
Serverless Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"Amazon Athena is a serverless option to perform analysis with giant queries."
"Serverless is basically a Computing model where cloud service provider is responsible for managing the piece of code without the developer having to bother about infrastructure setup, management, maintenance and so on."
"Serverless computing is getting quite popularity these days."
"Serverless computing... helps any organization if, for example, if you have a web application that receives non-linear traffic and you cannot keep an eye on your server always."
"Serverless Computing: each part of your application is divided as functions and can be hosted over multiple service providers."
"Lambda lets you run serverless functions."
"BigQuery is a fully managed serverless data warehouse that enables scalable analysis over petabytes of data."
"Fargate is that AWS version where you don't even have to manage the nodes."
"Utilize ECS cluster powered by Fargate for serverless compute."
"Azure functions are very little, they're called serverless applications."
"Coinbase uses step functions for deployment orchestration to process and deploy dozens of serverless applications at once."
"...automatic backups with no performance impact... access to a serverless option... not having to worry about servers is definitely a plus."
"Knative provides the building blocks for running serverless workloads on Kubernetes."
"The future of serverless is going to be built on Kubernetes and K native."
"K native promises to be a solid foundation to develop the future of serverless computing."
"We're betting our future on K native."
"Serverless is fundamentally changing the way developers approach building applications."
"The future of serverless is exciting."
"AWS Lambda is the function as a service, where you only pay for the time your function takes to run in the cloud."
"Hopefully you found this useful and hopefully you can kind of see the benefits of using serverless and particular functions as the service."
"But what we want is something which will run in serverless mode. And what they have for the serverless are three options in general: Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, and App Engine."
"With Lambda, you can run code for virtually any type of application or backend service."
"It relieves you, the developer, of the responsibility of provisioning and maintaining servers."
"So in the case of serverless it absolutely kicks butt in terms of scalability and it's incredibly cost efficient as well you only pay for what you use."
"Lambda is a serverless event-driven service that runs your code on demand."
"But what if you could actually remove the Lambda function and have an event source or something else talk directly to a destination service?"
"Support for serverless elastic cache instances on Amazon AWS... will automatically scale to meet the demands of your application."
"Complete serverless technologies."
"Our serverless Spark offering is the industry's first Auto scaling offering for all workloads."
"Cloudflare workers provide a serverless environment that lets you build and deploy apps with robust backend services without having to worry about setting up and maintaining a backend infrastructure."
"Serverless sort of solves Typescript and it's the reason why I would recommend it for most of your backend use cases."
"AWS AppSync is a managed GraphQL service that allows you to configure serverless GraphQL endpoints that you can use right away in your application."
"Containers and serverless security is a separate lecture on its own, but some things to keep in mind when you are designing your applications."
"Serverless really shines in one area which is event-driven patterns."
"Serverless makes it easy for us to test locally as well as deploy into production."
"Serverless is all about focusing just on the code and effectively running that code."
"Servos is just like lights in your room. You turn them on when you need them, and they turn off when you don't."
"Serverless is really just focusing on the code. You deploy your code and then somebody else makes sure that all the systems scale up to meet the demand."
"Serverless is really just focusing on making sure your code runs, and then once it does run, you can deploy it to Lambda. Lambda will scale up and scale down to meet request demands."
"Neon is pioneering serverless for databases, specifically for SQL databases like Postgres."
"Serverless databases allow you to stage your application many different times, making it very straightforward to iterate."
"Lambda: the power to focus on writing code without infrastructure worries."
"Lambda: the key to serverless simplicity and scalability."
"Lambda: simplifying development with event-driven, serverless computing."
"Serverless is very cheap compared to having a server."
"Lambda: the heart of serverless computing, simplifying deployment."
"Lambda: the go-to for simplifying serverless development."
"What serverless units refer to here is vertical scaling of capacity."
"AWS Lambda: Run practically any code you write without managing servers."
"Serverless takes care of all the pieces that aren't really the fun parts of building an app."
"In serverless offerings, you literally pay for the work it actually does."
"We think of serverless as event driven."
"This billing model along with the on demand scale and event driven approach are what makes all of this serverless."
"Logic Apps is serverless, worry less about managing and patching."
"This project will enhance your understanding of serverless application development from dynamic frontend hosting to seamless backend integration and automation."
"You'll hear 'serverless' often used and talked about as glue between systems."
"Lambda functions or this serverless are basically event-driven functions."
"Within your account, you will see no EC2 instances, no Fargate tasks, no auto scaling group, no load balancer, none of that."
"This is a fully serverless application, so you're not maintaining any server whatsoever."
"Embracing services like this, which requires little or no infrastructure maintenance from an application developer, is usually termed as serverless."
"Serverless just means that cloud providers such as AWS provision and manage the server for you in the background."
"We're going entirely serverless; my engineers don't think about servers, they just think about making great products."
"Once the two peers actually have a proper connection with one another, the server is no longer used; they are not communicating with each other directly without the actual use of a server."
"One aspect of serverless is cost management; I only want to pay for this thing while it's doing something useful."
"Azure Functions allow users to build applications using serverless, simple functions with the programming language of our choice."
"The serverless concept is brilliant because you can just create an API without having to manage any of the server aspect."
"The serverless application model is a simplified way of defining serverless applications."
"Serverless Computing is this new trend in cloud computing which attempts to solve many of these challenges."
