
Dental Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Negative on the dentist, I only went in for a chipped tooth."
"Dental hygienists are an integral part of the dental healthcare team."
"Dental clinics were completely closed, so people couldn't go to the dentist."
"Teeth are important. Like, if y'all got some messed-up teeth right now, I suggest y'all go ahead and get some braces."
"I put my tears in for the first time in like six months last night. We've got blood in the retainers. I have never been in so much pain in my life."
"Now it's not always bad for your looks to get teeth removed."
"The tooth itself feels fine, but it keeps catching my cheek."
"I felt his knuckle, I caressed the knuckle with my tooth."
"Sarah a holiday to Barbados that's going to help in the fight against plaque."
"A high polishing toothpaste, Colonos acts on your teeth as a jeweler's polish does on tarnished silver, safely and gently removing dingy surface stains, thereby uncovering the full natural sparkle of your smile."
"I got diamonds on my teeth I got Diamond Mye sleep"
"There is a hole the size of the grand canyon in the left side of my mouth."
"My teeth that I had already before, they were already like big."
"If it's the teeth, I ain't getting none, I ain't getting none right now, be on the lookout."
"That looks fantastic as well, look at those teeth man, ah that looks so clean."
"No more pain, no more pain, oh I don't feel any pain, thank you, dentist, you saved my teeth, now I can eat more candy."
"Helping pre-dental students was the most rewarding experience of my dental school career so far."
"Don't be afraid to ask me any questions because we are your pre-dental chairs so more than anything we'd love to help."
"The dentist's choice is Crest protection."
"Is this a good candidate for root canal? If it is, then yeah, save the money, save the headaches, do the root canal."
"Because implant has a higher prognosis than root canals anyways."
"I've never had teeth this straight."
"Our teeth grounding on one side improves our awareness and our sense of stability."
"Dental insurance verification is probably the most important process you can implement in your practice to prevent future headaches."
"Are you excited to go to the dentist? Yes or no? Yes, yeah? We're getting our braces off, yay!"
"Understanding your photography results and critically analyzing how you can make it better is the next level of understanding of dental photography."
"A positive response to percussion most likely indicates inflammation in the bone around the tooth."
"I have never been so thankful to have my wisdom teeth removed."
"The more enamel you have, the better survival rate that these veneers will have."
"I got by the way I got to get a new dentist, it's bad, I asked my dentist the other day I got yellow teeth what should I do, he told me to wear a brown tie, I thought that was a bit much."
"All dental services are available to all citizens."
"We can get a papilla present 100% of the time if the distance between the contact point and the crestal bone is five millimeters or less."
"Uniform emergence is desired from the implant head to the abutment to give it a lifelike appearance."
"Vertical bitewings are great for periodontal disease because we want to see the bone levels."
"Crest, the most effective cavity fighter ever put in a toothpaste."
"Everybody I know who's had Invisalign has absolutely loved it."
"Let's simplify things as best as I can to make dental photography achievable for everyone."
"I'm so excited about my mouth, I'm very happy."
"We redesigned occlusion, that's why we need to cover the whole occlusal surface."
"There are three types of gum graft surgery."
"The RSVP technique...build up the lower portion of the veneers, the incisal 2/3, and then take care of the gingival aspect with direct composite as well."
"Wow, Isla, that looks so cool, little dentist styler!"
"For a GEM procedure, a gingivally extensive margin elevation class 2 composite, we have an awesome result."
"It's the first electronic toothbrush accepted by the American Dental Association."
"The whole point of placing the implant is to give the patient a tooth."
"The terminal hinge movement represents the most posterior border limits of the sagittal plane."
"The crown down which on the face of it appears to be a more advanced protocol but it's not actually it's less prone to errors."
"Crown down in my opinion is much more predictable in terms of instrumentation protocols and techniques."
"It makes your teeth look white and it lasts all day long."
"Your teeth actually re-mineralize every single day."
"I feel like I've just been to the dentist for a professional polish."
"It makes your teeth look white; it's the one."