
Eclectic Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Remember the theme: hatchling of space with some other stuff like that Chinese retailer and Netflix and Google and stuff like that."
"...cool stuff but he likes the weird oddball stuff too..."
"...a house of eclectic horrors ever since its opening in 1969."
"I've got a lot of interests. I'm interested in True Crime, English History, ghosts... it's a living."
"I collect vinyl, but I'm open to all the left of center stuff that you've got."
"It's a really crazy film, and the comedy styles are such a mishmash that pretty much whatever sense of humor you have, we'll find something in there for you to enjoy."
"Be your individualistic nerdy or eclectic self."
"Mixing it with things that are ornate like this, but then I also mixed in art that is abstract and art that's sculptural. So, things that are simple mixed with things that are more ornate is how I roll."
"It's kind of a mix of various different things that don't fit elsewhere."
"One of the things that I really love doing is mixing design elements from different periods."
"... it's part rock and roll, it's part sports, it's part stand-up comedy, it's part acting, it's part everything."
"This 12 piece dinnerware set has character, it's eclectic and I feel these could impress any guest or family member with a similar One of a Kind Vibe."
"The album is truly a lost wonder of the 1970s blending tons of different styles like rock, jazz, blues, reggae, Latin music, and even bordering on proto-metal at times."
"Queen being eclectic again... in different styles."
"A very creative record that blends a lot of styles together in very interesting ways."
"It's mixing high and low. It's mixing the Bible are philosophy, with scurrilous things and whale songs and pop culture."
"I guess the way that I consume music before, I just wanted to listen to stuff that was off the beaten path, an eclectic and underground."
"It's a Titanic movie that has Atlantis, rapping sharks, the Island of Misfit Toys, lasers, and Atlas mice."
"He's my guide I think the Monster High of Life action movies the rainbow Vision soundtrack New York Bjork boom."
"His adventures were eclectic and exciting, playing in that juncture where sci-fi and Adventure meet."
"One of my favorite things about this building is that you'll find every conceivable architectural style from history packed into one structure."
"Ren's music is eclectic yet accessible, connecting with a wide demographic."
"Eclectic style really refers to the idea of mixing design styles, often those that seem quite dissimilar, blending different styles and motifs together at great risk to create a unique and personalized aesthetic."
"It's like if you smash Twilight and Cottage core and then throw in like grunge, that's sort of the vibe that we're going for."
"It's twisted, it's cute, it's stone, it's fabric, it's club."
"I have very eclectic taste. I like a lot of different things."
"This is J-Hope's style all over; it is eclectic, it's a bit strange, you look at it and it makes you think."
"Our album is very eclectic and we feel that it will give people something completely new."
"The vibe here is vibrant, eclectic, and open-minded."
"It's groovy, it's beautiful, it's weird, it's got everything."
"I have a bit of an eclectic style, usually bright colors involved, sometimes there's photos, it's basically just like a little hodgepodge of color and all sorts of bits and pieces."
"It's kind of like my house; there's no rhyme, there's no reason, but it looks beautiful."
"ENTPs are innovative and enjoy playing with ideas; eclectic design's mix of various styles aligns with ENTP's flexible and unconventional thinking."
"I'm an eclectic photographer and that has to do with the breadth of my being, my interests, my intellect, my friends, the things I find worthwhile in life."
"I have the most eclectic taste in music."
"I like coffee, talking to myself, tie-dye, and I appreciate good packaging."
"My aesthetic is like Brody meets grandma meets cartoon meets happiness."
"Style is so eclectic, it's so unexpected."
"We're very eclectic gypsies who collect oriental things and Mexican things and we're influenced by the whole world of arts and decorative arts."
"They handed out flyers that very much had Christianity mixed with sci-fi mixed with conspiracy theory."
"This collection is nuts; this is way more interesting than a modern collection of actually decent cars."
"The eclectic approach combines various teaching methods and techniques to cater to the diverse needs of learners."
"She has a very eclectic taste, she picks really interesting stuff."
"But Francie was a reader. She read everything she could find: trash, classics, time tables, and the grocer's price list."
"Eclectic elements, frightful substrates."
"I'm all over the place with a lot of different music."
"She was known for her deep, expressive contralto vocals and her eclectic mix of musical genres."
"I just love color; I want it to be like fun, eclectic, loads of prints."
"Nothing is super matchy-matchy here, which is definitely my style, but I feel like it all goes together."
"I'm an eclectic personality if you haven't figured that out already."