
Miss Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"I just want you to know how much I miss your energy, how much you add, how much you're the life of the party, how much you give to those around you."
"This is the story of what happened. He tried to save the earth and he missed. Well, that's what it's about, telling stories, right?"
"I missed the open net, that is just devastating."
"I really miss having fun with my supporters."
"Oh, just a few days ago. 'I love you. I miss you. So get your ass home.'"
"The early struggles of Francisco Sanchez Ruiz in this match were typified by his miss on a 3-9 combination."
"Their intuition is telling them that they miss you, that they made a mistake."
"But one missed, every single, every single movie."
"It truly it's blink and you miss it."
"I really miss Rob Terry, he makes me very merry."
"I love you, I miss you... and I'm at your favorite donut place."
"I get afraid of something... I'm going to miss my best friend."
"The hit being the adaptation of Selena Kyle slash Catwoman and the miss being Lieutenant James Gordon."
"Everything connects. If you miss anything, you won't be able to fully understand it."
"I miss you so much, I miss you too."
"Happy birthday babe we love you we miss you and we wish we could be with you today but we are with you in your heart."
"We love her, we miss her, and we want her back. That's all we want."
"She searches for stingrays, missing the one below her."
"Santa himself can miss it easily."
"I love you guys, and I miss you guys so much and we're back, baby."
"Friends, friends, I'm gonna miss her, she's the coolest."
"That's the entire population of the NBA world, they miss."
"I miss you and I love you and it's so nice to talk to you."
"I really miss you guys. I really do, I really I really do. I miss you guys."
"It truly is sad, I'm really gonna miss you guys, we're gonna miss you too brother, we're gonna miss all you guys."
"I love your friend about my heart, I'm gonna miss you all so very much."
"It's been great having you; we'll miss you."
"He missed me, and I missed him. A very nice miss."
"I'll miss you Josh, I'll miss you too, goodbye Leah."
"I'm really gonna miss you when you go to college."
"I can't, I really can't, I miss you so much."
"I will always miss you if this is not going to happen in this lifetime."
"This is going to be the one that you miss for a lifetime and maybe many lifetimes to come."
"You're gonna miss the sunset; it's almost down."
"I love you guys and will miss you like crazy."
"I miss you, I miss you, I miss you."
"I'm really, really gonna miss you."
"I am definitely going to miss this view."
"You can't leave Pine Hollow because we'd miss you."
"That's what I miss. I miss it all. I miss everything about him."
"I miss you guys, man. I [expletive] love y'all, man."
"Fight or flight, he's in a fight mode, he lunges but he misses."
"I'm going to miss you guys a lot."
"I wish you guys were here... I miss you guys."
"We love you, we miss you guys so, so much."
"I find that tea is a lot like avocados; there's a peak time to consume, and I always miss it."
"I just wanted to call to say hey and I miss you."
"I miss you, I miss you very much."
"You are missed, all my love, always."
"I got to be honest, we are going to miss you, man."
"I'm really gonna miss you. Me too."
"I don't know who made you shoot first, but that missed."
"I miss you guys so freaking much, it's not even funny how much I miss you."
"I'm gonna miss you a whole bunch."
"I'm going to miss you, but I wanted to let you know."
"Regina, I'm really going to miss you."
"She did a lot for so many people and she will be missed."
"I did not want to stay off YouTube because I miss you guys so freaking much."