
Chameleons Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Chameleons change color in order to regulate their body temperature."
"Everyone knows that chameleons have that amazingly long tongue."
"Just keep in mind there's no one way to keep a chameleon."
"Jackson's chameleons are one of the most recognized chameleon species and for good reason."
"Chameleons are some of my favorite animals to own. Despite them being high maintenance, despite them not really being an animal that I handle much, I love my chameleons."
"Male veiled chameleons do get larger than females."
"Chameleons can track two separate targets simultaneously, one with each eye."
"He does change colors, so chameleons change colors to communicate with each other."
"Chameleons can blush just like people do."
"Each species of chameleon has different humidity level requirements."
"Do chameleons breathe in water vapor? True."
"Chameleon eyes should be nice, plump, and round."
"Chameleons are insectivores meaning that they live on insects."
"These two branches are the most important because they will ensure that the chameleon has optimum health."
"If you're looking for a life-changing or unique experience, then keeping a chameleon is that."
"I think chameleons are one of the most interesting and beautiful species."
"Give them the whole enclosure. Give them places to hide. Give them spots where it's difficult to find because that's when your chameleon is going to feel the most safe."
"This is certainly the most beautiful variant of Parsons chameleons in my opinion."
"Chameleons move very slowly, moving slowly makes them even harder to spot."
"Chameleons wearing ladybug hats, they look so happy."
"Chameleons are fun because they'll grab anything you give them."
"Chameleons come in as many sizes as they do colors."
"Chameleons are born with special, microscopic crystals under their skin."
"Chameleons can tell the difference between people and they will recognize you as the person that brings them their food."
"The secret to having a successful, fulfilling chameleon relationship is you have to be okay with whatever they are, whenever they are like that."
"Chameleons will bite only if they're scared for their lives."
"Carpet chameleons are one of my favorite reptiles, probably my favorite chameleon; they're small, which makes them relatively easy to house, they're beautiful, they make an excellent breeding project."
"They do change color quite a bit... they exhibit some pretty amazing color changing ability that rivals chameleons."
"That's the beauty of finding chameleons; they really glow in the dark under our lights."
"Chameleons are insectivores, meaning that their diet consists primarily of live insects."
"Chameleons are some of the most rewarding animals to work with."
"Chameleons can go a whole load of different colors; they can turn black, they can turn yellow."
"Chameleons can look one way with one eye and look another way with another eye."
"I'm also looking out for chameleons as I do, and there's only a few minutes left of this darkness, hoping I do find one."
"Chameleons can change their skin color, so they're already pretty weird and amazing."
"This chameleon is for you. I find chameleons absolutely adorable."
"Chameleons change color to express their mood, not for camouflage."
"I hatched out a bunch of cute baby panther chameleons today."
"Panther chameleons, just like humans, thrive on a varied diet and are strictly insectivores."