
Sorting Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"The core experience of approaching a ship, reducing it to its component parts, and sorting those parts into their designated receptacles is very satisfying."
"Let them have the space to sort through their stuff."
"Quick sort has a best-case run-time of O(n log(n)), but a worst-case run-time of O(n^2)."
"I'm writing a function named sort that will take an array and number of elements in the array."
"Sorting off a list is always done on basis of some ranking mechanism."
"A sorting algorithm is a set of precise step-by-step instructions that a computer can follow to sort a list. Sorting is a common task for computers, so a lot of research has gone into designing efficient sorting algorithms."
"We have to sort 320 of these so we'll be done soon surely."
"She wanted to be Gryffindor, bro, what the [ __ ]?"
"So once you go through this process, you're going to be left with a yes pile, with a no pile, and a maybe pile."
"Setting sorting on something is dealing with shaders."
"So I've got the organizers, pulling everything out and they're just sorting for clothes, for hats, for shoes and for paper."
"So, okay, let's say I have a sorted array then. But I'm not really sure I'm adding new information at this point."
"You're getting through it, you're sorting through all of that chaos and that mess."
"We can sort based on multiple priorities using the big sort option."
"You see that we were able to use sorting in order to organize this data in a way that makes sense to us. This enables us to find data more easily."
"Zero padding ensures that files sort the way you'd expect."
"Now one thing that's worth noting here is that we don't have any type of clear sort button."
"Permutation sort... not safe for work."
"This list is going to be given to you according to the order in which I read them throughout the year, not according to my preference how much I liked one over the other because I just I couldn't be bothered."
"Do you guys get like really triggered when I put something in the wrong pile?"
"Now we just have to turn this merging algorithm into a sorting algorithm."
"The algorithm achieves optimal in-place and stable merging, a significant accomplishment in sorting."
"The pursuit of efficient sorting algorithms drives innovation in computer science."
"...blocks gr sort uses the same block size for every merge."
"The algorithm that does achieve optimal in place and stable merging is block sort."
"I'm finally excited to see what house I'm in, your boy's in Hufflepuff and if it was right man, it feels good."
"Goodness me, goodness me, look at this, so much to sort out."
"Since your questions are very different, I think there's a strong chance you will be a Hufflepuff."
"When you call sorted on an array, we get items sorted alphabetically or numerically."
"Sort by number in ascending order."
"So as we can see we can use macros to sort as well."
"It means that I don't start digging and sorting and making piles and pulling things out and trying to well if I can see everything at once then I'll have a better idea I that doesn't work for me."
"What Hogwarts house are you? I took a test for the official test and I got Gryffindor."
"So a bunch of the stuff today will be unpacked, decluttered, sorted through, and whatever does belong in this house will be assigned at home."
"Sort by key: sort by custom criteria."
"the most efficient way to sort something is k log base 2 of k."
"So that's order and Order buy moving on to order descending and order by descending."
"Proportion extendsort fixes quicksort's worst case by putting more thought into choosing a pivot."
"I've got a rack of crap to sort and then the TTRS stuff is on another rack."
"We're just sorting, we're getting there."
"I'm arranging them in those piles."
"We want the most recent one at the top. So, what do we do? Date descending."
"Particles of the same size are deposited at the same time in a process called sorting."
"The sort function allows us to basically do the same thing but in a formula as opposed to in a command that's located on a ribbon."
"Bubble sort is not effing hard, okay? It's not hard. You should be able to bubble sort. Just do it."
"Bubble sort did I do all this right? Yep."
"It's like Harry Potter sorting a frame. A frame comes in, we look at the tag, and then we have the logical sub interface that matches that tag."
"...it's sorted by date so all these numbers are a bit more scattered around. So now you can see how useful that scale is where we can just very easily see where the highest number is and the lowest numbers are based on their colors."
"These things are fully SFI sorted, which is pretty rad too."
"They gathered the good into vessels, but threw the bad away."
"Separate your piles based on texture."
"It helps you sort through the haystack and find the needles."
"You can choose Gryffindor, the sorting hat takes your choice into account."
"We're still going through this box."
"I'm just gonna make a pile on the side."
"Riddle was educated at Hogwarts from 1938 to 1945 and was sorted into Slytherin house."
"We've got one last box from the antique booth clean-out to go through."
"When you arrive at Hogwarts, you will be sorted into one of the four Hogwarts houses."
"I heard a hat is what sorts you by reading your mind and picking the house that would be best for you."
"I'm going to be going through stuff, sorting it, and stuffing it over here."
"Sorting allows you to return your results in ascending or descending order based on an attribute that you specify."
"Remember, we want to go from smallest to largest."
"If we want to minimize the absolute difference, don't you think it would be helpful to sort the array?"
"Maybe they're sorted based upon their intelligence; as far as anybody can figure out, clams are not too bright."
"Let's actually reverse it. And the easiest way in Python to do that is to pass a third argument into sorted."
"Sorting is an excellent activity for children."
"Merge sort, for example, is a sorting algorithm that has a worst case runtime of Big O of n log n."
"There is a function in Python called sorted that will use one of those better algorithms."
"Sorting is also used to represent data in more readable format."
