
Ozone Layer Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"So first of, while it’s true that the ozone layer was discovered in the 20th century, the discovery that the sky has protective qualities was made thousands (and likely tens of thousands) of years ago."
"An ozone layer hole was discovered above Antarctica."
"The ozone layer is healing, literally. It's healing. That is Earth's protector if you didn't know, so welcome back ozone layer, we missed you."
"Love is like the ozone layer. You'll never miss it until it's gone."
"The ozone layer in our atmosphere is one of the most beneficial things on the planet."
"Without the ozone, it would cook us and kill us."
"It's kind of interesting the way the ozone layer works."
"This ozone layer is super beneficial to not just humans but to all life on Earth at least everything on the land."
"Oxygen accumulation led to the development of ozone, protecting the Earth from UV radiation."
"The Montreal Protocol was agreed upon in 1987 and entered into full force by 1989. It consisted of two treaties designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances that were responsible for ozone depletion."
"Reducing CFCs and similar ozone-gobbling compounds has been a success story."
"Susan Solomon… one of the scientists who saved us from that apocalyptic future."
"The amount of ozone in the atmosphere, which protects the earth, has increased in recent years."
"The ozone in the atmosphere stabilised and the hole is shrinking."
"The cardinal function of the ozone layer is that it protects the earth from the powerful, dangerous ultraviolet rays of the Sun."
"The Montreal Protocol was an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances responsible for ozone depletion."
"Stratospheric ozone helps form the Earth's protective shield."
"The ozone hole has shrunk and is continually continuing to shrink."
"The Montreal Protocol called for stepwise reduction and eventual production phase-out of various ozone-depleting substances."
"Life as we know it would not have evolved if the ozone layer hadn't been there."
"The global efforts of reducing CFCs is obviously working because the ozone layer is closing back up again."
"The presence of Freon can lead to ozone depletion."
"The ozone layer absorbs most of the UV radiation coming from the Sun and converts it into heat."
"Ozone is absorbing light in the higher frequency, which means lower wavelength; that's the UV."
"Stratospheric ozone is amazing. It’s our planet’s sunscreen."
"Fortunately for our soft UV-sensitive bodies, most of the ozone in the atmosphere is up in the stratosphere, in the ozone layer."
"The stratospheric ozone layer is recovering thanks to The Montreal Protocol."
"Ozone protects us from harmful ultraviolet radiation and helps us to maintain stable Earth temperatures."
"Having less of an ozone layer is not good for life on the planet because ozone absorbs ultraviolet light that is very very important for protecting us."
"It's probably only because the mutation rate dropped significantly with an ozone layer that we could evolve large, long-lived organisms."
"Ozone levels have been relatively stable until around about the 1940s due to this dynamic equilibrium in the stratosphere."
"Life would not be able to live on the surface if there was no ozone layer to trap the UV radiation."
"The hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica has the potential to be fixed in 43 years if it continues to heal at the current pace."
"The ozone layer is a protective layer that sits around the earth and it blocks UV radiation from the Sun."
"The ozone layer is in the stratosphere."
"The ozone layer is beneficial to living organisms."
"We have the ozone layer which protects us from UV damage and is very valuable."
"The stratosphere is important because of our ozone layer."
"The ozone absorbs the ultraviolet radiation so that it doesn't get to our skin."
"I've never seen a monkey put a hole in the ozone layer."
"We used to have a defense shield over the Earth; it was called the ozone layer."
"We are going to stop using these gases that destroy stratospheric ozone."
"If people don't figure out how to protect the planet, just one super flare can shred our ozone layer and wipe out life on Earth."
"We fixed the ozone hole that was a big problem we were told that was gonna end the world, and then it just didn't."