
Bold Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Jesus, that's metal. Make the Reds dread the coming night."
"If you're going to do fake news, don't mess around in the shallow end."
"We touch those subjects that preachers are afraid to touch."
"If you think for one moment that you're not absolutely incredible exactly the way you are, then [ __ ] come over here." - Host
"It's ballsy, nobody saw it coming."
"Taking this pitch idea in the freeform style of the show, Watanabe teamed up with Toonami on Cartoon Network to try something extremely bold."
"The tea, though, that's a bold English breakfast tea."
"Turning red is a uniquely bold movie that wears its personality and influences on his sleeves or while tackling serious topics with a mature honesty."
"A very, very cool bold styling in the XRT trim level."
"Dark bold colors are in, and I'm living for it."
"Art Deco combines geometric bold shapes with a lavish and refined feel."
"In other words, those that stand before you as leaders, we don't have or we can't waste your time, play with your minds. We have to have bold uncompromising leadership."
"They're the ones that are the targets of the bold judgments."
"The Luminox attackama field day 1925 is a bold take on the traditional field watch."
"Wow, Sarah is so inspiring. I love how she's so bold and brave and relentless."
"Big and bold without being too heavy or too much."
"Big, bold, and unabashedly American."
"Bold, decisive statement of layers and levels of deep content."
"Fearless bold and skilled Beyond most youths in the use of Bowen spear."
"I would describe my style as bold, free form, and sculptural."
"It's bold without being too high maintenance."
"It's bold, it's big, it's going to arrive before you get there and when you leave it's going to stay."
"It's bold, it's futuristic, and in its own way, it's moved the game on in this sector."
"The new Maxima makes a bold statement with an all-new language that's both dramatic and sporty stemming from Nissan's sport sedan concept from a couple of years back."
"Nah, nah, I'm hotter than a kettle."
"It's got a really bold, punchy color with those vivid whites, rich blacks."
"It's really in your face, it's unapologetic."
"It's always nice to have a character that's just not afraid to just grab somebody's heart right out of their chest."
"It just smells so bold and beautiful."
"He wasn't afraid of anything or anybody."
"The Ram SRT10 is really a striking vehicle, not for the faint of heart."
"It's narcotic, it is intoxicating, it's right in the name and it's exactly that."
"The life he lived was daring and bold. And the film we're making is daring and bold."
"I know it's very out there, I do think it's just quite a wow dress."
"We're going to make this one little bit more like loud, almost primary in color, but it's going to be awesome."
"Oh my God, look at Louisa, she's wearing a purple sequin suit. Oh my God, she looks so cool."
"I really wanted to make something that was going to turn people on, but that was also messy and unapologetic."
"It's quite a bold looking potion bottle as it is, as it is the strongest and most potent love potion in the world."
"It's big, it's bold, it's bitter, it's a double IPA. I don't know what else to say, America all over."
"It's kind of bold but sexy, sensual, it's a very luscious fruity floral but it is very warm as well."
"It's aggressively ahead of its time."
"We're going to make them bold, click center and bold."
"We're going to write down here 'total' and we're going to select this cell, we're going to right-align and make it bold."
"It was a head-turning, bold fragrance that nothing ever in the world had smelled like that."
"I wanted something way more statementy and way more like in your face because it's my wedding day."
"Torino 21 happens to be a little bit more vibrant, sexier, and bolder."
"I love it for just how outlandishly garish it is."
"This Blazer is sick, double-breasted, the shoulder pads."
"We are the most adventurous people ever."
"It's light, it's humorous, it's bold at the same time."
"It's sick, the stamp is sick, like it's an alligator an Emperor."
"This month's theme, the November theme, is all about the bold, the graphic, and the doodle."
"It's like stuff that you would bold and just like, I'm gonna write that down and put it on a poster."
"It'll just make you kind of look really wild."
"I love this one because it has this beautiful shiny patent leather red."
"We're both Heartbreakers, oh yeah."
"It's really bold and a very good movie."
"I think it's probably one of the most bold looking vehicles you can get on the road."
"This dress just is a statement dress."
"It's gonna be big and bold and gorgeous."
"It's very artistic, very bold, they're unapologetic, they hit you right in the face, and they have a very daring vibe about them."
"This is one of the most revolutionary eye looks I've ever done, it's like so bold and bright, and a real pop of color."
"They added not just neutral shades and just run-of-the-mill tones, but they added bold, bangin' brilliant shades which I absolutely adore."