
Smoke Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"As you can see now it does a really cool job of lighting up the smoke as it flies around."
"It's super super smoky, you get a little hint of that gochujang."
"It's not dry at all, got like a really nice mild seasoning, and like, I think it takes the smoke really well."
"You should have some way of signaling with smoke; it's one of the only ways to signal to somebody who's very far away."
"Blowing tons of smoke, something that you're not going to mess when you view a car."
"Well, when we made it out of the thick forest trail where the trees weren't blocking us in, we could see what made the horses so uneasy: smoke. Loads of smoke was coming up the mountain."
"The smoke profile that comes off the FEC 100 is absolutely fantastic."
"There's a saying in England, where there's smoke, there's fire."
"Smoke and dust flies into the sky as an unequal battle takes place."
"Can you guys tell that it's smoky out here?"
"Thin blue smoke is the gold standard for smoking barbecue."
"I remember restroom smoke sessions. That [ __ ] was crazy."
"Always focused on that clean blue smoke, you know. Want to make sure it's not that, that you know, uncombusted creosote."
"Initiates in that first outside zone, all cutting through that smoke line."
"So dreadful was the air down there, in fact, the company encouraged their drivers to grow beards, suggesting that a big bush of facial hair would act as a filter against the smoke."
"I'm a fan of them because they cover up the gasket, these tend to Streak Less."
"Virginia tobaccos: the cleanest, purest smoke in the American tobacco industry."
"Images of huge plumes of fire and smoke billowing from the site."
"...lots of smoke, it's smoking gun after all."
"Now when you first start up a turbo, doesn't matter what brand, they will typically smoke a little bit, so if you start the car up and you see a little smoke, don't panic."
"The air was hazy with blowing smoke."
"Whoo-whee I think maybe so you can see some smoke drift in there in the background."
"A powerful explosion that leaves a lot of black smoke."
"According to our dear Matthew I had that drink then we smoked while watching a film before going into the bedroom..."
"Where there's smoke, there's a woman telling the truth."
"A powerful explosion lights up the sky, leaving areas of the castle in smoke."
"That's like some sort of fluid, a lot of smoke out of those right side pipes."
"Cheers to smoke, you know, at the end you just gotta give it a little swirl and then, good soup."
"Heads up, bodies down, like a snake on the ground, heads up, bodies down, when there is smoke around."
"It's almost like American barbecue. I can taste the aroma of the wood and that smoke infused in that stingray."
"We want to create rolling smoke for a large plume like a thick oil smoke fire plume."
"We want to cool it because smoke is basically incomplete combustion."
"The combination of direct heat flavor and that wood smoke—fantastic."
"I'm grateful that the smoke is starting to go away."
"Nothing like a little curl of smoke to give things a little personality."
"The memories linger like smoke in the room, huh, and we gonna find a remedy real soon."
"Imagine cigar smoke that's black, and a person blows a circle with a cigar, and how that smoke has its life of its own."
"It looks great, you see the smoke is pushed from the trails and it's thicker now, it looks more natural."
"That's going to be the Islay, yeah, the smoke is tame, it is like wafting on the breeze."
"The Sun blotted out by smoke, we can barely see the mountain out there."
"The smoke will always be affected by the wind movements."
"It's so unusual how there's not really a lot of smoke on the flavor profile; the smoke is there to hold everything together."
"Absolutely just phenomenal smoke."
"It's fun, it looks like smoke coming out of the chimney."
"So let me repeat, when grilling Pacific saury, make sure you wrap it in smoke."
"The smoke from the fire is affecting the area in a dramatic way."
"Yesterday was very bad, in Melbourne it was just a blanket of smoke over the city."