
Filter Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Multi-mode filter with resonance, drive, and ADSR envelope."
"It's kind of a tuned filter, that's interesting."
"It will give you such a smooth, beautiful, very filtered look to your skin."
"Super powerful function filter, so definitely learn it."
"That's a really effective cheap filter."
"Implementing a spam filter reduces the number of unwanted messages in the email system."
"I'm a big [__], I think that you know that you don't want to be saying this stuff right now."
"I just think I was I was I was like that from a young age I was like this is stupid you know I don't understand it and I would I wouldn't be able to not say it and I don't know maybe that's you have no filter I guess right I don't."
"There is something to be said for a little discretion, for a filter, and for living a life with a little bit of mystery."
"So hopefully that gives you a quick rundown of how to clean out an fx6 or an FX4 filter."
"You could absolutely just use a filter to change your face to be a pretty lady even though you’re just some dude who doesn’t even speak English."
"A low pass active filter is a very common application in audio."
"It's necessary. This is very clearly just a black and white filter."
"...they take up space inside of the aquarium unlike a hang on back filter or a canister filter or some other types of filters a Sponge Filter lives and resides entirely inside of your aquarium so it's going to take up some real estate..."
"The rpm filter is by far the best filter for dealing with motor noise, and that's what we should use it for."
"This filter leverages the knowledge of ancient people to enhance your survival."
"It looks like I just put the smooth filter on."
"So right here is where we have the filter."
"Filter takes an iterable and returns a filter object, which is another iterable but without some of the original items."
"Now when people hear the word filter a lot of times they think, oh great another maintenance item, but this is not a maintenance item."
"The filter configuration will be selected that best meets the requirements of the equipment in which it's to be used."
"Absolutely does not get into any fine lines any pores it blurs your skin it is definitely like a filter."
"My skin looks a little blurred, a little filtered, a little Snapchat-ish."
"No lie, I don't have that filter bro."
"This filter literally removes certain frequencies from the audio source that it identifies as noise."
"This Nintendo Switch... instead of filter, it's a rli."
"This multi-select filter can also be combined with other filters, search based on the title of a task."
"One of my favorite things about it is just her filter, which really made with practice his money."
"That's what we're doing, bro? Because over the course of two months in April and May of 2020, people loved him because he was one of the last few YouTubers who had absolutely no filter."
"It looks as if your skin has a filter on it."
"This looks like a Beauty filter in real life."
"I totally recommend you get this filter if you're looking for a budget filter."
"I did indeed filter by vintage like you all told me I could."
"It blurs your skin, it looks kind of like a filter, there's something about it, man."
"We at Kowa like to offer the use of a filter on our spotting scopes; it's a costly investment, it's a lifelong investment."
"This is probably the most commonly used sharpening filter and in my opinion, it is the best."
"Pretty much all the things you want in a filter."
"There's a drive parameter to add some saturation to the filter."
"The quad band filter is the closest thing to getting a no filter look from the backyard."
"It makes everything look really just dreamy; it's such a nice filter."
"Filter was Jim's third solo song under BTS."
"The great filter theory suggests that there is a good chance of civilization extinction before they reach interstellar capabilities."
"A resonator is a very precise filter for longitudinal modes."
"In filter methods, we calculate or compute the predictive power of each individual variable."
"It will change everything about your life because you don't realize it but we walk through life with a filter."
"It acts as a luminous filter for the face."
"It's just a beautiful filter, that's what it is, like we all have filters on our Instagram, this just gives you real life filtered looking skin."
"This is a filter on the skin, this just makes your face look so ridiculously photoshopped."