
Flowering Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"All the plant life now is now flowering regularly, under grazing, a lot of plants never get a chance to flower."
"The flowering plants are kind of the apex of plant evolution."
"Patience is required with these if you want them to flower because it takes a minimum of seven years for them to mature enough to flower."
"It really will create a fantastic variety of colours and a long flowering period."
"Pruning is important for continuous blooming; they bloom on new wood."
"Cosmos will flower for you all summer long."
"This one's got some really nice red sun stress coloring, and it's constantly producing flowers, which I really love."
"To get them to flower, because that's what they're known for, is these show-stopping flowers."
"It flowered in response to changing day length."
"CONSTANS regulates the expression of that flowering signal that moves from the leaves to the meristem to trigger flowering."
"They bloom, they do have really nice large blooms."
"She's also flowering, as you can see, which usually just happens in quite mature plants."
"This has been super fun, the more sun it gets, the bloomier it gets."
"This plant flowers in late summer and into fall, and it has these nice bright reddish, almost orange flowers."
"They reach maturity faster, they flower more, and therefore have more opportunities to create more hybrids."
"They need full Sun, or at least six hours a day to flower."
"This not only gives you beautiful foliage but the flower is also incredible too."
"The only Hoya that has ever bloomed on me... when it first bloomed, it had that beautiful star-like look and I was so happy with it."
"I'm excited to watch these guys bloom because their blooms are so beautiful."
"They need the cold differentiation of seasonal weather in winter to stimulate the flower spikes."
"Phosphorus helps with the development of flowers and fruit."
"How fun it's flowering, I can't believe it, that is just so, so cool to me."
"This plant absolutely loves to flower all summer long."
"We're not known for our flowers, we're a foliage company, but plants flower and when they do, it's special."
"If you can get a plant that's flowering, boom."
"Trees of All Seasons burst into flower and ripe fruit hung from the branches."
"Joseph of Arimathea's bush is said to sprout flowers every Christmas and Easter."
"Just like Joseph's bush in Glastonbury, the Shenley holy thorn is said to blossom and flower every Christmas and Easter."
"It kind of essentially kick-starts your production of flower for your plant."
"The first time I used this, I noticed that there were bud sites within a week versus within two weeks like a typical flowering period."
"After about 3 years, you'll start to get your best kind of flowering, and it'll continue for a few more years."
"What happens is at the end of February, they just start to go bloom ready for growing more right through to winter and then flowering."
"One tip in identifying elderberry is to look for it in the early summer when it starts to bloom because it develops these large clusters of white flowers."
"We've got most of our flowers now in full flower."
"Daylilies... bloom from June to November, and new flowers open daily."
"This is sweet autumn clematis. It flowers white in September."
"The funny thing or the most interesting thing of a flower of a dragon fruit is it will only open for one night."
"It takes years and years, but I will show you some that I have as large bonsai which do flower."
"Anubias does flower as well, and it will flower under the water."
"Once this flowers, the overlap of flowering and foliar production is such a challenging moment for prunus."
"They flower during the winter, so in the middle of January, when it's pretty cold and everything else is pretty much dead or frozen, you're gonna start to see flower bracks come out of these."
"It takes a lot of energy for plants to produce flowers, and feeding them extra nutrients will help supplement their needs during flowering seasons."
"When it's leafed out, it's nice. These purple things are the flowers, beautiful purple flower scent."
"The flowering season is spring, and the flower spikes set in winter."
"The black lace elderflower is just about to start flowering, which is magic."
"Phosphorus is super important because that's how your flowers get bigger."
"Red light is in highest demand by the plant for most flowering and fruiting processes."
"The flower full cycle spectrum... it veggies really quite well, but you also have that advantage of when you hit flower, you've got plenty of red."
"Flowering plants often need a lot of potassium and phosphorus."
"Plants like the PK ratios during flowering."
"I'm looking forward to following this tree into the far future to see it develop its branch structure and eventually flower again and become quite a showpiece."
"It's flowering and it looks so stunning; it's really the most beautiful plant ever."
"These spurs... tend to produce a lot of flowers and our spur fruiting apples, this is where the majority of our apples and fruit are going to come from."
"Satsuki azaleas flower in the fifth month of the oriental calendar, which is June in the European calendar."
"My next update is my asparagus fern, and it's in flower."
"Another bonsai of mine that's in flower is my nightshade."
"It just depends where there's food, and when you'll see things like the Buddha beans, honeysuckle, and all sorts of things like that flowering, it brings about quite a bit of nectar."
"Our mango tree is growing really well too, you can see it's going to be flowering, which is so exciting."
"Look how it's flowering, isn't that beautiful?"
"Tis the season when that cool weather hits, that's when they flower, they start splitting."
"Look at that, they're already starting to flower."
"The greatest is love, for when the whole thing flowers, there is nothing but love."