
Domesticity Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"Progress has been saved. Oh, look at our little house! Oh my goodness."
"Let's scramble back to the bed I made it Viola, I made it! We're good!"
"I made chili and Keith made the rosemary potatoes and eating that and I was drinking Bloody Mary's, I'm like this is [ __ ] beautiful."
"The lady of the house should be as Charles Dickens describes it" - the ministering angel of domestic bliss.
"Making the bed... it's like a special occasion sort of thing."
"There's a woman, there are three children, there's me, there's a lot of life going here."
"So basically guys this is what our night routine essentially looks like I mean we head upstairs and go to sleep put the dogs to bed and they come in and out of our bed non-stop all night"
"A lot of these women will cook every day, if not three times a day, they are doing everything in the book in that bedroom."
"I can eat dinner at home. I'd rather eat dinner with my husband at home."
"Nothing like waking up to a fresh kitchen and a nice boyfriend cleaning the house."
"You know how to do laundry, obviously."
"baby girl's first load of laundry is in progress."
"Our house is getting cozier and cozier."
"Horror, in Shirley Jackson, isn’t the stuff of ghosties and demons; it’s the horror that whispers in your home."
"The uncanny domesticity in Jackson’s works explores the dread of domestic failure and the intense pressure on women to thrive in that sphere."
"It's great to be able to shift your focus to being a little bit more home-centered."
"I just want to stay at home and make things. I want to play house."
"Women were born at home so they wanted to do something outside home, they wanted to occupy themselves, they wanted to entertain themselves, so they extended this domesticity to the public sphere."
"I felt a burst of happiness at the prospect we would make at our home."
"Some days, she filled her days with cooking, decorating, and calls with her sister."
"You might as well just mop. That's very funny. You might as well mop the carpet for all the food that you're doing."
"Making a clean, cozy home with a hot meal in the oven is a very attractive feminine trait."
"I'm big on food, um I'm right now I'm trying to be my my domesticated Tyler era so I'm trying to go to like the grocery store now and cook my own food and and clean and and do all those things at the house um but yeah no I I love food."
"Living at home in quarantine, we have more laundry now than we've had ever before."
"Dinner is done and now, as you hear the noise upstairs, it is time for our nighttime routine."
"You know you're in your 30s when you get excited about a mop."
"Hopefully you don't find my dirty underwear from last week."
"I went to the corner cupboard and found a cup and saucer, then I poured out the coffee."
"Leo rising individuals have fantastic homes and are domestically oriented."
"Before we got married, I never watched my husband's clothes. I never washed plates in his house. I never swept the ground. I'm not a domestic person."
"Shirley Jackson's work deals with the horror of domesticity, the small mental injuries and societal pressures which forced women into certain roles in the 1950s and 60s."
"Winry, you stay at home and make a pie."
"Women being domestic goddesses are just not true, are they?"
"I'm gonna be a nice wife I'm gonna make him a sandwich."
"I was a love bug. I'd cook, I'd clean."
"You're fearless when it comes to matters of the home."
"Here's my thing: Why, if he's rich and she could have the house, the cars, and all that stuff if she cooks and cleans, but she's already cooking and cleaning and she's getting paid?"
"I overheard their conversation about how utterly terrible I wasn't domestic."
"I must have supernatural energy to cook and clean."
"The ideal woman was quiet, modest, and the center of domestic life."
"One minute you're young and fun, and the next minute you're excited about a crockpot."
"There were dirty dishes in the kitchen sink, a nightgown had been left on her unmade bed, clothes were in the closet and strewn on the floor."
"I've been dropping loads all over this house like a dump truck."
"So there's this lovely domestic space where she could entertain people."
"Domesticated doesn't always mean just doing chores. Like, there are also beautiful things that women do, like we have a nurturing touch."
"Nothing sexier than a man who does the dishes."
"There's nothing more fall than having a sleeping cat on your couch."
"I'm really excited to just relax, have a relaxing night, and cook dinner."
"I might have to actually, you might, can I just bring all my clothes over? Yes, because last time I washed your clothes, you were like, 'This smells so good,' I so did."
