
Rigor Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Every move Cardano makes is put through rigorous theoretical testing."
"Science demands the scientific method, whether it be a drug, an herb, or a yoga posture."
"We are not going to let anybody down and we're gonna be really, really incredibly rigorous in how we do our work." - Carol
"Proper research on the product and proper benchmarks and results be damned."
"It's a tough question for GCSE, but I'm again glad that GCSEs now changed slightly to include rigorous proofs."
"Judge David Carter did a very rigorous analysis."
"Feynman diagrams are a way of calculating something that is very rigorous and well-defined."
"To retrieve the past, we need rigor, integrity, unsparing devotion, and an impulse to skepticism."
"I think that we teach a lot of things at school that aren't done extremely rigorously."
"No human inquiry can be called science unless it pursues its path through mathematical exposition and demonstration."
"We then have a mathematically rigorous discipline."
"This is the most mathematically perfect and rigorous ways that we kind of check every single training example."
"The professional's world is a lot more rigorous, mentally."
"The professional's world is a lot more rigorous, emotionally, psychologically."
"We need to raise the bar for what is considered empirically supported."
"The Perisher, as it's known, is one of the toughest command courses in the entire world, and it has to be."
"Mathematics seems to have rigor in its proofs."
"In B2B growth, it's important to be very careful and rigorous and to prioritize that customer's needs all the time."
"The retreat of the academy from rigorous education is known to everybody who's in higher education except for majors in engineering, math, and the hard sciences."
"Science is very strictly evidence-based."
"Avoid fooling yourself; that is, minimize the risk of fooling yourself. That's surely what rigor means."
"...a lot of what makes great companies Great is the ability to just like relentlessly execute and efficiently execute and do that rigorously."
"My goal is highest best toughest most rigorous research."
"Rigor in qualitative research is not following a rigid protocol for data collection and analysis, rigor is about being open to surprises, being intellectually honest, and documenting all your assertions."
"Most people aren't sufficiently rigorous when it comes to identifying and articulating problem."
"You have to go deeper. That's why I didn't even release the protocol until I knew it was reproducible and we could get the same results in everyone we tested rather than say 'hey I'm better, just do what I did'."
"Discipline comes from following rules rigorously."
"...there's not been a lot of method until I started these experiments, not a huge amount of method in doing things rigorously."
"You can put as much rigor into agile as you can in any other methodology."
"You could call this a physicist proof, which means it's reasonable, it's intuitive, and a mathematician working hard could make it rigorous."
"Their training is going to be brutal."
"In Islam, faith in the world are not separate. You cannot abandon one for the other. You have to be rigorous in both."
"...using the most rigorous methodological standards to pare down the sea of findings."
"...demonstrating that you've taken a really, really critical approach."
"We're basically applying scientific rigor to that process."
"Chris puts the hard stuff in here and he covers it really really well."
"Hard Talk... does pretty much what it says on the tin. It offers challenging and rigorous questioning of people in power, people who shape our world."
"The normal, extremely rigorous classical education."
"I will work with determination and rigor in everything I do within the role."
"The selection process for Sayeret Matkal is rigorous and demanding."
"Hampton University is praised for its strong sense of community, rigorous academic programs, and supportive faculty."
"Xavier University of Louisiana is celebrated for its academic rigor, supportive community, and commitment to social justice."
"Tuskegee University is praised for its strong sense of community, historic significance, and academic rigor."
"...the harder the science, the more rigorous they got, the better the answers they were getting."
"We're going to do this purely by the book. All of our equations are going to have some physical grounding to them."
"The warmth of other Suns is a rigorous work of history rather than a novel."
"MBSC really improves that rigor we're able to apply to engineering."
"It's the hardest vetting process I've ever been through, including the most elite counterterrorism unit in the world."
"Love yourself rigorously, nobody else will."
"Her guiding principle, she has said, is to consistently apply the same level of analytical rigor to a case, no matter who or what is involved in the legal action."
"Talk about being scientific and really leaving no question as to whether or not he did it properly."
"You have to be ruthless with yourself."
"It's a powerful tool for thinking analytically, dispassionately, rigorously."
"The greatest honor that can be shown to a scholar is for his or her work to be engaged deeply and tested rigorously by colleagues."
"We need disinterested inquiries, serious scholarship, and a spirit of rigorous and humane partnership."
"Building a strong profile: well, it's pretty critical to take rigorous and challenging courses when they're available."
"We all benefit from greater rigor and greater transparency in publicly funded research."
"Real spirituality therefore is uncompromising, harsh, ruthless."
