
Serious Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The most serious charge is the conspiracy to commit murder charge."
"We've been treating those like a real racing career almost to a fault."
"I think it's incredibly serious and I understand why Donald Trump did it."
"This feels a lot more serious and performance-focused."
"They recognize that you are something serious that they didn't treat well enough."
"Commitment, things are getting serious."
"A two-week delay would have serious consequences."
"Are you serious? As serious as the Queen!"
"I like it, I like it a lot, serious contender."
"She was such a level-headed, very serious person."
"A serious story with themes of anti-authoritarianism, anti-capitalism, and corporate control are all still being told."
"I think it's nice to have something very whimsical. I love talking about very serious things in very whimsical manners."
"It's dead serious," said Ford. "Deadly, deadly serious."
"But when something is truly off, well, that's another matter entirely."
"Alejandro don't play no games, damn."
"This is the most serious story going on in pop culture right now."
"There's a serious side to studying magic."
"It's the most serious driver's car the company's ever made."
"This thing is a serious and proper off-roader."
"The tragedy is a desperately serious situation for our country."
"Grunge really made stuff much cooler and much darker and much more serious."
"More characters should actually be taking him seriously because of everything he can do."
"Surely you can't be serious." - Airplane
"I'm serious. It's bedtime, and you should go home."
"Now guys, this is serious, 'cause if this goes wrong, you're going to rip through my earlobe, there's going to be blood everywhere, and we're going to need stitches."
"It feels like a Disney Channel original movie but with some more serious subject matter."
"I'm a serious man. I have no time for such unproductive activity," said the businessman.
"I really do like how the stakes went up and this scene got so serious."
"I never really took you as a serious suspect. Boy, was I wrong."
"It's very, very high grade and needs to be taken seriously."
"Nobody's laughing. It's not funny at all."
"There's World War veterans buried here, there is. Are you serious? I'm serious."
"I spend a lot of time doing serious anti-fascist work."
"Devil Woman by Cliff Richard, pretty serious song, definitely in my opinion one of the best songs he ever did."
"I'm very serious and fun at the same time."
"They're fun, they're quirky, but it's a serious watch at the same time."
"It surprisingly takes its subject matter quite seriously and never comes across as cheesy."
"It's a very well made film, pretty engaging while being a very serious film that's for the families."
"Kid shows that get serious... I think serious topics, they shouldn't be that afraid to approach them with kids. The kids kind of need that a little bit."
"He's just straight-laced to the point, no nonsense."
"We do get serious and we do talk about things in a like a high-minded way, we also get fairly ridiculous and it's a lot of fun."
"This song both feels like ethereal and serious."
"Formal sanctions are actions that have quite serious consequences."
"This does feel serious. It does feel like as a driver I can be rewarded by pushing it harder."
"I tell you this story not to entertain you but as a warning."
"It's going to be a little more personal, a little more serious."
"Serious relationship, that's what we should have just said right there."
"When they come forward with an offer, it will be really solid and serious."
"I'm serious, it'll transform your desk."
"They know they've developed something serious, emotional, spiritual with you."
"It's an honor and you got a serious responsibility."