"Once you've done this partitioning, you're good to go. You just recursively sort the first part, you call QuickSort again to recursively sort the right part, and bingo. The entire array is sorted."
"The running time of QuickSort depends crucially on how you choose the pivot."
"A pivot is good if it splits the partitioned array into roughly two equal sized sub-problems."
"QuickSort, if you pass it an already sorted array and you're using the first element as pivot elements, it runs in quadratic time."
"The best we can hope for is a n log n upper bound."
"The average running time of QuickSort, implemented with random pivots, is big O of n log n."
"For every input array of length n, the average running time of QuickSort with random pivots is n log n, almost as good as the best case."
"In binary search, we need to send a sorted array for searching any particular value."
"With the bubble sort, we begin at index 0, the beginning of our array, and swap elements if the element on the left is larger than the element on the right."
"The larger values will naturally gravitate towards the end of the array."
"If the values in this map can be stored in sorted format, then we can also sort this entire trie lexicographically."
"What are the two fundamental operations in any comparison sorting algorithm? We're going to have comparisons and we're going to have swaps."
"We have the top end acting as a filter and that's also using it based on our sort by that we had chosen earlier."
"Yards are intended to move cars around to sort them so that they can more efficiently help them move on down to the line to their ultimate receiver."
"Freight yards receive trains or blocks of cars from trains, and they sort these cars based on their destination."
"If you want to perform the sort mechanism, you can use this particular thing and you can play with the list."
"Made it back home safe and sound, I have all kinds of stuff to go through."
"Prospecting is a process of sorting, not even a sales activity, it's a marketing activity."
"Permutation sort is the world's simplest sorting algorithm."
"That's a very easy way to check if a list is sorted."
"It's going to sort your strings alphabetically, your numbers by size."
"Isn't it an Avatar's job to sort stuff like this out?"
"Merge sort works by dividing the list and then combining it while keeping the items in order."
"Heap sort is a comparison based sorting algorithm, and there does not exist a comparison-based sorting algorithm with running time better than N log N."
"In artificial intelligence, you really need to know how to work your way through an array, and sort is one of the things that you want to do."
"We sort the eigenvectors according to their eigenvalues in decreasing order."
"Sorting pointers by address value is meaningless; what we really want is to sort by what's in the object."
"I would like to sort them in reverse lexicographic order and then I'd like to print out the size of the array and each element."
"Block Sort, the algorithm that achieves optimal in-place and stable merging."
"The way bubble sort works is it goes through the list and swaps the pairs when they are out of order."
"You can't be sorted a second time."
"Merge sort falls into that framework."
"The sorted function returns a sorted list from the items in an iterable."
"I'm going to immerse ourselves into this, so what house am I about to be legitimately in real life sorted into?"
"It's all about algorithms and sorting and different algorithms."
"We're going to look at ordering our blog posts by the date that they were created."
"Topological sort is another famous problem."
"A common pattern when we go to search for data is we first sort it, then we search for it using the binary search method."
"You know, I sometimes think we sort too soon."
"You're going to be able to sort an array if it contains the same data type."
"If you go outside the comparison sorting model you can do better, you can get linear time in some cases, better than n lg n."
"Binary search trees naturally stay sorted, so it is easy to get all of their elements out in sequence."
"It is time to get organized, to sort out all of these Works in progress."
"Once we've added a new item into our list, we could sort that item alphabetically."
"The quick sort algorithm is a very efficient algorithm that's actually widely used in the real world."
"We've sorted our array with quicksort."
"An easy way of checking if strings are anagrams is if you sort the characters in that string."
"You've really got the sorting knack."
"Order n log n is the fastest time bound we have for sort."
"We're just back into the Harbor now, going to sort through the crab and the lobsters."
"Sort the left half of the elements, and then sort the right half of the elements, and then, OK, merge them together."
"We're going to have a keep pile, a throw pile, and a donate pile."
"Quicksort works by partitioning arrays so that the smaller numbers are on the left and the larger are on the right."
"Binary search assumes, just like a phone book assumes that the names are actually sorted from left to right."
"So now we go 1, 10, 25, 30, 60, 65, 75, 80, 85, 100, so you see all of this is in order where 1 is the least and a hundred is the greatest, and that is exactly what we want to have happen."
"Radix sort is probably one of the most interesting sorts and it's probably one of the first invented sorts."
"Now you can see in this final picture over here that the heap is properly sorted because all the parents are greater than the children."
"Some sorts keep data that have equal values in the same order that they came in, rather than randomly switching them around. Those are called stable sorts."
"The in-order traversal will lead to the sorting of the values of the tree."
"Sorting is pretty cool, and that gives us binary search."
"That's one of the features of bubble sort, even though it's an N squared algorithm, is that it does tend to stop early if things are well sorted."
"Counting sort is at the basis of trying to have your sorts work in linear time."
"Binary search tree follows all the properties of a binary tree but with an additional property where the values are sorted."
"An inorder traversal of a binary tree is a sorted listing of all the nodes."
"Quicksort, no matter how you choose a pivot, sorts."
"In merge sort, you're going to sort a whole bunch of elements. You split it in half, give half to one person to sort, and the other half to another person to sort."