
Solar Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Solar is one of the fastest growing energy sources in the world."
"We've got to have a quantum leap in harnessing solar energy."
"In the very near future, you'll call up the roofing company and they'll be like, 'What style of solar roof do you want?'"
"Clean energy and solar are starting to show signs of base."
"A lot of what you learned are foundational skills in DIY solar"
"You can definitely do it even if you're a complete beginner to DIY solar"
"This has a solar quality to it. I don't know how you could capture solar notes and put it in a perfume."
"If you like to get off the beaten path, then solar is a really great option for you."
"It's a solar calendar that marks the four cardinal points: the two equinoxes and the two solstices."
"Metal is the perfect roof if you're thinking about going solar."
"The Ghost and solar table is a robust solar charger that can accompany you during camping."
"Option 200 watts of solar...you get an additional battery."
"The Empowered Lucy Solar String Lights, brightening up your camping experience with style."
"Self-consumption mode allows you to use solar and battery first, then the grid as a last resort."
"Still sitting on 96 percent, okay solar at the moment, this clouds have moved a bit, we're putting in just shy of 40 amps now."
"Going solar or supporting community solar is a really impactful way that we can support a sustainable future."
"Our solar and battery setup because it allows us to go off-grid."
"Welcome everybody to Solar Wholesales DIY video. I am DIY Doug and I'm gonna walk you through how to install your own solar."
"It's important to remember we do this all the time. We're not just a turnkey bus conversion company. We service school buses, we install off-grid solar, and I want to start sharing that aspect of our business more with you."
"The neutrinos coming from the Sun have a lot of energy compared to the mass of an electron."
"Factory standard 190 watt solar is also another really nice find on this."
"Ossoff for instance is doing a lot of work on solar manufacturing and solar paneling right, and then Warnock I think is doing a lot of work on voter rights."
"The best thing about it is that it is rechargeable through solar."
"...you plot the position of the sunspots on the solar disk according to their latitude and over the course of the solar cycle you can see how the sunspots appear at high latitudes and then gradually lower and lower towards the equator."
"Air mass one if the Sun is literally directly overhead."
"The angle of the Sun in the sky is following a sinusoidal path."
"A thousand thousand dragons poured forth and drank the fire of the Sun."
"You always can use extra solar, very neat."
"The addition of these photovoltaic cells boost the solar charging capability."
"Harness the power of the sun anytime, anywhere with Solar Bar."
"The Sun gives off a variety of types of energy, which travels across space in the form of a wave."
"Solar dragons can travel the vacuum of space and are known to layer in stars."
"The solar radiations are 1353 watts per meter square beyond the Earth's atmosphere."
"Nanotechnology is leading the charge for solar energy."
"Jayco has really gotten far more serious about solar."
"All the energy that's forcing the climate system is coming from the Sun."
"We know that the wind and solar and other renewable energy sources are right now the best pathway out of this."
"There's about a thousand watts of solar energy incident upon the earth every square meter."
"Maximize solar incoming radiation; we want to try to scoop up as much solar radiation as possible."
"Unsubsidized solar today is the cheapest source of energy in history."
"The world needs also the judging Sun; we need her presence."
"The batteries are always charged because of the solar."
"The sighting of the circular unidentified object near the Sun underscored the importance of solar exploration and its potential connection to understanding other celestial mysteries."
"The solar beam beast, absolutely incredible."
"The Earth's magnetosphere is not emanating from the earth, it's rather due to solar induction."
"May not the spectroscope afford us evidence of the existence of the red flames which total eclipses have revealed to us in the sun's atmosphere?"
"The plasma filaments that are expelled from the Sun are highly charged."
"The Sun is a sphere of hot seething gases and surges of radiation."
"The greatest explosions in the solar system are flares, intense bursts of light erupting with the force of billions of hydrogen bombs."
"The solar is immensely powerful and beyond sheer power level, it has terrifically interesting and dynamic abilities."
"The radiation from the Sun would fry our planet."
"We use something called Solar, an open-source technology."
"This thing is just consistently flaring with M flare activity and it looks like it just wants to spark off X flares all day."
"This one coming in is a dandy of a CME and there's multiple rounds of CME activity coming in with the G4 class storm."
"The power of timekeeping was taken from the moon and given to the sun."
"I would 100% recommend this if you are interested in getting into solar photography."
"Honey is what I would call a solar product."
"Her earliest symbol that we can find was practically a solar disk and also eight pointed star."
"This method of measuring solar activity is much more accurate than the method of measuring number of sunspots."
"We are not relying on any power company to give us power, we have all the power we need right here."
"The largest solar storm ever recorded is known as the Carrington event."
"We're using and charging, we're getting everything off of solar right now, completely off-grid."
"Solar-powered is number one, that's a huge upgrade over the original."
"The sun's upper atmosphere or corona is much hotter than its visible surface."
"Solar is usually the best next best way to charge your power stations when you're on the go."
"This is called an annular solar eclipse."
"When you use the energy from the sun, that's called solar power because solar is just another word for things that come from the sun."
"The surface of the Sun is hot, but the atmosphere above it is even hotter."
"Solar energy... it is a clean form of energy, it is an infinite resource, it will never run out."
"Solar roads is a two-in-one solution that is designed to solve many problems of new century technologies."
"We wanted a way to synchronize it mechanically to the Sun on a sunny day."