helps us absorb calcium in the small intestine."
"A contraction is going to require ATP and calcium."
"99% of the body's calcium is found in the skeleton, and the calcium ion concentration is maintained by your bones, gastrointestinal tract, and your kidneys."
"Phosphorus plus calcium equals bone, and it's what's going on inside your body."
"Milk is your best source for calcium, strengthening bones and teeth, helping muscle function and improving quality of life for young and old alike."
"We can't absorb calcium without getting adequate quantities of vitamin D."
"Calcium plays a role inside the cell. That's how your hormone messages get delivered."
"Excessive caffeine is going to cost calcium loss through the urine."
"Calcium prevents the cells in the colon from basically growing incorrectly and turning into polyps and then subsequently turning into cancerous polyp."
"99% of the calcium in your body is stored in your bone. That's why it's really hard to become calcium deficient."
"Calcium, it's the number one mineral in the body. We have more of it than we have any other mineral."
"The biggest enemy is calcium; calcified tortuosity is an extremely tough case to cross."
"Calcium is an extremely important element; it's important in our bodies, and we have to get it from various sources."
"Where would you be without calcium? You would be a blob because you would have no skeleton."
"I believe we all know that snails do not joke with calcium."
"Calcium is important for both mom and baby's bones and teeth and also for mom's blood pressure during pregnancy."
"Calcium is still a key nutrient during breastfeeding for strong bones and teeth."
"Birds actually use the calcium from their bones to form those eggshells."
"The rule of threes: there are three tissues involved in calcium handling - the gut, the bone, and the kidney."
"The intestine, the bone, and the kidney are the three major sites of calcium and phosphate homeostasis."
"Skin produces vitamin D, which is involved with calcium metabolism."
"Calcium is not a trace, it's got a whole skeleton to account for."
"What creates this long plateau phase is the influx of calcium ions moving into the heart muscle cells through voltage-gated calcium ion channels."
"Walking is a great weight-bearing activity that will help push the calcium that's in the blood to go back to the bone where it belongs to make the bone stronger."
"Calcium helps build strong bones and is important to include in your diet."
"Calcium does some of the coolest stuff that the body does."
"Calcium has two milli equivalents for every one millimole."
"The calcium in those fortified milks are just as bioavailable."
"Kale and collard greens are very high in calcium."
"The correct answer here is calcium, which is essential for strong bones."
"The main nutrients supplied by bread and butter pudding are calcium, carbohydrates, and fat."
"Toddlers and young children need calcium to aid in the formation of their developing teeth and bones."
"Calcium is the primary ion necessary for muscular contraction."