"AWS Lambda is a service that runs code without provisioning and managing servers."
"I'm going to show you how to convert the back end of the app to serverless and how to host it for free in the cloud."
"Netlify Functions is a service that allows you to achieve the architecture we just discussed but without having to build an entire back end."
"I love serverless because I can solve complex problems, I can build modern apps, and it makes me productive as a developer."
"Durable functions are extensions of Azure functions... it allows us to write stateful workflows in serverless environments."
"The Azure Web PubSub service makes it easier for you to deliver serverless real-time applications."
"Durable Functions allows you to orchestrate multiple purpose programs in a serverless environment that can be long-lived, potentially non-terminating, and they do this by accessing persistent state."
"Serverless actually means that we focus less on servers and more just on the functionality."
"Serverless doesn't mean there is no server; it means there is less server you have to worry about."
"Azure Functions is a serverless compute service that lets you run event-triggered code without having to provision or manage specific infrastructure."
"The AWS Serverless Application Model, also called SAM, is an open-sourced framework that helps us to build serverless applications on the AWS cloud."
"And how to build serverless applications in the AWS environment."
"AWS Lambda is a compute service which allows us to run code without provisioning or managing servers."
"We need to move to a model with serverless compute."
"Serverless technology just orchestrates that for us, so we don't actually have to manually turn them on and off."
"With Next applications hosted on Vercel, you get those serverless functions, your API endpoints, your server-side rendering."
"What's amazing about serverless is you can kind of do the impossible."
"Serverless is amazing. It allows us to do the impossible."
"Serverless web applications... we don't have to patch it, we don't have to scale up, we don't have to manage it in any way."
"Serverless architectures to automatically run our scripts are a bit trickier to set up but really valuable to know."
"That's kind of the beauty and the power of serverless."
"There's a lot of cool use cases around hosting if you think about serverless hosting, etc."
"Firestore is our serverless mobile-optimized document database, which powers applications with more than 750 million monthly active end users."
"By using Lambda and API Gateway, we're basically building a serverless application."
"Simplifying environment management with serverless technologies."
"Serverless environment variables... have had great luck in finding clear text credentials."
"Serverless things still run on servers, but you don't need an entire server; you just need a very small piece of the server."
"Serverless functions can seamlessly and endlessly scale up and down to meet the needs of your application."
"AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service provided by AWS."
"The biggest value add for the serverless functions is managing how to scale out or scale down."
"If you need to do serverless functions or any sort of back-end functionality, you can actually merge the front-end world and the back-end world using API routes."
"So for us, serverless is not just a runtime, it's a way of building applications."
"Zeta is a serverless database platform that's powered by Postgres."
"The thing that makes WebRTC so special is the fact that the connection is between two browsers and the data that transmits between the browsers never actually reaches a server."
"Azure API Management is an API gateway service on Azure that is serverless."
"Serverless edge runtimes like Cloudflare Workers and Dino Deploy are very cheap and very fast."
"Change gears and learn how to push an app up onto the web using a completely different approach that's commonly referred to as serverless."
"Run code without thinking about servers."
"Serverless approach can scale infinitely and effortlessly."
"A serverless model helps in splitting the app into smaller parts called lambdas, hence it helps in improving the readability as well as the scalability of any application."
"With functions, you have the ability in Netlify to create serverless functions."
"With the free tier, you get 125,000 requests per month and 100 hours of runtime per month."
"In the world of serverless, a collection of functions work together and encapsulate a representation of data."
"Serverless and SaaS should seem like they're a very natural match."
"Lambda functions are serverless architectures; you only pay for the time the lambda runs."
"You might do serverless solutions where you're having Azure Functions."
"Serverless development... is something that Google is thinking hard about across the platform."
"Serverless is currently quite hot, which basically doesn't mean there are no servers involved, but you don't need to care about them."
"Serverless is completely changing the way that people think about building applications."
"Serverless is a very, very real thing."
"This gives you the ability to build really powerful chat or voice based interfaces without having to run any servers."
"We're experimenting with Code Pipeline; it's more serverless, there's less overhead to doing it."
"We see this concept and this paradigm around serverless applications becoming one of the quickest and hottest growing trends."
"One of the great aspects about serverless is that having multiple environments shouldn't cost you more."
"Step functions is a hundred percent serverless itself."
"There's a real serverless application of the future here."
"This is an easy service to use, no abstractions, no new concepts, a purely serverless, fully managed, really really elastic."
"Let's get out there and let's build the next generation of event-driven, elastic, secure, durable, available serverless applications."
"The notion of making it easy for anybody to use them to orchestrate serverless stuff makes me happy."
"The quick kick of that serverless stack is addicting as heck, and there's no looking back."
"Lambda is a service product that AWS offers... you push your code up and all the scaling and server management is done for you."
"This is how you can easily write these Lambda functions and hook up these services to do more interesting things without even having to run servers with it."
"Using API Gateway plus Lambda means that you have no infrastructure to manage, and scaling is incredibly simple."
"I'm happy to call it serverless even though I know there's a server."
"Serverless web architectures are amazing."
"There was something about this serverless application framework that was really resonating with people."
"By serverless, we mean that you don't have to think about servers."
"How you can build an entire application, a serverless application, using nothing but JSON powered forms."
"The basic unit of compute is continuing to get smaller... the ability to be serverless is a very exciting proposition."
"DynamoDB has become the default serverless database."