
Haste Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"I'm gonna stay bye just one second. I'm trying to rush through this."
"Kamahl's Will: Tokens gain indestructible and haste, protection for the board."
"Answering before listening is stupid and rude."
"A lot of you are rushing to be in a connection with someone here that you found very charming."
"Connecting with fire could actually bring this about a lot faster if you're looking for haste or quickness right now."
"The dangers of rushing a vaccine before it's ready."
"Who acts in haste repents at leisure."
"I was running around like a lunatic trying to get ready."
"Sometimes the quicker you try to do things the sloppier they get."
"We hastily adopt opinions instead of evaluating them."
"A faithful man shall abound with blessings but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent."
"Leisure is opposed to the concept of haste."
"It's almost too quick for its own good."
"In my haste, I think about this and I look at her face and I think to myself, what if she's undead?"
"I was terrified and with my hands shaking I started my car and drove home as fast as I could."
"I'm going to finish scarfing this down."
"I am not so foolish as to run down the stairs but I descended them quicker than was safe."
"Let's try and make this quick before everyone starts showing up."
"It's just crazy how quick people judge."
"For a long time, I was running and I hurried and I hurried."
"Hurry is the greatest enemy of spiritual life. You cannot be with Jesus in a hurry."
"You can still do things in a hurry but make them pretty."
"...yeah that is hot delicious I'm going to eat all of it got to put the camera down so we can eat it quick..."
"Haste is the mother of imperfections."
"Everyone's in a rush, but no one moves quick."
"People are in such a damn hurry these days. Like where the hell are they going?"
"I'm like always rushing my makeup. I think I'll do the whole thing in like five minutes."
"Well, I am trying to quickly pack everything into the truck and load the horses onto it and get home."
"We made a mad dash to get out of there."
"If you try and rush things, especially because of fear, you will mess up."
"Nobody is ready to leave a football game, but we always in a hurry to leave church."
"I think we made our minds up a little too quick on this thing"
"It appears that everyone may have acted prematurely."
"We'd better hurry," said Paulio, as they all pushed hard for the hab.
"Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good. Haste makes mistakes."
"I regret rushing into another connection."
"The problem with multiples is not that people use them but that they're in a hurry to use them."
"I think a lot of people just rush to judgment."
"We're just trying to rush this thing so you can go back home and we can get doing the thing."
"Being anxious and rushing is a bad place to make a decision."
"Maybe we have gotten so used to skipping and fast forwarding and next and I want to get to this place faster."
"I am hurrying and getting the sourdough shaped and ready to go."
"I better smarten up this time. I have to rush."
"The fastest way to self-sabotage is to rush."
"Every chance that you can, I think you should avoid being in a hurry."
"People have the tendency, especially Pisces, to love too soon, too quickly, and too much before they deserve it."
"We were trying to hurry before the nightfall."
"Nothing good comes from haste and nothing bad comes from patience."
"Don't do anything in haste take your time."
"He literally ran out to make it to church."
"I sped the rest of the way down the road much faster than I ever had before."
"Forcing it or jumping ahead leads to impatience."
"It seems that I acted too hastily."
"A 144-game season was hastily scheduled."
"I'm impressed you noticed. I had no doubt you'd win, but we're in a bit of a rush here so I thought I'd speed things along."
"Whenever you rush, you make a mess."
"Black Friday rushes us into decisions that actually should be slower decisions than we've been taught that they should be."
"Don't hurry or as we like to say, don't fast."
"Everybody wants everything as quickly as possible."
"Now they set out that instant. They didn't even eat. But they found the eleven assembled."
"I feel like I'm always in a rush and work and life has pushed me in that direction."
"Oh, holy [__], we need to get home ASAP."
"Why are people always in a hurry?"
"'We've just got to get to the beach as fast as we can.'"
"I woke up late, so it's just gonna have to be a rushed morning routine. Let's go, honey, let's go, let's go, let's go!"
"I'm not ever going to rush ever again in my life because it just does no good."
"I'm in just a little bit of a rush."
"Hurry in the wrong direction takes you where you don't want to really go fast."
"His stomach hurt. He ate the sub too fast."
"Panic and hurry breed forgetfulness and mistakes."
"They have come out here in a hurry."
"We left nearly everything non-essential as we haphazardly threw our belongings in the truck."
"Let's just be real quick and walk around."
"We be in a rush for absolutely no reason, like so much urgency but where exactly are we going?"
"This is a big mistake for me, rushing. That's all on me."
"I just put it on...you might do this in a hurry."
"Rushing into something is going to lead to failure almost every single time."
