
Snake Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"For a non-venomous snake, that bite is a doozy."
"That's not a snake, this is a snake. Oh [ __ ], that is a snake."
"Nobody is pure Songbird or pure snake. The more we alienate ourselves from each other, the worse off we are."
"Even in the darkness, he identified the snake from the briefings they'd received on which wildlife to avoid."
"'Livingston found a poisonous snake in his room tonight. If it had bitten him, he'd be dead. It's possible someone put it there,' Elizabeth said."
"We've seen a snake in the backyard. It is just wild out here, y'all. Let me just tell you this right now, when I come home, I don't want to have a pet snake, okay? Let's just make that a rule."
"The snake rushes towards Nester as Nester turns around to see the snake being giant."
"The most important thing to do with a snake that is not tame yet is to just hold it. The more you handle it, the more it will get used to you."
"Rainbow Boas are ridiculous, yes."
"Do you want to tell me what's wrong with stopping a dirty great snake biting Justin's head off?" said Harry.
"The inland taipan is the most venomous snake on the planet."
"But because I have no sense of self-control I bought a snake a few days ago I named The Snake Luna no and I'm gonna go to the pet store right now pick up a dead rat or Mouse and I'm gonna attempt to feed Luna and we're gonna see what happens we don't know yet."
"Now, the thing that makes the banded water snake so unique is that beautiful banding that runs down the length of its body."
"This should be celebrated, there should be a day for this snake."
"Shout out, I mean he's hot too, Snake is right there too, shout out to Snake, Snake was cold, cold bloody."
"Hopefully it'll be helpful with getting your snake to eat or at least figuring out what the problem is."
"...ball pythons in my opinion are the best medium-sized snake."
"This is the biggest snake in Africa."
"We have found a Kaboom viper in the wild, that is amazing."
"Such a gentle snake, this thing has not once even tried to strike at us."
"All right, our first snake of the evening is a very small one, so small I had to turn around for it twice before realizing it was actually a snake."
"Beautiful Eastern coral snake here in the Georgia Piedmont as our first snake of the day."
"Look at how beautiful that snake is."
"She's absolutely gorgeous, really beautiful snake."
"This beautiful snake now has a chance to live out its entire life here in this forest."
"That is one impressive, impressive snake."
"What a beautiful snake, and he's nice and relaxed too."
"Look at that, such a beautiful snake."
"That's even more yellow than the one yesterday. Goodness gracious, find me another snake that is that yellow."
"The sword he was holding was so agile, like a snake."
"Snake is a powerful spirit animal like almost no other."
"Snakes don't have any arms or legs, they just have one really long body."
"Mulphone and his teacher would eventually prevent a mythical snake from being killed."
"This is a really beautiful snake, almost has like a metallic color to it."
"It's time for something we all know and love, something great, something grand, and it is the Bushmaster."
"Listen to her growl, listen, that modified trachea, the only snake on the planet that has a modified trachea that allows it to growl, letting predators know to stay away."
"She calls that snake a dragon of the Amazon, the Bushmaster."
"Another Bushmaster fang has shed, how crazy, and to think she's still a baby and that thing is that long."
"Perfect wrap around, such a beautiful snake."
"Beautiful, probably last year's baby rat snake."
"All metal, this is a coiled up snake, a boa constrictor."
"I'm telling you what, if I see a snake stuck to that thing, I'm just gonna let him have the whole house, I'm out."
"Look at him, he is so beautiful, a gorgeous golden eyelash viper."
"See, it's trying to kiss me; it's a very friendly snake."
"Beautiful mud snake, look at that. Wow."
"Isn't that such a cool looking snake?"
"This is the banana clown, really super breathtaking."
"This is one of the craziest snakes that I've seen."
"You're going to have a perfectly tame snake once it's removed from its enclosure and it's allowed to calm down."
"Sunrise is so special to me for a number of reasons, first of all, it's just an amazing snake."
"Nice looking eastern king snake is the next find of the day."
"Really nice handsome southern black racer."
"I am the snake, the sign of the strategist."
"Look how beautiful that is right there, this snake is spectacular."
"Look at how the yellowish white breaks throughout those brown scales, this is a beautiful snake."
"That is a good looking bull snake."
"Would you ever think that you would see a snake with a rhino horn on the end like this? Absolutely amazing."
"This is a massive snake, the largest venomous snake in the world."
"Look at that king snake, that is just a really beautiful snake."
"It's awesome being able to hold a snake like this, especially a copperhead."
"She's just one big powerful snake."
"She's about four feet now and just amazing."
"This is the king of snakes, guys."
"That is one big heavy snake right there."
"Reticulated pythons of course are the longest snake in the world."
"We're going to give it its berth and just admire how beautiful that snake is."
"One of my all-time favorite little snakes, man."
"The longest fangs of any venomous snake, oh my goodness gracious, this thing is beautiful."
"Seeing a black mamba rear up next to the side of the vehicle... that gives me the shivers a bit."
"I'm very very hypnotized almost by a snake as a symbol."
"The most dangerous snake we have here is a black mamba by far."