
Incremental Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Using that kind of incremental approach is the best way to go."
"These laws have been building the mechanisms for a totalitarian police state piece by piece."
"The incremental failure is how we get success."
"Leadership is an accumulation of lots and lots of little things."
"We're getting there with baby steps."
"Small increments towards a better future for yourself is more important than drastic changes."
"Every small step forward makes a difference."
"Building upon this in small meaningful ways... is how you're gonna make progress."
"You're never going to get it 100% upfront, but you can always incrementally improve."
"We don't do well with extreme change that happens all at once, but we actually do really well with small incremental changes, one key shift at a time."
"Scrum provides incremental builds delivered to the customer every two to four weeks, making it better suited for projects subject to rapid change."
"Small moves can get you a long way."
"Scrum is an incremental way of providing value to the end user in a timely manner."
"It's all small steps, a little step today and a little step tomorrow means we're getting that little bit closer."
"Every little step forward is an important step."
"So we believe in small wins. One baby step at a time."
"It's all about taking it step by step."
"You don't have to do a big area in one go, you can do bit by bit like piecing a jigsaw together."
"It's progress, one step at a time."
"Lots of small incremental improvements have added up to quite a significant change in that department."
"This too can be really incremental, you can make it really small moving with resistance or really dramatic and big."
"Take small small steps. Small steps are everything."
"It's incremental. There are playbooks for starting low-cost, starting low-risk, incrementally building something."
"Small steps can make really profound changes over time."
"Success is a series of small steps."
"Let's start one meal at a time. Work on breakfast, then move on to lunch, then dinner."
"If we can wake up and do just one percent better today than we did yesterday, that's good enough."
"Exactly. You just do it incrementally. Just like I just did. You start with taking something that you know really well, you know, the Blues scale, and then you just add one note to it."
"Take it incrementally. Little by little. That's how you get it done."
"One step after another, it's not like huge leaps, but day by day, the leaps start to take place."
"Step by step, inch by inch, piece by piece, bit by bit."
"One one cocoa full basket. So one cocoa bean, one cocoa pod, little by little you fill your basket, you achieve your goals, you know, step by step, a little bit at a time."
"We should work in tiny steps, we should commit those steps often."
"Success has no quantum leaps, just small wins, cumulative small wins."
"Success comes one step at a time."
"Even the smallest improvements, one percent, can propel you to staggering heights."
"You reveal yourself to us so slowly and incrementally, Lord; you meet us where we're at."
"Incremental encoding avoids having duplicate prefixes storing them over and over for consecutive tuples."
"Those little incremental steps of growth over time are really going to compound."
"You never try to jump from a baseline to target in one step... do incremental change."
"When we do just one little piece at a time and we add one little element at a time, then you get that level of complexity."
"Baby steps add up to big changes."
"We're developing many capabilities for this platform and we're doing it on an incremental basis."
"Having a plan and taking baby steps and little battles of negotiations along the way."
"The progress in the democracy is incremental."
"This allows companies to do incremental application modernization."
"Just tackle little points at a time and create a solution for each one."
"We're making progress, little by little."
"Working incrementally is essential to solving any complex problem and foundational to good software development."
"Sustaining victories tend to be the result of small incremental advances sustained over long stretches of time."
"We're not going to do a whole lot at one time, we're just gonna take it little by little so we don't get overwhelmed with it."
"We just took it one step at a time."
"We don't want to be the kind of company that just trickles out these little incremental upgrades over the years."
"That's how progress is made, one win at a time."
"Incremental change is actually more successful than just trying to do everything at the same time."
"What I'm going to be talking about is a bottom-up; we start with nothing and we add incrementally."
"It's a slow process, it's drip by drip, but step by step."
"Success accumulates from the small things."
"Take it one pound at a time, it's really overwhelming to think 'I need to lose 75 lbs'... it's a lot easier to say 'I just need to lose one pound'."
"I would rather make a small goal and reach it, and then the next month go higher and higher, rather than make a goal that's up here that is just out of my reach."
"The year of small improvements brackets the Legend of Snow Leopard."
"We're getting it one step at a time."
"Start small, start simple, get it working, build it bigger."
"What if you could do that rewrite incrementally, one endpoint at a time?"