
Counterfeit Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"SHEIN decided to not only sell boots that were pretty much blatant counterfeits, but use genuine images of the original boots."
"Fake basically just means unauthorized or bootleg, counterfeit or a copy of an authorized or real item."
"The world is full of deceptions and counterfeits."
"If you smell it, it smells of glue. It smells of like cheap materials then it's often a fake. Whereas Louis Vuitton should have a nice strong nice smelling smell."
"Trying to fight the counterfeit market and yet, a whisper from afar seems to keep growing into rumors and maybe even more that say that it's these brands themselves who are also producing fakes."
"The luxury brands in order to fight the counterfeit world have to spend millions and billions in legal fees over and over and over again because it's a losing battle to try to fight the counterfeit market. It's a losing battle."
"The existence of a counterfeit predicates the authenticity of an original."
"I bought the bootleg one because it came from the same factory and it's you can't really tell."
"The last counterfeit is about the counterfeiting of art and life."
"The counterfeits look really good until you see the authentic."
"So closely will the counterfeit resemble a true that it will be."
"Some of these counterfeits look so real that you wouldn't necessarily know."
"I do recall buying an ellipse backpack, a fake Louis Vuitton ellipse backpack and in my eyes, this looked pretty real it was a good fake."
"The more these heritage pieces become so tricky to hunt down pre-loved because it's a minefield of counterfeit goods."
"Selling a fake watch is a felony. I mean, you can get in a lot of trouble."
"...one of the nice things about dress shoes is they are not counterfeited nearly as much as sneakers."
"The more valuable a thing is, the more counterfeits there are."
"Backwoods honey. That ain't honey."
"There is a counterfeit to everything that's real."
"Every item of clothing, every kilo of clothing that goes into a fake bank, rather than into a legitimate clothes collective bank, is one that is depriving the poor and the needy throughout the globe."
"Well, there they are, Johnny, 45 $100 bills and every one of them as phony as I've ever seen."
"Normal airpods are 120 bucks these are 15 so even though they're fake I think these are kind of a stealing deal"
"We live on the bougier side of life as you know I'm very excited to see how they make fake airpod Maxes because I feel like that's a hard thing to replicate"
"What we’re talking about is forged $100 bills. It seems North Korea had graduated from making fake pharmaceuticals, to something much more profitable: fake banknotes."
"...and then it's just being resold as something else and it's obviously not the real thing."
"And then down the neck, the fretboard inlays again kind of look like a fake mother of pearl, but you can tell mother of pearl, the colors just aren't there, you know, it's got that kind of swirliness to it that kind of makes it look mother of burly."
"If it says Gibson on the headstock and you see this next thing, you know absolutely for certain it's not a Gibson, it's a fake."
"So anyway, yeah, don't buy chibsons, go and buy the real thing."
"Make sure you point these things out when you spot them online and make sure everybody knows that they're buying a fake if they're looking at buying one."
"I've yet to date to see anything that's proven with anything from anyone from anywhere that high-quality counterfeits that can fool grading or someone who's educated."
"Counterfeit products can erode consumer trust."
"...if you were sold a counterfeit good you can go to the FDC website and definitely report that website."
"...it's not okay to try to stick you with a fake item if you receive it in the mail."
"It is 100 against eBay's policy to sell fake or counterfeit goods."
"It's not just intellectual properties that they counterfeit, they try to get in on us. This is fraud."
"This fake 20 euro bill I found on a bench at my local mall. Littering for Jesus."
"For every counterfeit, there's something original."
"And very, very happy to get that counterfeit."
"The first time I ever saw a counterfeit bill I was blown away. I mean it had the security strip, it had the watermark, it was the right color, the right texture."
"All of these have been seized by Trading Standards, they're cracking down on folks across the country."
"If the deal is too good to be true, then most likely it's going to be a fake watch."
"There is a distinct difference between counterfeit and knockoff... Counterfeit products are designed to deceive the buyer... whereas knockoff products... resemble another item but they're usually at a lower price point than the original that inspired them."
"I'm going to build up that counterfeit system as a proper counterfeit system."
"Your reasoning from the existence of counterfeits to a denial of the genuine article does not obligate me to deny the existence of genuine currency."
"Nobody bothers to counterfeit bad currency."
"Everything Satan does is a counterfeit."
"If you would go to the Arctic and depend on the jacket, and you would have bought the fake jacket, I think you would be in trouble."
"At that time, about a third of the money in circulation was fake."
"This video is not to promote the fake; it is to educate you about these things being out there in the black market so you need to be careful."
"I bought this bayonet in 1977 and had it in my collection for years before I realized it was a fake."
"I've been investigating counterfeit watches professionally since 1995."
"The main adversary that we as the church have to fight is not open witchcraft... what we have to battle is counterfeit Christianity."
"I'm going to tell you all about what happened and how you guys can prevent yourself from buying fake fragrances."
"If something has been counterfeited, it is because the real deal is valuable."
"Flattery is the counterfeit of honor."
"If you buy them on the black market, you run the risk of getting tickets that are bogus."
"Sometimes you have to encounter the counterfeit so that when you meet the real, the authentic, you'll know it."
"The counterfeit cosmetics industry has caused a lot of harm to individuals, brands, and companies."
"There's a warning about the dangers of fake beauty products. Should you buy it, or could it be counterfeit that could be dangerous to use?"