
Disposition Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Be of light heart, good nature, good spirit."
"I'm kind of grumpy in the mornings, as opposed to the afternoons and evenings when I'm cranky and snarky."
"They are knowledgeable, talented, and humorous, with a cheerful disposition."
"If we make, if we recognize these truths, we can quietly, in general, solve most of the dispositional problems of our living."
"Any man with a feeling and deeper insight for the workings of the whole will find some pleasure in almost every aspect of their disposition, including the incidental consequences."
"A sunny disposition will always see you through."
"It wasn't that he was naturally predisposed to be so surly."
"Estus Perkle just likes violence."
"You've got to smile, and that's my always been my problem."
"Your demeanor, your disposition towards people, that energy you have of not getting into other people's business or losing focus... Keep doing what you're doing because it's gonna lead to favor."
"Humans are not hardwired to inhabit that disposition."
"Cheerful disposition - a joy to be around."
"She’s also good natured, and has a great sense of humor."
"I think there's a spicy disposition that is required to actually advance and you don't gain ground unless you're ready to actually own it in a way that does offend certain sensibilities."
"I think some people are just born to complain."
"It's the same kind of concept. It's a functional concept. It's a statement about natural function, natural dispositions."
"One of the dispositions we try to teach our students is to be able to face failure every day so that they can learn from their tactical errors."
"The happiness or unhappiness of men depends no less upon their dispositions than their fortunes."
"Continue to walk in this disposition of Freedom."
"In recognizing I don't have the disposition for certain behaviors uh or lifestyles at least not at the moment the same might be the case with commitment but I'm happy to know that rather than to think it's some like one specific thing you know."
"All human beings are born submitting to their natural disposition."
"Some people are just naturally happier than others."
"Thank you very much for your service. Again, thank you for your sunny disposition."
"I think I'm just quite down to earth, quite sociable. My disposition is normally happy chappie, so that normally rubs off on people."
"Trust is an attitude, a state of being."
"Self-employment suits your disposition and intentions."
"When people interview me about my audience, I usually say I don't have a demographic, I have a disposition."
"I think people with bad dispositions are more to be pitied than anyone on earth."
"He's always good tempered, always glad to see you, always sorry when you go."
"Disposition, our response, is a lifelong issue. That's what the church talks about: revival of the grace effect."
"Gratitude seems to come easy for you, that is a natural disposition."
"If I receive a gift I don't really have a need for, I usually just let it sit there until I have to throw it away."
"I'm extremely goofy, I'm very silly, I'm very happy, I'm very positive."
"Prayer is not an attitude... it's a disposition."
"He had such a cheery personality, never grumbled about anything."
"Becky has always been a real smiley child even when she was a little baby because she was always, you know, happy and friendly to everybody, it seemed like."
"Joy is a disposition and emotion."
"Mercy is the expected attitude and disposition of God's people."
"Some people are just more lovers than fighters."
"But the truth is, in real life, I'm really a peaceful person."
"I'm generally a pretty happy person."
"From childhood my heart and mind were disposed to the gentle feeling of Good Will."
"Nothing is so invincible as a good disposition, if it be sincere."
"He always had a big grin, he was always happy, and he was of a very sunny disposition."
"I'm super romantic, I don't know what it is, it's either you got it or you don't."
"The fitra, the innate disposition that a person has, this trait in God as one."
"Marcus thanks his grandfather for teaching him a kindly disposition and a sweetness of temper."
"A loving disposition will not readily suspect persecution."
"You always wake up so happy, don't you?"
"Well, you're just so happy all the time."
"That's a well-suited position for somebody who's not squeamish."
"Her disposition was not a weakness, it was a factor that could raise her potential if handled well."
"She's absolutely charming when she wants to be."
"Laughter is an infallible index to character, and no amount of dissimulation can make the laugh of an ill-disposed man agreeable."
"The natural psychological disposition of a human being is to believe in God."
"I'm genuinely happy all the time."
"He had a sunny disposition and he was generous."
"He who has a good heart will have a good disposition and will be a good companion and a wise man."
"I'm not happy-go-lucky, I'm just a really happy person."
"Once he got the people disposed towards his teaching, then he'll bring the teaching back to the Four Noble Truths."
"A good disposition is invincible, if it be genuine."
"She was always jolly, cheerful, and happy."
"That one is happy who gets for himself praise and a good disposition, if he can get it."
"Under all adverse circumstances, your natural disposition is to act that way."
"Painting is an activity fundamentally disposed towards happiness."
"My word for Nikki is light-hearted."
"Leadership is more disposition than position; influence others from wherever you are."
"The transition to becoming a conscious high performer is the degree to which your relationship to your pursuit stays in harmony with your unique disposition."
"What a hopeful disposition you have!" said I, gratefully admiring his cheery ways.
"The most manifest sign of wisdom is constant cheerfulness."
"That was the way Nynaeve saw it, she herself had maintained her usual even disposition, of course."
"He has just got such a gorgeous lovely little sunny disposition."
"Chōmei is one of the happier go lucky tailed beasts."
"I don't hate people, I'm very friendly."
"I'm happy I'm a happy person, that's why I'm smiling."
"Forgiveness is our default setting and our knee-jerk response to anything that comes our way."
"There's people that bring clouds and there's people that bring sunshine."
"Our souls, like minds, have a personality, so to speak, a natural disposition towards which they are inclined."
"It's not within your nature not to forgive."
"Liberalism as a disposition, it's a set of attitudes, a set of cultural assumptions."
"You have such a positive cheerfulness."
"I've just always been a happy person."