
Soil Improvement Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Improving your soil is the single most important thing for gardening, no matter what."
"Coco coir and peat moss lighten up your soil, reduce compaction, enhance drainage, and add organic matter."
"Using Rock picker machines helps Farmers to remove complex items from the land and improve soil quality, thereby increasing production efficiency and yield for different crops."
"With compost, you get a great soil amendment, it's going to hold more moisture."
"The real hack to get better soil and better root adherence, and in fact even grow more roots in the first place, is to bury it a lot deeper."
"...you can see the power of fungi how it improves your soil underneath and also retains water..."
"The soil fertility, weed populations, and drainage have all improved vastly in this little corner of the garden."
"Ultimately, I still think the best technique for amending and improving my clay soil is a mixture of amendments and techniques and time and patience."
"The best way to speed it up is get carbon on the ground and if you can't grow any carbon, let's just say it won't even grow anything, you've got to haul something in there and that's the form of hay."
"We've completely transformed that soil with 200 cubic yards of material."
"The application of biochar can improve the soil organic matter, soil quality overall."
"Biochar can truly change your garden literally for decades to come."
"Biochar is recalcitrant, meaning it's resistant to degradation once applied to the soil, offering long-term benefits."
"Biochar has been around for quite some time, and that is of course an important consideration when we think about putting a lot of biochar into our world soils to mitigate climate change and withdrawing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere."
"But is the practice of using those plants as a chop and drop soil builder a good thing to do? I do think it is."
"Putting down a mulch that breaks down slowly also improves my soil slowly."
"You can do it all while you're improving the soil."
"The goal is to plant things that are going to help improve the soil conditions."
"You're just changing the organic matter and the nutrients that are in the soil that can be used by those plants."
"Using dry leaves as organic mulch is beneficial in improving soil quality and serves as an alternative way to manage waste."
"A one percent increase in organic matter... you'll get to hold 27,000 gallons more water."
"Sorghum... great organic matter Builder."
"Alfalfa plants... are particularly good at fixing nitrogen in poor nutrient-dense soil."
"Improves the availability of phosphorus and potassium."
"One of my goals as a gardener is to constantly be thinking of how to improve the soil."
"When I bought the farm it was about one percent and today it's setting right close to 8.1 organic matter."
"More carbon is always a good thing for your soil."
"The one thing you can do for your entire garden that's better than almost anything else would be to put down a woody mulch."
"Properly managed cattle have improved soils a great deal just because of the increasing health of the grassland."
"Compost is number one for me; there's not a soil structure that compost could not improve."
"Hemp actually gives the soil nutrients; it's not just extracting it, it actually improves the quality of the soil."
"We're going really hardcore these first few years; we want to add lots of organic material."
"Learning how to compost has made all the difference in the health of my garden and soil."
"The importance of soil improvement cannot be denied in modern agriculture; it helps to improve soil quality, increase productivity, and reduce production costs."
"It can store carbon in the biochar for hundreds of years and improve soil quality at the same time."
"If you want to make your soils better, you got to use the four soil health principles."
"That's how you start to expand your soil, is by adding roots and you start to add that organic matter."
"We can use combinations of plants to fix particular problems... especially to fix soil compaction issues, nutrient cycling, building carbon, and improving water holding capacity."
"Once you get this lawn nice and green, what I want you to do is switch over and think about how do I improve my soil health."
"You're not only improving the soil but we're also growing viable food."
"We can produce much more forage per unit of area and improve the soil at the same time."
"We moved to New Forest farm 23 years ago, the soil was red clay and by actively farming... we actually have been able to turn red clay into what looks like topsoil."
"I'm a big fan of mulch; there are a lot of benefits associated with mulch."
"Breaking apart subsoil for deeper roots in agriculture is super important."
"Everywhere will be reseeded eventually, but if we can start to improve the soil and get things going ourselves before that happens, sure all the better."
"Building perfect garden soil never happens, but you get closer and closer to it."