"It was actually really nice, like I was like 'Oh, I ain't got to go nowhere, I could just be here, I can serve my wife, I can, you know, really just be there.'"
"The kitchen is where domestic work has progressively lost its economic value and become instead a labor of love."
"Women live at home, quiet and confined, while men have pursuits in business outside of the house."
"We have no servants, just a couple of women who come in every morning."
"Make time for the Holy Spirit to have room in your home."
"I wanted to make breakfast and make everything look all aesthetic and everything but I was fed up."
"Yo, look y'all, let me tell your boy something real quick before we even jump into today's Vlog. Look, I can't even rely on Rella to do my laundry no more."
"To be the dream, I'd love to be like a house husband."
"I love my little clothesline. I enjoyed this so much more than throwing them in the dryer. And I know it takes a little bit longer to get them on the line, but there was just something about it that was so peaceful and serene."
"I'm home and I'm making breakfast because I'm slaved in this house as soon as I got in here Jacob was like make food anyways it's technically 12 now but I'm still cooking breakfast."
"If you ain't got dirty dishes, you ain't cooking are you?"
"I make it so easy that all she has to do is go to work and come home and I do everything else. So that's a piece of mind for her. She doesn't have to think about anything else."
"...how kind of domestic it feels and how how real it feels you know you you just get the sense of a fully functioning society."
"My tip of the day is a clean kitchen."
"I want to be that wife and that mom that can just make those things every day."
"I've always said I want to get married. I'd be a good wife. I'd clean up to make sure everything looks in place for my husband, and I make sure everything's sorted how it should be."
"This person is having a lot to do with their home, their environment, their living situation."
"It's kind of like a thing, okay? She likes to clean, she likes to cook."
"When you have your own girlfriend, she's telling you that breakfast is ready, it's so different."
"You need to put those pillows back on the couch. I asked you to put them back on the couch, got you? Need to put those pillows back on the couch."
"Dinner is actually in the oven. I threw some aluminum foil on it."
"I feel like a housewife from the 50s, like I should bake a cherry pie for my boy."
"Learning more about our body's needs and desires, growing in our faith, bringing warmth and comfort to our homes."
"We were just relaxing around the house one afternoon."
"I will absolutely do like a full-on kitchen tour once I kind of have everything settled in here."
"I love lighting candles while I work in my kitchen doing Simple tasks such as wash wash ing my dishes and Tiding."
"Women's role is a role of service to her home, to her husband."
"The glory of domestic life, that's who St. Joseph is, that's who men are called to be."
"But we'll get the door back open once I get my food made."
"We're getting the humidifier set up right now."
"So I'm gonna go ahead now and straighten everything out, I'm gonna tuck all this behind my ironing board so that it stays nice and flat."
"You needn't stand about and stew all day," mother said.
"Mom, what's for dinner? Hmm, I don't feel like cooking dinner, maybe we'll get takeaway."
"So I've got my coffee, I'm gonna just do a few things in the kitchen now. I'm gonna just do the dishwasher, clean the sides, put some stuff away, reload the dishwasher."
"We are making lunch now that slime time is over and John and Tiana are just watching some TV so I'm going to show you what I'm making because this is an easy healthy little lunch and it's one of Tiana's favorites."
"When you are all done your grocery shopping, the last thing you do is you put your groceries away."
"It was as if the garden had become a sort of embodiment of the domestic dreams forever intrinsic to human consciousness."
"True conservatism is a room deodorizer it tries to keep this bad smell of politics out of home school and office."
"Sometimes I think of just getting a place with you somewhere, and gardening, and making you food for when you come home from work."
"Hestia was considered the goddess of the home and Hospitality. You couldn't have either without a proper Hearth."
"My kitchen is feeling like a kitchen again."
"Whether you want to use the term God, Allah, the great pumpkin, Galactus... the means for a woman to draw a man into the family modality to be domesticated is her body."
"We should take this home and have some tea tonight, what do you think?"
"I can only be grateful to him for willingly taking the lead in household chores without a word of complaint."
