
Spacing Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Feel the rhythm, you don't need to play a lot. Space is a note too."
"Let's also add a bit of margin between these, ten. Let's do one REM. Okay, perfect."
"It's more important for me to space things out, to find a balance."
"We need to space these; we're going to be creating some loops out of chains so we want to make sure they're equally apart from one another."
"We're going to stagger our mounts 48 inches on center."
"If I want to make things move slowly, I make them close together, and if I want to make them fast, I make them further apart."
"This won't just be the case for abstract animation; pretty much any object or character you animate will benefit from spacing and timing ideas that you learn with this exercise."
"...just don't get them all too close together or your qwilfish will do in the others."
"The jokes were spaced out in such a way that it gave you a chance to kind of recoup and get ready for the next joke."
"People love to space things. Take your three shelves and put them all together."
"Spacing out study sessions over time is more effective than cramming."
"It is how it is spaced that creates the significance and interest of any being whatsoever."
"Leaving space to breathe where that's required is important."
"You can space out the letters like that, make them really far apart, or you could even make them close together like that."
"I don't ever believe you should believe any book but mine of course but I don't believe you plant these things 2 feet apart because they're going to grow... so I plant them on top of each other and I have no problem."
"Add some spacing between those columns."
"I always tell them to leave space at the top. I would rather have too much space at the top than not enough."
"Right now looking at second row spacing inside of the Carnival... I still have a great amount of knee room and a good amount of foot space as well."
"Now because we're drawing multiple items of a menu, I want to control the gap that's between each item."
"Planting broccoli in rows: space them out for optimal growth."
"And just occasionally you get lucky with the spacing."
"If I had placed it dead center, probably the fronts and the rears would probably be closer together."
"You could either pull them back just a little bit or you could also leave some more space in between each of them."
"Adjusting padding and margins to space elements nicely."
"Always think that the closer things are together, the more difficult it is for people to read."
"I would say the biggest thing I would try and stay away from with gallery walls is leaving the pieces too spaced out."
"Spacing is something that people overlook."
"Just having really good spacing at all times is going to allow for you to really have an edge on your competition."
"The last thing that you need is two nickels; these will be spacers for how far apart each shiplap will be."
"Space-between will place any of the remaining available space in between the direct children."
"What's tricky about getting this effect is that there's equal spacing between all of these cards."
"Differential pairs are like really really high-speed signals usually. You really would like to keep a lot of space between differential pairs."
"As much space as you can. Very important."
"We've got some nice spacing between them, we're going to have airflow, we're going to allow the fruit to drop down over the edge."
"The higher the number, the further the spacing apart goal is, and the less density you have in a design."
"Make sure to plant your peonies about four to five feet apart on center, leave enough space for good ventilation, keep it away from other plants, trees, and shrubs, but let them grow on their own and you'll be able to enjoy those for generations to come."
"I want to pay attention to my spacing; I don't want them to be too close or overcrowded, but I don't want the petals to be too far away either."
"Gap is an intelligent spacing model that only applies the spacing between the child elements."
"You can build your entire system of spacing with Tailwind, and this is really amazing."
"Even if their offense stagnates, they have proper spacing, they are able to create advantages."
"It's a general rule to have some space between the background and the subject you're shooting."
"You want to make sure your plants get really good air circulation; the spacing is important."
"We're going to add some spacing to the bottom of the template which I think looks cool because it separates the template from the browser or the email client."
"If we take any spacing for one section, we should keep the similar amount of spacing for each of the sections."
"Offense is spacing, spacing is offense."
"We have gap because that's just nice to have between all of our toasts."
"Steph's a spacer, like what are we talking about? That's spacing, man."
"Space your practice. Try to make the most out of all the time you've been given and break up all the material into small manageable and digestible chunks."
"A block gap refers to the space between blocks that are aligned side by side."
"When stopped in traffic, I'll leave enough space between the front bumper of my vehicle and the rear bumper of the vehicle in front of me."
"Dribble drive motion offense is based upon spacing and creating gaps."
"This strategy is crucial for creating scoring opportunities without having all attackers crowding the same area."
"Kerning is the amount of space just between two characters."
"They have a ton of spacing... they're a drive and kick offense to the max."
"We spaced all of our trim 3/8 of an inch off the floor for a cleaner look."
"Kerning is actually the space between two specific characters."
"The spacing required has to be less than or equal to forty-five millimeters."
"Let's add some space and then as a button, we are going to use ElevatedButton."
"Give it some space so it's easier to read."
"Horizontal spacing between equally important elements can increase the readability of your text."
"With this guiding rules of knowing that your column-to-column must not be more than six meters."
"Whenever I have widgets that are arranged vertically and I want to add a fixed size padding between them, I can do that by simply inserting a sized box."
"Spacing is the changing speed during the action."
"Space between justifies the content; it takes the first one and puts it all the way to the left and the last one all the way to the right and makes the space between them all equidistant."