"The whole process of social justice scholarship and how it is evaluated really needs to be overturned; it needs to be made rigorous so that people can trust it again."
"Those are the five activities that I utilize inside of my classrooms to help increase the engagement but also the rigor of my students."
"Logic governs the formation for how we can understand the meaning of our language in ways which is rigorous and sound."
"I don't want an instructor that's easy. I want an instructor that teaches me so that when I get out of the class, I don't die."
"Change the incentives, place more emphasis on methodological rigor, sound statistical analyses, transparency, and replicability."
"It is important, indeed essential, to form an elite that can define an idea with intellectual rigor and intellectual intransigence."
"One of the reasons why it is so important to do coding appropriately is to kind of add the systematicity and the academic rigour to your research that is inherently not there."
"...planning for an evaluation at the onset of program development really ensures an evaluation that is relevant and potentially more rigorous..."
"These are proper exams, a higher standard than the actual applied exams."
"He was pivotal in his contributions to mathematical analysis, primarily in the complex plane, extending this theory to mechanics and he was a leading figure in making mathematics more rigorous."
"Really good engineering is all about adding rigor."
"Texas is the most academically rigorous public institution in the state."
"By its very nature, this course is not meant to be easy."
"You have a way to think more rigorously about evolutionary processes."
"They're providing recommendations which are based on rigorous science."
"Students must complete an advanced program in politics, religion, philosophy, and combat."
"We believe that the trial is actually very rigorous."
"Whenever you have any doubts about any part of this deviation, or if you have any doubts whether it's rigorous or not, you know now where to look it up and learn everything about it."
"The rigor of it is inspiring as hell."
"This is for those of you who are serious about understanding the Quran in a very rigorous way."
"Coding allows you to create a system of how your quotes are organized and stay rigorous."
"I have to look at things with great rigor and scrutiny because I stand up in court."
"Mathematical proofs being rigorous, which is like it's watertight, there's nothing wrong with it."
"Science is known for only accepting ideas after being tested carefully many times under strict laboratory conditions."
"This is a very rigorous way to reason about uncertainties."
"He was strict, so strict... but again, it was just for the benefit of you as a player and the club."
"Astronauts go through the most rigorous selection process."
"Be a bit harsh on yourself; if you're not sure if you'd have got the mark or not, don't give yourself the mark."
"It's scientifically rigorous, data and evidence-based versus opinion and fads-based."
"Journal articles are some of the most rigorous pieces of work that you can reference in your work."
"It becomes a very rigorous hazard identification technique."
"Engineering degrees are very difficult."
"Students are encouraged to imply geographical knowledge, understanding skills, and approaches in a rigorous way when it comes to geographical questions and issues."
"Interventional studies need to be randomized, they need to be blinded, and they need to be controlled."
"You go on to autopilot, you follow the rules, and you get the answers in a completely rigorous way."
"Equity by design is to improve their information processing skills through powerful instruction that gets them ready for rigor."
"The standard of evidence needs to be very, very high."
"This approach is rigorous on its own and describes things well without having to be compared to anything else other than experiments."
"Promoting rigorous scientific inquiry is characteristic of scientific research."
"There is no proof of anything in mathematics which may not have to be reformed tomorrow or the next day when we have a higher standard of rigor."
"The curriculum is more vigorous and some of the parents... feel you know China is the Rising Dragon so better that my children learn how to speak Mandarin."
"It's pretty academically rigorous but they have the staff to support that."
"If we could understand and describe it mathematically, we can describe it very rigorously."
"If you want to do a good study of a drug, we need to do a double blind type of test with proper control."
"We will have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt using mathematical rigor."
"The reality is in a good mixed method study, there's both a rigorous qualitative and quantitative research."
"Certainly we want to ensure that this course is rigorous and actually does provide you with sufficient real world experience with which to tackle some industry jobs."
"We're more interested in the mechanics, but we're trying to do them with rigor."
"Does your IRR use a wide range of academic sources, and are all your sources from your bibliography in your report?"
"We are celebrating collaboration, cooperation, methodological rigor, fun, entertainment, color, explanation."
"The goal of the course is to introduce you to what is probably a more formal and rigorous way of presenting mathematical arguments than you'll be used to from school."
"The stories we're telling have to be rigorous, they have to be trustworthy."
"The best thing is to have a combination of both: explaining how things work and being completely rigorous and careful."
"Their work is rigorous, independent, and grounded in history, data, and logic."
"You cannot wing it here. You cannot say, 'I came up with the solution.' Prove it, and really prove it."
"A new scientific sociology that was rigorous and emancipatory."