"Welcome back, just got back from shopping, dinner will be ready soon, just wait a bit more," Mom's face softens.
"I'm very excited about making food because I recently just got groceries, which is like such an adult thing to be excited about."
"This is the master suite, this is where we sleep most of the time."
"The paradoxical relationship between domesticity and eroticism, between our need for togetherness and our need for separateness."
"Everyone wants to set the world on fire, no one just wants to you know do the laundry."
"I just want to do all the things I usually do in my recent Vlogs like clean, grocery shop, and cook."
"Won't it be a nice little house? We must bring a little table here and a stool and all the cups and things. It will make it seem like home."
"I've never shared our dinners before... I want to share what we're actually doing for dinners and how I make them as simple as possible."
"If it's more expensive to produce everything outside and you can employ people and pay them more, and they can afford to buy the domestic product, which is how things used to work, it can work."
"It's nice folding socks with you."
"The woman needs her kingdom, the house is her kingdom."
"We just got home from breakfast, I got some new flowers from the farmer's market; they have the best."
"Good morning, it's Sunday, and we are having a very homey getting things done around the house kind of day."
"I'm going to prep dinner for tonight, that way I don't have to worry about it later."
"Science and invention have revolutionized housekeeping."
"It's their house! They live together! They have a family!"
"I'm a man, and I can wash my own clothes, I can fold my own clothes, I can iron my own clothes."
"Just let them know that this is a home first and treat it like a home, bro."
"There's this simmering tension that exists, particularly our main character given that she's a woman living in her husband's family home."
"It's quite nice doing the washing up, especially when you're looking out the window and sometimes the robin comes up to have a look."
"Thank you for your help, dear kittens. Everything's ready, I just need to boil some water."
"I love housework. I think it has gotten a lot of bad press lately, and I think I'm one of the silent majority that truly love housework."
"I make breakfast with Eleanor, and it's great."
"Good morning and welcome back, it's another lady of the house kind of day."
"I cleaned the house a little bit, just vacuumed, walked the dog, and now I'm gonna have my smoothie."
"The Irish man's genius runs to public affairs rather than domestic life."
"I like coming home to all the laundry washed and put away."
"Women, do not let anyone tell you that your position is in the home unless that is how you choose."
"Shakespeare's house had all the domestic luxuries that would have been available."
"We thank you, Lord, for having a home to have a fake argument in."
"I am waiting for my bedding to be washed, but this week is going to be clean and fun."
"I love prepping my house on Sunday and just getting it ready for the week ahead."
"I want to make a cup of tea, please."
"Morning comes, and the owner's wife makes the boys some breakfast."
"They were dating. He and his superhero girlfriend were in the kitchen making cookies together."
"It feels like we have this whole domestic life."
"I'm a whole ass housewife, what's up?"
"Biscuits were still cooking in the kitchen."
"Everyone loves a good butter dish."
"I love you, so I'm making coffee."
"Look at us, we are so grown-ups, getting excited about getting a stove, getting excited about having a kitchen and a sink."
"Wake up, Shrek, I'm making pancakes."
"Gotta speak your mind, especially about the washing machine."
"I like having a domestic routine, I find it healthy."
"Loki the trickster and Loki the hearth spirit, the domestic helping spirit."
"We're gonna head home right now, get some chores done, clean the house."
"It was nice coming home to a spotless clean home every day, dinner made, breakfast made for me and the kids every single morning with packed lunch."
"Thanks for always cooking and cleaning, Emma. I can work with peace of mind because you take care of our home."
"Call me old-fashioned, but I was raised to take care of my husband, make his plate every night, wash his work clothes for him, convince him to serve a Scottish throne through assassination, always have a clean house for him to come home to, and it's settled."
"I love to order groceries and make sure that the fridge is totally stocked for my family."
"It's the last morning and we have just got up, Tom was making breakfast."
"The dog is discerning so that it does not annoy or attack the resident humans of the house."
"I love being a homemaker, I love cleaning my house."
"America is a nation of homes, large and small, modest and pretentious, they represent comfort and security, a pleasant family life."
"I wanted 30 years in the house at the lake, and trips across country."
