
Life-like Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"She's so into the arts, her story would seem like a book brought to life."
"Seeing something that's still and, you know, like Minecraft or just anything come to life, it seems like it has that life to it, just gives you, you know, makes you feel like you're putting life into something that shouldn't have it."
"Realism doesn't mean more detail. Realism means if it feels like it's alive."
"It was like a watercolor painting come to life."
"Stitch's animatronic was an amazingly lifelike figure created by Imagineers."
"I think it's amazingly lifelike, it really feels like it's someone I'm looking at myself."
"I couldn't believe how lifelike it still looked over 100 million years after it died, and the skill involved with the preparation of the fossil was just astounding."
"This is an incredible example of Noisy. You can see how lifelike both the bird and this girl are, the colors are extremely beautiful, vivid, and clear."
"The hauntingly lifelike rendering of this 3000-year-old queen looks as though she could open her lips and tell us her life story."
"It's a remarkable lifelike resemblance."
"It's weird to describe looking through those. It's almost more lifelike than real life."
"It's like seeing it come to life is like perfect."
"You really did a nice job in the mouth, in the tongue, those little white dots give it that hint of life."
"Looking at an image of this kind of size and scale, it's so much more lifelike, like looking through this giant 100, 120, or maybe 150 in window onto beautifully created content. This really does have some wow factor."
"Driving AI decisions with animation sampling can really bring a behavior to life."
"The purpose of these 12 basic animation principles... is to create an illusion of life for our animations."
"Having no seams makes it look less like something that was made, more like something that might actually be alive."
"These little minutiae, tiny little contour changes, really add life."
"All complex systems have lifelike characteristics."
"He's literally alive, he looks so alive."
"The light-up eyes are the kicker, it brings so much life to this figure."
"All these metal mechanical strips have a real organic feel to them, almost like they're alive, like living tentacles."
"It looks like the manga come to life, it's incredible."
"This figure looks like the Catwoman design from Batman the Animated Series literally jumped right off the screen into figure format."
"The cool thing is that their skin is so lifelike."
"The paintwork used for the eyes really does help to bring this character to life."
"It just looks so reptilian, so realistic, exactly the type of color I honestly would expect to see on a Tyrannosaur."
"It genuinely looks like a living, breathing animal, especially in the face."
"Now for my favorite part when I paint eyes, is adding a little white dot next to the pupil. This really brings them to life."
"This is probably my favorite part as I think it really brings the subject to life in a big way."
"It just brings the entire thing to life."
"Sophia straddles the line between lifelike and uncanny."
"This retriever looks like it's about to bark with joy."
"Those wax people look so realistic, they totally looked like they were getting ready to come alive."
"It looks really, really lifelike."
"When you've got an artist that knows exactly what they're doing and how to bring that doll to life, it's one of the most amazing things."
"The expressions on these statues are so lifelike."
"It just comes alive; it moves and wiggles just like its bigger cousins in the Game Changer family."
"The head still makes it feel like an actual creature, which I love."
"Heckles looks so freaking real, dude, his face looks amazing, it looks real."
"It really genuinely looks like a living, breathing animal right here."
"It genuinely looks like it could be the positioning of a living animal."
"The mannequin looked exactly like his dead daughter, her face with her dark eyelashes and all too human gaze was astonishingly expressive."
"Sympathetic movement... adds a little bit more life to your puppets."
"When they have the proper weight for their proportion and they're feeling like a real baby, you can't help but support their head and pick them up gently into your arms."
"It really looks like it has muscles inside of it, almost looks like it's alive."
"It really makes you feel like they're coming alive."
"Even like the way some of the people are animated, it feels so life-like."
"For me, where I'm pursuing more of a natural lifelike presentation, I think that Timeless absolutely nails it."
"I really like this method for a very lifelike rose, but that is something that's very repeatable."
"Just helps it pop out and suddenly we've got a living bird."
"Try adding the eyes and I think maybe that will help motivate you to keep going because suddenly it comes to life."
"That's so cool, it's coming to life!"
"We're starting to get something that looks perhaps a little bit more like it would do in real life."
"Movements of the animation in the new system are governed by real-world physics, they look more natural and lifelike."
"Eyes are so helpful in making an animal come to life."
"Those teeth one hundred percent also look lifelike."
"Again, we can see how unbelievably realistic looking that tongue is."
"Everything is just so lifelike, so realistic in every possible way."
"Origami does not always have to look 100% lifelike."
"You can build up the area even with the persons, the models, the live persons."
"He was amazed when he experienced the virtual environment finding it so lifelike."
"Your work exceeds all imagination; you bring the Titanic to life in every dimension of the word."
"The fact that you're constantly keeping track of time and the characters of this world have their own lives that they're leading... makes it come alive in an amazing way."
"This is a living breathing world Jen and I... we feel like we've lived here."