
Password Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"What is the worst password someone could choose: password."
"That's so exciting, and good news, Daniel remembered the password, the password was pizza."
"Now, I'm going to create a passcode. I use a four-digit one but you can use a six-digit one, that's up to you."
"Creating a password for the first time as a kid. Running out of password options as an adult."
"Sorry about that, your new password still is not working for the vendor program."
"You might also want to authenticate using a public key instead of a password."
"'Courage' was the password his son had to give before he came into the hospital room."
"Password should be long, complex, and change."
"Divorced beheaded died, divorced beheaded survived. Is this the password to get into the club?"
"What took you so long? Give me his goddamn password!"
"If you forget what that password is, you need to reset it."
"Why would you put your password on my computer?"
"The elements in your password must have atomic numbers that added to 100... are you kidding me?"
"Heaven's password is Jesus but if there was like a a secondary password into heaven it would be thank you."
"All of your passwords should be long and you should disable the admin account if you haven't already."
"Anyone who opens this file, they can see your username and password and they can use your username and password which is compromising the security."
"You're far better off remembering one secure and complex password than having to formulate and perhaps write down a new one every so often."
"A good password generally speaking is a combination of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols."
"If I'm determined enough I might actually guess the password, I might get into the server. But that's not what we want. We don't want someone to be able to try over and over and over again to get into our server, we want something done about it."
"If Jane's password is compromised on any website, it's compromised on all of them, including yours."
"...we can protect it with a password that's your strongest option."
"What's in a password? It's not important."
"...Wi-Fi password...I thought this was so cute..."
"I didn't really get anywhere with that, and then I eventually just kind of thought like well, this is a password right and potential password reuse is a thing so maybe this would be someone else's password."
"All the romance was saved for the password line that we knew ended with a baby anyway."
"It takes less than 10 seconds to quickly create an account that has a really secure password on it."
"A good master password is two things: it's long and something you've never used before."
"It's a great master password. This master password is long, it's unique, it's never been said before."
"I'm the new Caleb. Change password."
"This article actually hit the front page of New York Times and it said if your password is still one two three four five six it might as well be 'hack me'."
"Aura checked mine. It turns out, even though I've had the same passwords for all of my things since 2007, they're strong as heck, and I only know that thanks to Aura."
"My dad is a superhero. The smartest man alive. Alright dad, what do you want for your password? Chicken? It needs a capital. Chicken Kiev."
"If password managers are safe, now this is really an important question because what a password manager does is centralize all your security information in one spot and if someone is able to break into this one spot then there is no doubt you will be zucked."
"Crackable password, Portland 7, at. Instant admin access, we don't even have to privilege escalate."
"Cracking hashes with John and a wordlist is a common technique in password cracking."
"You should have a password set for your Mac. I'm amazed that some users still don't do this."
"Password hash is just a more secure way to store a password."
"What's the password? Leave your keys in the bowl."
"Can you imagine being in that predicament? Just let that register for a moment. Right at your fingertips, the availability of a massive amount of wealth and you just can't remember the password."
"Having a simple password is a mistake."
"That is definitely a mistake. Having a simple password."
"It's a game of word communication, will you try to make your partner say the password using one-word clues? That's all there is to it, are you ready to go?"
"Encryption only works with a strong password."
"The password is 'friends forever.'"
"Remember, password one two three four is not a secure password."
"Use a strong password and a password that you can remember."
"One, two, three, four is not a secure password."
"What's the password? Open sesame, spooky season."
"Do not use '1234' as your password; give it something interesting like 'knowhow'."
"So pro-tip—if you see your password anywhere on this list, time to start changing your password."
"Remember the password: relaxation."
"Now we have the encrypted password, let's see how to decrypt this password."
"Adventure, Tori said quietly, that was our password. We were going to have so many adventures."
"I recommend you change the password to something unique and special to you."
"We should not basically see the password in clear text; it's a really, really big issue."
"A good password should be long, have different characters, be hard to guess, and easy for you to remember."
"Please don't use the same password always; it's not safe."
"The top password in 2015 was '123456', and of course, this is followed very quickly by the number three password which is two orders of magnitude more secure: 'password'."