"I'm gonna pour myself another glass of wine, clean up this mess, and do some gift wrapping."
"He opens my refrigerator and feels totally comfortable doing it."
"We've cooked every single meal this week; I want sushi."
"There's no higher calling than that of a homekeeper."
"I feel like a domestic goddess today."
"Small scale domestic cooking is actually restful."
"And oh, how he liked her. He liked her in his house, in his arms, in his life."
"Would love to make us dinner and just have kind of like a chill night at home."
"I'm about to cook us some dinner and then we're gonna watch Game of Thrones."
"She took care of their pets, the house, and the garden."
"It's nice, it's a much needed break from domestic duties for me as well."
"It's Sunday, I'm gonna spend the rest of today cleaning up the house and getting everything in order."
"I want to cook some chocolate chip cookies for my woman, bring her flowers to work, so I'm a good man."
"I love domestic shopping, especially when I can find some other goodies from Dollar Tree, chef's kiss."
"Oh, a little bit of real life here, I'm cooking dinner and crocheting."
"I'm going to put some cheese on this broccoli, honey."
"But on Sunday when I wake up and she's still asleep, I hit the kitchen, I clean the dishes, I mop the floor."
"I'm trying to have everything with you, the happy life, the white picket fence, the happy home, the children, the animals, the plants - literally everything that you could want in a relationship."
"It's about time he nodded again, feeling the full comfort of the kitchen, the presence of his plump attractive wife, the breakfast dishes and coffee."
"Every farmhouse was a workshop where the women spun and wove the surges, kerseys, and linsey-woolseys which served for the common wear."
"If we were an old married couple, the wife would serve iced tea and Snickerdoodles."
"Someone that will cook, clean, and host my events. She has to be a good conversationalist and isn't overbearing."
"It's also kind of like comforting to do laundry because I can hear the dryer, the washing machine going in another room, and that makes it kind of feel like there's a little bit of like hustle and bustle."
"Romance is everywhere in this household."
"Unlike her contemporaries, Ocampo creates recognizable domestic settings that she then infects with strangeness."
"I love keeping my home and my house and taking care of my family."
"Wake up honey, I'll make you breakfast, fresh coffee and bagels too."
"I am freezing after our little mooch outside, so I've got the washing machine on; it's going to be a good and productive day."
"I love the home and all the things that have to do with the home."
"When Penelope wants to go inside, she lets it be known; she knows she's a house pig, and she loves it."
"There's nothing more attractive than a man who can clean."
"The kitchen is really the most used room in the house."
"I can cook, I clean up, I'm family-oriented."
"Honey, I'm home from saving the world. Welcome back, Shiro. I'm hungry."
"I make sure there's food in the house, I like to cook something on Sundays."
"I love working with clothes, and I even like laundry today, and I can get a stain out of just about anything."
"While therefore John ran to the spring for fresh water and Simeon the 2nd sifted meal for corn cakes and Mary ground coffee, Rachel moved gently and quietly about, making biscuits, cutting up chicken and diffusing a sort of sunny radiance over the whole proceeding generally."
"She did all the cooking and the cleaning and spent a lot of time with her girls."
"Lucy Maud believed that some of the most important matters in life happen inside the walls of ordinary homes."
"I'm just really becoming so domesticated."
"Can vacuuming the floors really be an expression of love? Absolutely."
"We would love to have a backyard for the dogs to go out and play."
"The fact that we can keep slices of nature underwater and all of that in our homes is kind of an amazing human feat."
"She manages to combine detailed domesticity with a lyrical beauty."
"It is where I spend the majority of my time."
"My favorite is having a clean kitchen."
"I'm respectful, I'll keep you laughing, I cook, you know, I clean, I'm a clean person."
"We need to do a little shopping for some food. I've been cooking all the food to try and feed you and our kids."
"There's nothing more homely than the sound of a washing machine in the background."
"Flowers let us talk about flowers; this is standard procedure in my house."
"She's the sweeping, she's doing all the cooking, she's taking care of the kids."
"I want to settle down with Earl Luton, house just as mundane as that."