"Jeez, when did everyone get in such a hurry?"
"The faster you hurry, the slower you go."
"Let us then hasten, only on these terms will life be a boon to us."
"He who hurries through life hurries to his grave."
"This was a lot of fun. I gotta run."
"Trying to do something quickly often makes more work."
"Haste makes mistakes; impatience can lead to disaster."
"Found my coat and grabbed my hat, made the bus in seconds flat."
"Jumping into something quite quickly, jumping into a commitment."
"Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast."
"The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, but those of one who is hasty, surely to poverty."
"I'm actually so happy with it; like we've been a bit rushed but I am happy with it."
"I'm so excited and I really gotta go because I'm gonna be late."
"You're carrying too much and you're going too fast."
"I've been in a hurry all my life, in a hurry to succeed, in a hurry to prove myself."
"Be patient, be patient, don't be in such a hurry."
"You sound like you're in a rush, bro. Chill out."
"In life, we're always in a rush to figure out the rest of our lives, which is kind of weird when you think about it."
"Haste leads us to get everything the opposite of what we want."
"When you force the pace out of fear and impatience, you create a nest of problems that require fixing."
"Heck yes! I didn't even get time to explain everything."
"It's the most frustrating for me because it signifies the problem with this overall season: the rush, the lack of planning."
"I grabbed my bags and started saying I'm sorry as I ran out of the house."
"Our human nature is to want to go fast and hurry through this, this is not the place to try to hurry."
"So in went Jack, almost falling over himself in his hurry."
"Everybody's in such a rush to protect themselves from each other."
"Always loud, always busy, always in a rush."
"It seems like everybody is in a big rush to go nowhere."
"Hurry is a form of contemporary violence."
"The thing is established by God, and God hasteth to perform it."
"Look at how fast these kids went out the door, I thought the teacher released you, not the bell."
"I always live my life in a rush, like you have to do this, you have to do that."
"So don't act in haste because if you act in haste, you may live to regret it."
"I'm sorry, perhaps I was being a bit hasty."
"If you're trying to rush, typically bad things happen and that's when injuries tend to start showing up."
"I hate when I have to rush, I feel like I make mistakes whenever I rush."
"Sometimes we can't see the wood for the trees; we're running around the world so fast, we can't see what's right in front of us."
"Be patient, 99% of people are not; they'll just try and go too fast."
"It seems honestly from my perspective a little bit rushed."
"I'm so so excited by, I'm rushing to the taxi's already here."
"I understand you're in a rush. But don't let the rush cause your acts to be out of bounds."
"And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger."
"He that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent."
"Sorry," he uttered as he ran ahead.
"The only reason to be acting in haste is because they're afraid."
"No time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"
"And they came with haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger."
"When they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger."
"My regret is we probably pushed a little too fast."
"Don't be in a hurry; you won't only be unhappy with the final product, but it could be dangerous."
"He hastened thither, and Aladdin received him in the hall."
"Sometimes I feel it's pushed a little bit too fast and too soon."
"If you're in a rush, you get yourself in trouble."
"Haste can be folly, but delay is never wise."
"I'm always in a hurry in the morning."
"It's starting to bubble out, hey come on quickly!"
"Ladies and gentlemen, this has been a rush to judgment."
"We're always in a rush as human beings, we're always in a rush."
"We rush through life helter-skelter, missing half of the important things."
"This is very kind of you, thank you," Tom replied, the woman giving a curtsy before making her way back down the stairs rather hurriedly.
"I'd gulp it down so quickly, I could barely taste it."
"We jump too quick to what to do without a strong understanding of understanding music."
"There's a saying, 'Act in haste, repent at leisure.'"
"We are always in such a rush to push it down what's next, who's next."
"People always seem to be after quick washes nowadays, people are a lot more in a hurry."
"Because honestly, if you rush, it doesn't save that much time."
"I didn't hesitate; I selected Solomon and entered, perhaps a little too fast."
"That's just awesome. Thank you, gotta go, bye!"
"Rushing out of trauma puts you in a dangerous position."
"It is not good for a soul to be without knowledge, and he sins who hastens with his feet."
"Turning, going too fast for myself, I missed more than I think I can remember, almost everything it seems sometimes."
"Sometimes when we're doing projects, we'll be really careful at the beginning and then at the end we'll just rush."
"I rush so fast, I didn't even wash my hands, so don't shake my hands tonight, okay?"
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread, and I'm in a hurry most of the time."
"World went and got itself in a great big hurry, especially people in Texas when it's raining."
"Hurry and Scurry away from worry, Gemini."