
CAD Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"SimMechanics connects directly to CAD tools like SolidWorks, Pro Engineer, and Autodesk Inventor."
"By far, Onshape is one of the most powerful free CAD packages accessible right now."
"CAD Sketcher brings measured drawing into Blender and it's fully parametric."
"CAD Sketcher is absolutely perfect... giving CAD Sketcher a go."
"I hope you found this really, really useful. My goal as always is to encourage and get as many people involved in CAD as possible."
"Constraints are extremely important and they tend to always be the same in any CAD package, and if you can understand constraints and master this 2D workspace, then the 3D stuff really just becomes easy, and I promise you that."
"Predictability in CAD should not be underestimated."
"I honestly can't say enough good things about Onshape. Having browser-based CAD that's available to everyone is so awesome."
"There's a lot of really cool things you can do with these mates in assemblies."
"Now we have a nice bevel without having to use a CAD software."
"CAD design has revolutionized all of this."
"I self-learned CAD on Autodesk Fusion 360 during COVID."
"But if you are doing something like fluid simulation or CAD or any kind of high assurance job where you want to maintain control of the intellectual property, then you absolutely can do it at 60 FPS with insanely high performance with top-end Tesla cards."
"They did all of this without removing any of the features that already make Shaper 3D such a great CAD program to use."
"This isn't going to affect the original, this is a great tip to know when working with Xrefs."
"The midplane option is very helpful when you need a plane exactly sandwiched between two other surfaces."
"Surface modeling is a great way to achieve geometry that would be near impossible or completely impossible to achieve using just solid modeling alone."
"We can pad this sketch by using the pad tools."
"We use CAD programs that allow us to analyze how much material is removed and we can use that information to determine where we want to remove it."
"This is one of the things that I love about working in 3D, is you can actually design in 3D as opposed to just being a CAD monkey."
"Create revolve, select this as our profile, and like the axis, it revolves around."
"I really hope that the revolve command makes you feel a lot more comfortable."
"It's very clear that the goal of Shaper 3D is to make CAD easier."
"My conclusion is it has met the goal of being the easiest computer-aided design program I've looked at in the last three years."
"Fully constraining your sketches is a pretty big deal."
"Please verify that the CAD model represents the actual geometry and make sure to extend the openings where needed to avoid recirculation that may lead to mass balance issues."
"That's the beauty of history tree modeling; you can go back and change sketches and do different operations."
"I regret not picking up CAD sooner. Seriously, if you have a 3D printer, you should take the time and at least learn one of the CAD softwares."
"Set up the file in CAD before you get into Revit so you don't have any trouble with the file."
"This is a huge step forward in using a direct modeling tool for parametric CAD modeling."
"Anything you need to know about prote and CAD, she is your guru."
"If you have a surface that is completely sealed but SolidWorks doesn't recognize it as a solid, throw it to the thicken command."
"I can definitely draw faster on CAD than I can draw on a piece of paper."
"Can you have different models in one dynamic block? Absolutely."
"Turbo CAD may seem overwhelming at first, so if you are new to CAD or just new to Turbo CAD, this will be a good place to start."
"This concludes the Turbo CAD quick start tutorial. I hope you have enjoyed it."
"DWG is kind of one of the most common CAD file formats to import into AutoCAD, Rhino, any sort of CAD software you're using."
"I'm just so pleased with this design and the way it looks in CAD."
"HSB CAD specializes in creating flexible software solutions for both Revit and AutoCAD in the off-site construction industry."
"I'm a firm believer in CAD, it's pretty accessible to everybody now."
"Hello everybody, this is lesson one on computer-aided design."
"Oftentimes when we are inspecting 3D parts in PolyWorks Inspector, we may have become accustomed to having a CAD model to facilitate that inspection."
"As our SolidWorks model changes, the CAMWorks model keeps the parametric relation."
"Why would you not use it for modeling structure? It's so much better than drawing something in CAD."
"Taking advantage of SOLIDWORKS selection capabilities and its CAD capabilities, when you pair that with Mastercam toolpaths, these are extremely powerful."
"Hello and welcome to another Lunch and Learn brought to you by CAD dimensions."
"I've been helping customers for 30 years, teaching them how to do their electrical schematics efficiently using CAD and CAE software."
"The color has changed; originally it was blue, now it's black, and that means it's fully defined."
"Vero Surf metrology software is built on a CAD platform, giving it full CAD design capabilities."
"Inspect build is a special measuring mode that displays in real-time the deviations between a part and the corresponding features in a CAD model."
"Enjoy TurboCAD. It's a fantastic application, and I hope you found this helpful in your learning curve."
"We're going to start a sketch so go ahead and click on the front plane."
"Fusion 360 is really powerful, but it is a bit of a steep learning curve, but it's well worth the effort."
"Everything that we do in CAD, we have to consider the manufacturing post-processor."
"Learn the fundamental model concept; it may take longer on your learning path, but it will benefit you in the long run for your CAD designer career."
"You can actually join these lines and make them into a polyline, a single element, and that's by doing the Join command."
"It's quite good for beginners in CAD."
"You need to draw most of the time not in SketchUp but in CAD."
"Importing from CAD is an art, not a science."