
Now Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"And now, now, now, now, now, I have a claim."
"The present moment is where all the magic happens."
"Access the Power of Now, that is the key."
"The whole essence of Zen consists in walking along the razor's edge of now."
"The present moment is all you ever have."
"Allow everything to be, within and without. Allow the isness of all things. Move deeply into the now."
"Masters of all traditions have pointed to the now as the key to the spiritual dimension."
"Things have meaning while they are here now, so be here now."
"When the future comes, it won't be tomorrow anymore; it will be the now."
"We only got to do now is a special word, peace."
"I think what I'm doing now is very brave."
"Now is the time to actually take action and do something about it."
"No, this is it. This moment is it."
"I want to make a new beginning, and I want to do it now."
"You get to determine who you are in a complete absolute sense right now."
"Turia is not something available in some state called the Turia state; rather, where is the Turia available? Here and now."
"Now is the only time you have to be whole. Now is the soul moment that exists to live in the light of your true nature."
"You are always living this timeless now."
"It's time to start fulfilling your purpose now."
"What's here right now is this awake, aware presence."
"You realize deeply now the present moment is all that you have."
"All you have is now; you want eternal life, it's here, it's now."
"Right now, this is us. This is us now."
"Feel that which doesn't come and go is here now."
"It is the highest divinity right now, here."
"Your power is in the moment, your power is right now."
"Living in the present now, living in this eternal moment, this is what the word Fiat means."
"Imagine that there is only now, there is only this moment."
"It's time for me to take action now."
"The gate is here and now; it's awareness, conscious awareness."
"Life is a Timeless moment in the Eternal now."
"That's the biggest takeaway from special relativity, that the idea of 'now' far away really has no meaning."
"What is this presence? Yes. It is this moment right now. That is what it is with me right now."
"We're here now, that's what matters."
"Your entire life unfolds in and as this moment; it's always now."
"Start to draw your intention to the Here and Now."
"It's just who and how are we being now, and let's make the best of what we have now."
"The seat of power, the seat where all power resides is in this present moment now."
"We are each given the opportunity to be a part of that right now, right here."
"Eternity is the eternal now, the eternal moment."
"Be fully present in this moment; build from your past, create into the future, but be here now."
"In the present moment, you should be present."
"Trust may be the most important of all for me because once there's trust there's just now."
"If we want to experience the living presence of God in all things present, we have to come to where God is, which is in the present moment."
"Just be present, just be here in this moment. No past, no future, just this moment."
"Your wish fulfilled is already fulfilled now or right now, the only reality, or not at all."
"Heaven is not some other place; it's right here."
"The kingdom of God begins now with you."
"Revival is now. Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah!"
"Time is not precious; what you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time, which is the now."
"You're going to encounter enlightened people. It's not some guy who lived 2000 years ago necessarily, but here and here and here and now."
"Letting go of everything that's come before, everything that's yet to come, and simply settling in to this moment we call now."
"There's just now, now, now, now, unfolding."
"You have already arrived at the place of sacredness at this moment."
"The only place where the sacred dimension can be found is now."
"Here now is this timeless, placeless, eternal present that never leaves."
"The only thing that exists is right now in this moment."
"Now contains everything, and you can only experience the immeasurable I am within the now."
"All that exists is right now, the past doesn't exist, the future doesn't exist."
"Consciousness isn't a memory, and it's not an emotion, but it's here and now."
"Now is the time to take action, do what you're passionate about."
"Move away from whatever you're doing before and come into now, come into this moment."
"Be present, be right here, because this is where you're supposed to be right now."
"Just enjoy me, right now, in my presence."
"Here and now, always here and now."
"Seek first the kingdom of God, which is of course present here now."
"Time has many mysteries... like the concept of now. Physicists know that there's no such thing as now in the equations we use to describe physical reality."
"You're here now, and that's what matters."
"Stay big, stay in the now because the now is everywhere."
"The search for happiness is because it is there right now, right here."
"Your consciousness can be very fresh, free from that limitation of personhood; it is totally in the now, fresh."
"Simply resting here in awareness, for now, in the timelessness of now."
"Understanding that there is no other moment besides now."
"Christ is that same nature that shone through the life of Jesus, but it's here and now too."
"Waiting for the perfect moment to do something is useless."
"The kingdom of heaven has already come; it is here right now."
"Trust in this awareness, it's here and now."
"I am the awareness in which the whole universe is arising and subsiding in every now."
"The kingdom of heaven is among you; it's here now."
"The unborn, uncreated, unformed, unconditioned is the reality of here and now."
"This is the magic, this is the moment not to miss, the one we're in right now."
"If God is anywhere, he's in the present."
"Now is home, and you are here, and you are that."
"Put aside the past, the present, allow your mind to be present, to be in the moment."
"It's just us right now and right here."
"Starting now, starting now, starting now."
"The power is not in the past, it is not in tomorrow, it's in the now."
"Your spirit lives in an eternal now."
"Life is right now, it's happening right now, so you have to live in the present."
"This is the real Revolution right now that's happening."
"Always back to the present moment."
"Always remember it is now or never. Attach a sense of urgency to your desire to be free."
"From light's point of view, there is no distance, there is no time; light lives in the eternal now."
"The present is the presence that you feel right now, and that presence is the sense of 'I' that you feel right now."
"This truth has always been true and more importantly, this is a truth that is happening right now."
"Thank you, Jesus. Revival is truly now."
"There is nowhere to be except right here, right now."
"Becoming present in your body, present in this moment."
"Be here, be present in this moment."
"I have arrived, I am home; it's the art of being in touch with the here and now."
"God is only God can only be now and is the living life force now and everything that is always present."
"Because all life is precious now."
"The only thing that exists is now."
"If not now, when? And if not us, who?"
"What matters is that you're here now; that is what truly matters."
"Every choice and outcome and desire is a thought in the infinite mind, all happening right now."
"Be perfect now, even as your Father Mother is perfect now."
"Just be tuned with the now moment."
"It's definitely surreal to be doing this now."
"The only thing that matters is this moment right now."
"Do not focus on the time at all because time does not exist; everything is happening in the now."
"There is nowhere that you need to be right now than right here in this space, in this place, in this moment."
"Be present, living the moment, embracing the here and now."
"Anything I want to create can start here and now."
"Enough is enough. The time is now. We need to do this together."
"Your power is always in the present moment."
"Come back to the now, being in the present moment as much as possible."
"It's like she's writing about the now through these different stories and these different characters and it's incredible."
"I see success and some kind of success now."
"You are more than enough as we speak right freaking now."
"We're gonna change that here today, right here, right now."
"It's now or never, so it's gonna come now."
"One step alone can bring you home to the here and now."
"Presence is freedom, and presence is only available to us in the now moment."
"Be here now, be in the present moment."
"All that matters is that I'm here now."
"The best thing we can do right now is to be present."
"What we truly have is this moment."
"In reality, the past doesn't exist, it is simply a memory, and the future doesn't exist, it's simply a thought. There is only ever now."
"Just be here in the now; this is where your point of power is."
"We are feeling that energy right now."
"Now is exactly where I am and that is the place of profound learning."
"That would grab my attention now."
"Be in the present now; be here now."
"Practice The Power of Now, get in the present moment today."
"Spirituality is not about searching for some far-off land, spirit is here."
"Your destination is now, the eternal now."