
Tree Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"The more branches you have, the fuller this tree is going to look."
"There was a tree and it was the branch... The Roots were all my different choices that had led me to this moment."
"The black locust is a tree that's just like perfect for this condition; it's rot-resistant, it is harder to catch on fire, and it's just going to last and last and last."
"The Hazel is a really interesting tree and has had a relationship with man for a very, very long time."
"Next time will be SCP-2881, also known as 'The Tree You Cannot Climb.'"
"This tree watched me get married too, you know," he whispered. "Now it'll watch over your marriage just like it did mine."
"The kanji for tree and forest are my favorite kanji."
"Go sit under a tree and think about that one for a while."
"The oldest tree on record is an estimated 200 years old."
"Pando: the world's largest tree, covering 106 acres of land mass."
"The tree is roughly 4853 years old, making it not just the only non-clonal living tree in the world, but also the oldest confirmed non-clonal living organism period."
"I love the tree and with the iconic green and gold Holland Cooper presents under the tree, it really is a dream come true."
"Absolutely gorgeous is this tree looking."
"But that's got TREE in it as well You're giving the TREE less juice there."
"Goodbye tree that's too close to the house."
"Each of them is a memorial tree and each of them has a tag on it which could be honestly its own virtual experience."
"It breaks my heart to see beach trees like this cuz it's one of my favorite trees and people aren't planting them anymore."
"God is truly able to take a small seed and turn it into a big tree."
"No matter what deficiencies or inadequacies you may have as an individual, God is truly able to take a small seed and turn it into a big tree."
"Everybody that's ever lived here has recognized that tree is sort of a symbol of home."
"I made myself this evening shower, I'd go full some full of big cast iron kettle with water and then I would warm it on the fire and then I would pour this kettle of hot water over myself totally alone up in the tree. It was the best shower I've ever had."
"That's actually such a nice tree, oh, that's cool, a little gingerbread house."
"Essentially, I want to have like segments of the tree be different eras."
"This wonderful tree has lots of great applications treating joint and arthritis pain as well as being really good for the brain and treating things like anxiety and depression."
"This is called a Hong Kong orchid tree and it's probably my favorite flowering tree and I absolutely have become obsessed with these trees."
"This oak tree is about 60 years old, luckily for us, but not for the tree."
"The baobab tree... a tree from Southern Africa known for its bottom-heavy approach."
"The Carri tree... one of the largest by volume in all of the nation [New Zealand]."
"You have a tree and it's just such a wholesome gift, isn't that the most wholesome gift you could possibly?"
"He shall be like a tree planted by rivers of living water."
"It's actually looking like a small tree at the moment because it's gotten really shaggy from all of the new growth."
"1, 2, 3, lights light up the tree."
"A tree produces a delicious fruit and a new variety is born."
"Every now and then, a tree produces a delicious fruit and a new variety is born."
"The brain itself is much more a grass than a tree."
"A canopy anchor does a few really important things: It reduces load at the tie-in point, it enables us to tie in higher in the tree, and it's easier to retrieve."
"So I bet you can guess what I did... I gave it one look and I thought oh how sad... and then I picked out a healthy normal tree took that one home and decorated it beautifully."
"The best compliment that you could give somebody that's tending a tree is to tell that person that it looks like you didn't do anything."
"Each tree yields its fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."
"Magical to put up tree alone, appreciate the moment."
"Excited to decorate the rest of the tree, best part."
"This is going to be the best Christmas tree we've ever had, right Garfield?"
"General Sherman is the largest tree in the world."
"The strength of a tree is in the part that you can't see."
"A tree that's really well balanced and has a nice canopy gives a peaceful feeling to the person viewing it."
"That Christmas tree is just the right size for the house."
"It's essentially the tree of life or the tree of knowledge."
"It's going to be a big old Christmas tree."
"I'm mesmerized by the tree. So cute."
"It could easily be 80 to 100 years old."
"The Apex is the crowning glory of the tree."
"A tree is a directed graph and in particular, it has no cycles."
"Now there you go, you can start to see that textbook tree start to form or that general really basic S shape."
"I couldn't let them wake up Christmas morning with no tree for the presents to go under."
"Our tree now looks much more like a tree."
"Now let's go ahead and add some highlights to really make this tree pop."
"This ancient bristlecone pine is 4,854 years old."
"That is an awesome looking tree just laying there, it just looks wow, such a natural beauty."
"It's not really Christmas unless there's a tree."
"If we want to preserve the tree structure, what we need is that every node has a unique parent and that the tree contains no cycles."
"If a tree has stood for seven thousand years, it does just seem intuitive that that tree is somehow different."
"The budding of further evolution begins with the budding of this tree."
"Hollis means 'holly tree,' and I think it is so cool."
"I still think this is the best piece to display the tree."
"The tree does not only give us flowers, beauty for our eyes and for our spirit, but it also gives us shade in the hot weather."
"It's a spectacular freaking tree, friends."
"Overall, it is a very beautiful tree."
"What a great tree though, and really cool bark on it too."
"A tree is really just a special kind of graph with a couple different parameters that must be true for something to be a tree versus just a regular old graph."
"Trees are just a special kind of graph, except that they can only have one root and one unique path between any two nodes."
"A tree should have a root node from which all other nodes are accessible."
"I love the smell of a living tree."
"I'm pretty impressed with my tree."
"The general tree itself is known as a bit of a cure-all; it's got enormous amounts of value."
"All the energy of the tree grows up and ends up at the top."
"I think we've got the most beautiful tree ever."
"The Tree of Life stood in the middle of the garden, and the fruit of it gives life forever; it's eternal life."
"Here's a look at the tree now, and it looks fantastic."
"I love it, my Christmas tree nightmare right now."
"What I think is more helpful in some cases may be a tree."
"This is a gorgeous tree, complete with remote control."
"I can't believe it's the same tree."
"It's hard to believe it's the exact same tree."
"It's how trees grow in nature, and it makes a tree look very mature."
"It looks just like a tree would grow in nature, I think."
"We're looking at my favorite tree on Juma, the Torchwood."
"What I really loved about it was this big old Sitka spruce that was kind of the foundation to the photograph."
"These are the 4ft prelit Cypress, I have heard so many good things about this little prelit tree."
"This is the coolest tree. I love this."